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adjective as in perceived

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Even City manager Pep Guardiola sensed the bad omens, saying: "When I saw the fire before the game I thought 'the journalists have their headlines already'."

From BBC

Many devotees said they sensed something was wrong, but decided to proceed anyway as there was no confirmation from authorities about the situation.

From BBC

Ancelotti has never been unduly bothered by the opinions of people outside of the club, although this time he sensed there were elements emanating from within.

From BBC

“He was a world-famous figure, and I sensed the responsibility I had in helping to keep his life going in an enormously important, highly stressful job,” she recalled to The Times.

The Londoner sensed an early finish and continued to pile on the pressure in the second as blood flowed down from Camara's left eye after the accidental coming together of heads.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


