about tierra climate


    Our mission is to unlock the decarbonization potential of energy storage and accelerate the green energy transition.

  • Method

    Leveraging a first-of-its-kind carbon offset and our novel optimization platform, energy storage assets can operate seamlessly across energy, ancillary, and carbon markets.


    We lead the Energy Storage Solutions Consortium (ESSC): an industry group with over 84 member companies in pursuit of the first Verra carbon methodology for energy storage


  • We Need More Batteries

    To reach ‘Net Zero,’ NREL projects we will need 200-400 gigawatts of grid-scale batteries, which will require over one trillion dollars of investment.

  • The ‘Missing Money’

    Batteries struggle to pencil across most markets due to cannibalization of power markets, saturation of ancillary service markets, and rising costs of equipment and labor.

  • Rising Carbon Emissions

    Without the proper incentives and data visibility, utility-scale batteries may be inadvertently increasing carbon emissions.

The solution

  • Data Analytics

    We provide unparalleled carbon insights to aid developers in siting and operations as well as assist corporations and utilities in making more informed procurement decisions.

  • carbon revenue

    We offer a new class of verified carbon offsets that can boost battery project revenues by as much as 20-30%, accelerate energy decarbonization, and improve grid reliability. A win-win for purchasers and the planet!

  • optimization

    We’re building the first (and only) optimization platform that can operate a battery asset to maximize revenues across power markets and carbon markets.

“It’s an intriguing idea and the only real solution I’ve seen proposed to a problem that no one else is even talking about.

- David Roberts, Volts

Let’s Get greener, Faster.