adjective as in blank
adjective as in deadpan
adjective as in detached
adjective as in dispassionate
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adjective as in expressionless
adjective as in impassive
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- apathetic
- callous
- cold
- cold-blooded
- collected
- composed
- dispassionate
- dry
- hardened
- heartless
- imperturbable
- indifferent
- indurated
- inexcitable
- inexpressive
- inscrutable
- insensible
- insusceptible
- nonchalant
- passionless
- phlegmatic
- reserved
- sedate
- self-contained
- spiritless
- stoical
- unconcerned
- unexcitable
- unfeeling
- unimpressible
- unmoved
- wooden
adjective as in impersonal
adjective as in incurious
adjective as in inscrutable
adjective as in neutral
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in nonaligned
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adjective as in passive
adjective as in pokerfaced
adjective as in uninvolved
Example Sentences
Arrow’s poker-faced performance and her extensive full nudity is an expression of her confidence.
Coach Matt Peet is normally poker-faced but laughed uproariously in the stand at the sheer impertinence and invention.
This certainly isn’t the first time the typically poker-faced singer has had to shut down rumors about her body.
A melancholy tale of family dysfunction presented as a complicated crime thriller, it combines British regionalism with peak TV-style poker-faced comedy in a way that has made it a critical darling around the world.
Even as he struggles to hide the dough from his music-teacher girlfriend, Román comes under suspicion at work of being Morán’s accomplice, in scenes that briefly transform the movie into a poker-faced office comedy.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.