adjective as in cruel, pitiless
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- adamant
- adamantine
- bound
- bound and determined
- compulsory
- dead set on
- dogged
- hard
- harsh
- hell bent on
- immobile
- immovable
- ineluctable
- inflexible
- ironclad
- like death and taxes
- locked-in
- mean business
- necessary
- no going back
- obdurate
- obstinate
- remorseless
- resolute
- rigid
- set in stone
- severe
- single-minded
- stubborn
- unappeasable
- unbending
- uncompromising
- unmovable
- unyielding
Example Sentences
Manville has the rare opportunity as an actor to make something spectacular out of sheer, inexorable somberness.
Yet despite his inexorable rise, Kerr could walk down Princes Street in his hometown of Edinburgh and, probably, go largely unnoticed.
For Riefenstahl, the career stakes are huge, but less so for American audiences in the 21st century who know that Nazi Germany is on an inexorable path to war.
But he said the path to war was not "inexorable" if the UK re-established credible land forces to support its strategy of deterrence to avoid war.
Spain’s tourist magnets are now looking to repel a seemingly inexorable deluge.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.