adjective as in impossible
Strongest matches
Strong match
adjective as in inaccessible
adjective as in inapproachable
adjective as in unapproachable
adjective as in unattainable
adjective as in unattainable
Strongest matches
adjective as in unreachable
adjective as in unrealizable
Weak matches
- absurd
- beyond
- contrary to reason
- cureless
- futile
- hardly possible
- hopeless
- hundred-to-one
- impassable
- impervious
- impracticable
- impractical
- inaccessible
- inconceivable
- inexecutable
- infeasible
- insurmountable
- irrealizable
- irreparable
- no-go
- no-win
- not a prayer
- out of the question
- preposterous
- too much
- unachievable
- unattainable
- uncorrectable
- unfeasible
- unimaginable
- unreasonable
- unrecoverable
- unthinkable
- unworkable
- useless
- visionary
- way-out
adjective as in unworkable
Weak matches
- beyond
- contrary to reason
- cureless
- hardly possible
- hopeless
- hundred-to-one
- impervious
- impracticable
- inaccessible
- inconceivable
- inexecutable
- infeasible
- insurmountable
- irrealizable
- irreparable
- no-go
- no-win
- not a prayer
- out of the question
- preposterous
- too much
- unachievable
- uncorrectable
- unfeasible
- unimaginable
- unrealizable
- unrecoverable
- visionary
- way-out
Example Sentences
It felt so unobtainable, actually, to me, because I knew what I saw on television, I knew the examples that I didn't see on television or in theaters or on stage.
It was tested in 2013, but Hill ruled that technological advances for even smaller pieces of DNA may yield previously unobtainable results.
In a way, the orphanage children are much sought after as they have received a level of education that is unobtainable for most in their own community.
“I have an obsession with the unobtainable,” he wrote to his sister.
For example, the machine would need steering magnets with fields of 16 tesla—33% higher than the current state of the art and likely unobtainable for 20 years, Murayama says.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.