noun as in accessory
noun as in bait
Strongest match
Weak match
noun as in club
noun as in cudgel
noun as in decoy
noun as in gambler
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in gamester
noun as in stool pigeon
Example Sentences
But of course, every president since Ronald Reagan has also been complicit in that demise, which has led us to “independent content creators” who are nothing more than propagandists and shills.
Given this view, many have also told me I should have the courage of my convictions and not only vote for Harris but also shill for her.
The gathered Georiga women did seem rather weirdly ecstatic by his presence, but that's because they were all Republican party shills and ardent supporters brought in by Fox.
In a series of tweets, he called Mr Vine a “weasel” and a “government shill” and said: “If you see this fella by a primary school call 999.”
She appeared on “Dancing with the Stars,” starred in a Broadway revival of “Chicago,” wrote a best-selling book and shilled for major brands such as Bic, Glad and Chili’s in self-referential commercials.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.