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Spray painting is a great way to spruce up older items, redecorate, and bring new life to items. You can even spray paint plastics with the right products, so it’s easy to jazz up anything from outdoor furniture to switch covers to picture frames to toys, and much more. To ensure proper coverage, it’s important to clean and sand the item before you paint it, otherwise the paint may not adhere properly. With spray paint, it’s also important that you work in a well-ventilated area to protect yourself from fumes.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Protecting Your Workspace

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  1. Spray paint is dangerous to inhale, and the overspray and dust can easily land on nearby surfaces. Take the item you want to spray paint outside when possible, such as when the temperature is mild, when there's no precipitation, and when it’s a calm day.
    • The ideal temperature range for spray painting is between 64 and 77 F (18 and 25 C).
    • The ideal humidity for spray painting is between 40 and 50 percent.[1]
    • Even if you're painting outdoors, pick a shady spot, if possible. If you paint in direct sunlight, the paint might dry too quickly, which can cause it to peel.[2]
    • When you can’t spray paint outside, take the project to a shed or garage if possible.
  2. Inhaling spray paint is bad for your health. To protect yourself, open windows, doors, and turn on exhaust vents when you must work inside. Don’t turn on any fans, as these will just blow the paint around.
    • Invest in an activated carbon mask if you work with spray paint often. This will protect your lungs and keep you safe from the health problems associated with spray paint exposure.[3]
  3. A spray paint booth protects surrounding areas from overspray, and protects the painted item from dust and dirt when it’s still wet. For smaller projects, you can make your own simple spray paint booth with a box and a pair of scissors:
    • Find a box that’s larger than the items you're spray painting
    • Cut off the flaps that form the lid
    • Lay the box on its side with the opening facing you
    • Cut off the top panel
    • Leave the bottom, side, and back panels of the box in place
    • Place the item in the center of the bottom panel
  4. For larger projects, you may not be able to make your own spray paint booth. To protect the floor and surrounding areas from overspray, lay out a large drop cloth or piece of cardboard. Place the item in the center of the cloth or cardboard.[4]
    • If you also want to protect the drop cloth from excess paint, lay down some newspaper over the cloth and place the item on the newspaper.
    • If you're painting outdoors on a windy day, keep in mind that the overspray could travel and get onto other surfaces.[5]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Cleaning and Sanding the Surface

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  1. For small items, fill a sink with warm water and add a teaspoon (5 ml) of liquid dish soap. Wash the item in the sink using a cloth. For larger items, fill a bucket with soap and water. Soak a sponge or cloth in the soapy water and use the sponge to clean the item.[6]
    • Cleaning is a must before you paint any surface, because it will remove dust, dirt, and other particles that could prevent the paint from adhering.
  2. After cleaning, rinse the item with clean water to remove dirt and soap residue. Pat the item dry with a towel or cloth to absorb excess water. Leave the item to air dry for at least 10 minutes, or until all the water has evaporated.
  3. When the item is completely dry, use 120-grit sandpaper to scuff the entire surface of the plastic. Sanding will rough up the surface slightly, and this will give the paint something to stick to.[7]
    • Sanding is especially important if the item you're painting was previously painted. Remove as much of the original paint as possible with the sandpaper.
  4. Use a microfiber, lint-free, or tack cloth to wipe down the plastic. This will remove dirt, dust, and plastic particles from sanding. Leftover dust and other debris on the surface will prevent the paint from sticking to the surface, because the paint will land on the dust particles rather than the plastic.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Applying the Paint

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  1. Different materials require different types of paint, and plastic typically needs a special type of spray paint. The wrong type of paint may blister, bubble, flake, or just won’t adhere properly to the surface. Look for spray paints that are specifically formulated for plastic surfaces, or that are suitable for plastics.
    • Companies that make spray paint for plastic include Krylon, Valspar, and Rustoleum.[8]
  2. Shake the can of spray paint. Hold the can 12 to 18 inches (30 to 46 cm) from the object. Aim the nozzle at the object and press down. As you spray, sweep the can back and forth over the object in a vertical or horizontal motion to apply a thin and even coat to the surface.
    • Avoid pointing the nozzle directly, at a single spot, as this will make for an uneven application. Instead, keep the can in motion as you spray.[9]
  3. Spray paint typically requires anywhere from eight to 30 minutes to dry. After applying the first coat, let the paint dry before applying a second coat, or before turning the item over to paint the other side.
    • Consult the manufacturer’s directions on the can for exact drying times with the paint you're using.[10]
  4. Most items will benefit from at least two coats of spray paint. When the first coat has had time to dry, apply a second coat. Use the same side to side or up and down sweeping motion as you spray to ensure a thin and even coat.
    • When the second coat has been applied, give the paint up to 30 minutes to dry before assessing whether it needs another coat, or before painting the other side.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Spray Paint Plastic
    Some objects have a bottom or other side that won’t be accessible when you're applying the initial coats of paint. When the final coat has had time to dry, turn the object over. Apply two coats of spray paint using the same technique, giving the paint up to 30 minutes to dry between coats.
  6. Paint generally has a drying time and a curing time. While spray paint dries in about 30 minutes, it needs about three hours to cure. Once you’ve applied the final coat of spray paint, let the item dry for at least three hours before using it normally again.
    • With spray painted furniture, for instance, don’t sit in the chair as soon as it’s dry. Instead, wait a few hours so the paint can fully cure.[11]
    • The drying time is how long it takes for the paint to be dry to the touch. The curing time, on the other hand, is how long it takes for the paint molecules to fully bond and harden.
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What Is The Best Technique To Spray Paint?


Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I get paint to stick to plastic?
    Patrick Coye
    Patrick Coye
    Painting Specialist
    Patrick Coye is the owner and operator of Patrick’s Painting & Home Improvement in Alexandria, Virginia. With over 15 years of experience in residential construction, Patrick specializes in painting, wallpaper removal/installation, drywall, staining decks and fences, and kitchen cabinetry painting. To date, Patrick and his team have painted over 2,000 houses and stained over 800 decks. Patrick's Company won a "Top Job" award from the American Painting contractor magazine in 2020.
    Patrick Coye
    Painting Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Give the surface of the plastic a hard sand with 120-grit sandpaper. That will give it a little texture that the primer and paint can grab onto.
  • Question
    Can I spray paint plastic flower pots?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes! Spray one side of the pot before spinning it around and spraying the other side.
  • Question
    Why does spraying PVC pipe with Maxx make the pipe bubble in places? I cleaned the pipe with rubbing alcohol and Maxx primer, and there were no bubbles.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Cleaning it only does part of the job, you also need to sand it to get rid of the coating on it from the factory.
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  • Always read the label before applying spray paint to an object. Some spray paints don’t require sanding prior to painting.

Tips from our Readers

  • If you're painting with multiple colors or you're only trying to pain part of an object, keep painter's tape handy to block off the sections you don't want to get paint on.
  • Remove any painter's tape before the paint dries completely. Otherwise, the tape may pull some of the paint off with it.
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About This Article

Patrick Coye
Co-authored by:
Painting Specialist
This article was co-authored by Patrick Coye. Patrick Coye is the owner and operator of Patrick’s Painting & Home Improvement in Alexandria, Virginia. With over 15 years of experience in residential construction, Patrick specializes in painting, wallpaper removal/installation, drywall, staining decks and fences, and kitchen cabinetry painting. To date, Patrick and his team have painted over 2,000 houses and stained over 800 decks. Patrick's Company won a "Top Job" award from the American Painting contractor magazine in 2020. This article has been viewed 494,960 times.
5 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: November 21, 2024
Views: 494,960
Article SummaryX

Before you spray paint plastic, wash the piece with soapy water to remove any dust or dirt that could prevent the paint from sticking to the plastic. When the item is completely dry, use a piece of fine-grit sandpaper to lightly sand the entire surface you’ll be painting. When you’re ready to paint, shake the can of spray paint well, then hold the can 12 to 18 inches from the plastic object and spray a light coat of paint, sweeping the can back and forth as you spray. Let the coat dry for up to 30 minutes before adding a second coat. For more tips, including how to choose the right paint for your plastic, read on!

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