to sum up
adverb as in lastly/last
Example Sentences
It would seem all but impossible to sum up one of the most distinguished careers in photojournalism in only four words, but that’s just what Nick Ut does when he says, “From hell to Hollywood.”
He uses the term 'grinta' to sum up a particularly Parisian mindset.
Too soon to navigate through this grief or to sum up art’s greatest dreamer, as well as my dearest friend.
Years later, when asked by a lawyer to sum up their relationship, she said: "Our friends used to say we were the perfect couple. And I thought we would see our days through together."
"Frustrating mainly," Alison Speechly, Spurs fan writer for BBC Sport, said when asked to sum up the fan experience this season.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.