Example Sentences
The left should take the Stars and Stripes back from the right, which wields it like a cudgel or wears it as gauche fashion statement a la Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth.
The Cold War-era cudgel aimed at winning over the hearts and minds of the developing world stonewalled Musk's auditors when they requested documents they did not have clearance to view.
The chances of a humorous newspaper ever taking up the cudgel against Islam – in the way that Charlie Hebdo used regularly and scabrously to do against Christianity and Judaism – are zero.
“We saw the GOP and conservative forces from Trump on down the ticket use the fear of crime as a political cudgel.”
Presidents have an extraordinary amount of discretion when it comes to disaster aid, which Trump reportedly wielded as a political cudgel during his presidency.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.