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Whether you need to learn to act like a cat for an acting role, or you just admire feline behavior, there are several ways you can imitate cats. Each cat is different, but many of them share similar behaviors. Unlike dogs, cats can be equally finicky and standoffish as they are affectionate and cuddly.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Doing Cat Activities

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  1. Cats are notorious for sleeping anytime and anywhere. To be like a cat, make sure you get a full night's sleep as well as other quick naps throughout the day. A quick catnap should take about 15 to 20 minutes, so you can take several throughout the day. If you can't sleep during the day try to rest early in the morning. Try to sleep for an hour, if you can.
    • Find a nice sun patch for a warm, cozy sun bath. Cats are usually classified as lazy, but hey, what's wrong with being comfortable?
    • Curl up in a comfy cushion or a fresh pile of warm laundry in a ball or the fetal position. Cats protect their stomachs when they sleep as this is their vulnerable spot.
  2. After waking up from a satisfying nap or a long night's rest, stretch out your body. Like a cat, take your time stretching every muscle and waking your body up. A quick sun salutation is a great stretching routine and it has poses that resemble a cat's.[1] Yawn to stretch your face muscles and look like a cat waking up as well.
  3. Cats groom themselves by licking and pawing their faces to clean off food, odors, and excess hair. Shower at least once a day if not more to keep yourself free from dirt and extra oils. Throughout each day, check your appearance in a mirror and clean up after mealtimes.[2]
    • Cats have claws. Growing your nails out and having them shaped into a point is another way to be like a cat.
    • Brush your hair so that you don't shed hair throughout the day and it stays free from tangles and matting.
  4. Watch birds, practice climbing trees, and get out and explore nature around you. Be active to keep yourself healthy and in the mindset of an adventurous cat. Once you've worn yourself out, take a nap in the sun.[3]
    • Cats like to be entertained and around other cats. Spend time playing and lounging with others.
    • Hunting is an activity that will get you in the mindset of a cat. Even an indoor cat will hunt and chase after toys.[4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Communicating Like a Cat

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  1. Without saying a word, you can communicate your moods, just like a cat. Turn your back and walk out of the room if you're bored or tired. Sit close to someone if you're enjoying their company and close your eyes when you smile to show that you're content and happy.
    • You don't have a tail or ears like a cat, but you can still use your face to express your emotions to people without talking.
    • Or for example, you can pace back and forth when impatient for dinner to be ready or back away when you don't want someone to try and touch or hug you.
  2. Talk in an upbeat tone when you're happy and content and incorporate a growl into your voice when you're mad. You don't have to meow exactly like a cat, but you can copy their sounds. For example, cats chirp and mew at things they like so you could make high pitched, happy squeals when you see someone or something you love.[5]
    • To show displeasure, you can hiss like a cat does when it's threatened or irritated.
    • If you want to be able to talk with cats, mimic their meows and sounds the best you can. Listen to how they talk and mimic them.
  3. Cats communicate with pheromones that humans aren't sensitive to pick up to attract mates and warn other cats to stay away. Pick out a perfume or body spray that smells good so that others will want to be around you.[6]
    • In the chance that you want to repel someone, make a point to cook with garlic and onions or handle other foul smelling materials and don't wash them off.
  4. Oftentimes people think cats are glaring at them when in reality, cats blink slowly to show that they like someone. Blink slowly and evenly to show affection. This is especially effective when you're getting to know a new cat and want to communicate that you're a friend.[7]
    • Some people may not recognize this behavior and it may look more like glaring.
    • Consider batting your eyes slowly instead to be less intimidating.
  5. If you ever need to fight, hold back from going all out and physically attacking someone. Instead, quickly bat someone on the arm to alert them of a coming altercation. Cats will swat at other cats, dogs, and humans at the start of a fight and sometimes it won't need to escalate to a real fight.[8]
    • A warning swat doesn't need to be hard, just swift and sharp enough to get someone's attention.
    • If a real fight does break out, cats will bite and scratch their opponents. Just be cautious and consider the consequences of using these methods in a real fight with someone.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Behaving Like a Cat Around Other People

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  1. Cats have highly sensitive hearing and smell so they're aware of the world around them. Whether you're doing nothing or in the middle of a project of conversation, pay attention to what's going on around you. It's a good practice for being safe but also being as observant as a cat.[9]
    • Reacting erratically and jumping at things that startle you is another way you can imitate cats.
    • If you hear a weird sound or smell something fishy, investigate it. Cats are curious and you should be too.
  2. Cats are generally cautious and sometimes standoffish with people at first. Don't just be friends with everyone you meet right away, that's acting more like a dog. Make people earn your trust and friendship. This way, you'll have valuable friendships for life.
  3. Be picky with how much time you spend with people. Cats don't always like to be showered with attention and therefore neither should you. Walk away from someone if you need some alone time. You can simply rejoin a conversation when you're ready to be social again.[10]
    • Demand your own personal space. If you need to be alone, don't let people bother you. Cats will let you know by hissing or growling if they're tired of attention.
    • Being talkative will let people know you want to socialize, and refraining from talking will also alert people that you're done with socializing, just like a cat.
  4. Once you're close with someone, you can show them affection, especially physically. Cats like to massage people with their paws and rub their heads to mark their territory. You can give friends back rubs or nuzzle your significant other to show them that you like them.[11]
    • Only do these things to people you're close with, or they might not understand what you're doing.
  5. Cats bring their loved ones food to show affection. Giving your friends little gifts like bracelets and little trinkets is a good way to show them you care and are thinking of them.
    • Cats also hunt and leave their kill to provide food to their owners. You can take care of the people you like by feeding them, such as cooking full meals or sharing part of your lunch.
  6. Make little messes by knocking things off of counters, sit on people when they're trying to work on something, or be nosy and poke around in cupboard and behind doors. Cats are adorable but can get in your way and be inconvenient. Have a little fun for example and block someone's view of the television when they're trying to watch something.
    • Be obnoxious. If someone asks you to stop, don't respect their space and don't dial back the cat mimicking.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What are some catlike positions I can sleep in to feel more catlike?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can curl up in a ball, or just stretch out. Cats sleep in all kinds of positions. If you have a cat, observe their sleeping habits, or look at pictures/videos online.
  • Question
    How often should I nap?
    Community Answer
    As often as you want. Just not when you're at school, in the bath or shower, or when your parents want you to do something.
  • Question
    What do catwomen wear?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Whatever they like. Cats are independent, and don't need the approval of others when it comes to their fashion choices.
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  • If you can fit into small spaces, hide in them and whenever you're bored just walk or crawl out like nothing happened. Incorporate spaces in your home that you can hide in. Try getting a big cardboard box and climb into it.
  • Watch the movies like Catwoman or the musical Cats to watch how humans can mimic feline agility, movement, and body language.
  • Observe cats to learn more about their behaviors and movements. If you can't have a pet cat, spend time at a friend's house who has one.
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Tips from our Readers

  • Cats (and other animals) don't actually "stretch" their muscles, they employ pandiculation. This involves a controlled tightening and release of muscles that reminds the brain to reset the muscles to their natural length. This is an instinctive movement, like when you feel the urge to extend your arms during a yawn. Making yourself yawn may help you deliberately pandiculate other parts of your body.
  • If you have a small chair or something to sit on in your room, do that and listen to what's happening around you. If you're outside, listen to what you can hear, and if something catches your eye, go for it!
  • When you are angry, try to stare at the person making you angry without blinking for as long as you can or until they look away. Try baring your teeth for a fraction of a second and breathing quickly too.
  • Be yourself. Cats will always be their true selves, even if it makes them stand out from the crowd. They have their own unique interests and beliefs; going with the flow is what a dog would do.
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Being Weird

  • Cats can be strange, and sometimes quirky creatures! Here are some things you may try
  • Running away and hiding when you meet new people
  • Rubbing up against people
  • Purring very softly (barely noticeable)
  • Leave "dead critters" (stuffed animals) at your loved one's feet - just like a cat
  • Have a collection of cat toys, or fidget toys
  • Be obsessed with laser pointers

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About This Article

Lesly Kahn, MFA
Co-authored by:
Acting Teacher & Coach
This article was co-authored by Lesly Kahn, MFA. Lesly Kahn is an acting teacher and coach based in Los Angeles, California. She is the founder and owner of Lesly Kahn & Company, Actor Training, which focuses on preparing actors for employment in film, television and theatre. With well over 30 years of experience, Ms. Kahn has coached hundreds of actors who have become household names. She also ran the BFA Program in Acting at Marymount Manhattan College, and worked in television as well as New York and regional theatre. Lesly holds a BFA from New York University and an MFA from The Yale School of Drama. This article has been viewed 289,854 times.
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Co-authors: 97
Updated: December 26, 2024
Views: 289,854
Categories: Role Playing
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