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Even in this much more complex environment, where the pulsations of blood vessels and the movement of breathing provide additional confounds, the mosTF scope still achieved a four-fold better signal-to-background ratio.

The spinal cord is an "unfriendly area" for traditional imaging techniques due to significant motion artifacts, such as heart pulsation and breathing.

Red supergiants are known to develop such pulsations in the denouement of their life.

Perhaps the most recurrent and laden with meaning — at times a bit too heavily — is a hand at the heart, cupped or with fingers blooming upward, paired with pulsations of the chest.

"Born alive" is defined as breathing or having a beating heart, the pulsation of an umbilical cord, and voluntary movement of the muscles — regardless of if the umbilical cord has been cut or not.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


