2. There is a general atmosphere of distrust in the office.(オフィスには一般的な不信感の雰囲気がある)
3. Her distrust of the government is well known.(彼女の政府への不信感はよく知られている)
4. The scandal has led to public distrust of politicians.(そのスキャンダルは公衆の政治家への不信感を引き起こした)
5. His dishonesty earned him the distrust of his colleagues.(彼の不誠実さは、彼に対する同僚の不信感を生んだ)
6. The distrust between the two countries has deepened.(二国間の不信感は深まっている)
7. Her actions have caused a lot of distrust.(彼女の行動は多くの不信感を引き起こした)
8. There is a growing distrust of the media.(メディアへの不信感が増している)
9. His distrust in the system led him to take drastic measures.(システムへの彼の不信感は、彼に過激な措置を取らせた)
10. The distrust in their relationship was evident.(彼らの関係の不信感は明らかだった)
「distrust」は、"the feeling of not trusting someone or something"と定義される。つまり、何かあるいは誰かに対する信頼性や信用性への疑念や不信感を表す。「distrust」の類語
1. I distrust his motives.(彼の動機を信用していない)2. There is a general atmosphere of distrust in the office.(オフィスには一般的な不信感の雰囲気がある)
3. Her distrust of the government is well known.(彼女の政府への不信感はよく知られている)
4. The scandal has led to public distrust of politicians.(そのスキャンダルは公衆の政治家への不信感を引き起こした)
5. His dishonesty earned him the distrust of his colleagues.(彼の不誠実さは、彼に対する同僚の不信感を生んだ)
6. The distrust between the two countries has deepened.(二国間の不信感は深まっている)
7. Her actions have caused a lot of distrust.(彼女の行動は多くの不信感を引き起こした)
8. There is a growing distrust of the media.(メディアへの不信感が増している)
9. His distrust in the system led him to take drastic measures.(システムへの彼の不信感は、彼に過激な措置を取らせた)
10. The distrust in their relationship was evident.(彼らの関係の不信感は明らかだった)
- distrustのページへのリンク