noun as in responsibility
Strongest matches
accountability, agreement, bond, burden, commitment, constraint, contract, debt, duty, liability, necessity, need, promise, requirement, right, trust, understanding
Strong matches
business, call, cause, charge, chit, committal, compulsion, conscience, debit, devoir, dues, engagement, IOU, must, occasion, onus, part, place, restraint
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The obligation is all the players give 100%, and I take the same attitude every day.
“SCE is going above and beyond its preservation obligations. SCE is not altering or removing its equipment within the County’s Preliminary Origin Area.”
Mexico, which is under no legal obligation to take back noncitizens, agreed to do so under extreme pressure from Trump’s first administration.
With that responsibility of citizenship comes an obligation not to seek out malice, as President Lincoln once reminded us, but to view others with a generosity of spirit despite our differences.”
Those of us who have been spared have a special obligation to be of service.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.