jumping to conclusions
adjective as in ill-considered
Weak matches
- adventurous
- bold
- brash
- daring
- determined
- devil-may-care
- fiery
- foolhardy
- frenzied
- furious
- harebrained
- harum-scarum
- headlong
- headstrong
- heedless
- hotheaded
- immature
- impetuous
- improvident
- incautious
- injudicious
- insuppressible
- irrational
- madcap
- overhasty
- passionate
- precipitant
- precipitate
- slapdash
- temerarious
- unconsidered
- unguarded
- unthinking
- unwary
- venturesome
- venturous
- wild
adjective as in precipitant
Strong matches
Weak matches
- adventurous
- audacious
- brash
- determined
- devil-may-care
- fiery
- foolhardy
- frenzied
- furious
- harebrained
- hasty
- headlong
- headstrong
- heedless
- hotheaded
- ill-advised
- ill-considered
- immature
- impetuous
- improvident
- imprudent
- impulsive
- incautious
- indiscreet
- injudicious
- insuppressible
- overhasty
- passionate
- premature
- reckless
- slapdash
- temerarious
- thoughtless
- unconsidered
- unguarded
- unthinking
- unwary
- venturesome
- venturous
adjective as in rash
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in unconsidered
Weak matches
- adventurous
- audacious
- bold
- brash
- daring
- determined
- devil-may-care
- fiery
- foolhardy
- frenzied
- furious
- harebrained
- harum-scarum
- hasty
- headlong
- headstrong
- heedless
- hotheaded
- ill-advised
- ill-considered
- immature
- impetuous
- improvident
- imprudent
- impulsive
- incautious
- indiscreet
- injudicious
- insuppressible
- irrational
- madcap
- overhasty
- passionate
- precipitant
- precipitate
- premature
- reckless
- slapdash
- temerarious
- thoughtless
- unguarded
- unthinking
- unwary
- venturesome
- venturous
- wild
Example Sentences
Neither did Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, who on Sunday said that while Sweden was not jumping to conclusions or "accusing anyone of sabotage without very strong reasons", it was also "not naive".
The Los Angeles Police Protective League, which represents the city’s rank-and-file officers, warned against jumping to conclusions based on video that captured only a portion of the encounter.
As social arrangements continue to evolve—as they always have—it’s worth approaching these changes with empirical curiosity, rather than jumping to conclusions based on a few cherry-picked examples or our own biases.
Ken Morrison, Woodward’s attorney, urged the public to avoid jumping to conclusions about the case.
The authors advise against jumping to conclusions.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.