adjective as in extenuating
Strong matches
adjective as in parenthetical
adjective as in preliminary
Strongest matches
adjective as in prolegomenous
adjective as in redeeming
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in preparing
Strong match
Weak match
Example Sentences
Arsenal, winners of the competition's previous format in 2007, will host the second leg against Real Madrid after qualifying as group winners.
Additionally, the top 10 players in the LIV Golf standings on 7 April will also be exempt from local qualifying and instead go straight into the final 36-hole qualifying.
The 33-year-old recently said she was considering retirement, external because of a knee injury that forced her to withdraw from Australian Open qualifying last month.
An F1 visa is the most common form of visa used for international student-athletes to attend school and participate in sports for a qualifying U.S. high school, college or university.
Realistically, for both sides, the chances of automatically qualifying for the last 16, by finishing in the top eight, are now slim.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.