think well of
verb as in favor
Example Sentences
Now that we're on the other side, I think, "Well, of course people were ready to watch that. Of course, people were ready to laugh and feel good."
With everything going on in the world today, it probably wouldn’t be difficult to have that political issue or current event where you find yourself diametrically opposed to someone you otherwise think well of.
With the latest twist of his story, George Santos had an opportunity to make people think well of him again.
The series, a follow-up to the same-named 2020 documentary, might also make you think well of postal workers and of people in general — there’s nothing more Christmassy than that, after all, and so welcome in a time when human failure, greed, laziness and stupidity are so deeply engraved in the news.
Despite relief that the 20-year war between the Taliban and occupying Western forces has ended — especially in the countryside, where the fight was at its most intense — the unanimous complaint among Kabul residents, even those inclined to think well of the Taliban, is that there is no money and no prospects for meaningful employment.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.