Example Sentences
As he dispersed the light from dozens of galaxies into a spectrum, which recorded the amount of light at each wavelength, he noticed that the light was always shifted to longer or redder wavelengths.
He confirmed he noticed "a change in her behaviour" after she returned from the Newbury event, and she was no longer her gregarious and outgoing self.
You could buy a humdrum, middle-of-the-road robe from various big-box retailers, but a statement robe signals that you are, in fact, the kind of person who wants to be noticed and appreciated for their taste.
As the woman was leaving the shop on Monday, the owner noticed the bun was damaged and he urged her to pay for the bread, according to police.
He too noticed a big change in Semina when they moved up to secondary school.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.