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PD Dr. Eva Youkhana

Research themes
  • Gender
  • Governance and conflict
  • Migration, mobility and urbanization
Research countries
  • Germany
Research projects

Bilateral Graduate School (DAAD) Doctoral Studies Support Program for Environmental Peace-Building and Development in Colombia with the National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Institute for Environmental Studies (IDEA)

Environmental Thinking and Alternatives to Development (together with IDEA)

Participatory Mapping and Monitoring of Environmental Conflicts (together with IDEA)

Right Livelihood College (RLC)

CIREG - Climate Information to support integrated Renewable Electricity Generation





Supervision of
ongoing doctoral theses

Adebo, Hiwot Wolde: Navigating through the Roughness: Ethiopian Migrants’ Lived Experiences and Migration Decision Making in South Africa

Al Munajed, Dima: Participation of Syrian women in civil society organizations following the Syrian conflict: Investigating participation in Turkey and Lebanon 

Blandón Sandino, Dayra: Community resilience of smallholder farmers to droughts in the dry corridor of Nicaragua: Sociocultural and institutional analysis from a historical perspective

Castillo-Lopez, Daiana: Environmental impact of the armed conflict on food security in Colombia: Study of Social Metabolism

Dakyie, Albert: Between free movement and citizenship struggles - migrant livelihood strategies in Ghana 

Fernengel, Emilia:  Impact of tourism on local communities and cultural heritage in the Colombian post-conflict setting

Forneck, Sebastian: (Re)creating home: Climate, variability, food security, and the social construction of home in Ladakh/India

Gella, Asrat: Gender (in)equality and family farming in Ethiopia 

Guanti, Michelle: A multi-sited ethnographic approach to the reality of marginalization of indigenous communities in Panama

Kumar, Amit: Contested urban development: Resistance and daily life struggles of slum dwellers in Mumbai, India 

Martin Espinosa, Mayra Alejandra: On-line social movement campaign of Colombian Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) regarding the implication of the COVID-19 crisis on their activities

Odamtten, Genevieve: International organisations in the politics and governance of global migration: The Case of the UNODC on the eastern Africa to Western Europe Migration Route 

Rawat, Namrata: Youth Aspirations, Decision Making and Migration Choices in the Hill Region of Uttarakhand, India

Rosales Salgado, Maryoriet Nicole: The Space where we belong: Female Perspectives on Religion and Insecurity in Urban Honduras


Completed thesis:

Annan, Adjoa: Standards in the Shea and Cocoa Commodity chain in Ghana

Barsallo, Gabisel: Socio-cultural practices that have effect on human development: University dropouts in Panama

Ekren, Elizabeth: Institutions, innovation and opportunity in asylum-seeker communities - evidence from Germany

Fellahi, Anis: Rural youth outmigration in light of employment and development in Algeria

Mashingaiche, Mercy: Pooling resources, scattering the family: Zimbabwean family life after the crisis driven migration to the UK

Mora Motta, Alejandro: Well-being, sustainability and territorial transformation: fundamental human needs in the context of the planation model in Chile

Saleem, Sofia: Peace Education in Pakistan: Concepts, contexts and Cahllenges within State Schools

Thapa, Poornima: Patterns of adverse pregnancy: The role of water and sanitation in disadvantaged communities in Jaipur, India

Aminata Taore: Food habits and nutrition security in West Africa, Burkina Faso












Additional information

supervision of doctoral students, project manager, principle investigator


Master of Arts

Doctor phil.


Funding institutions

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Thyssen Foundation


Research partners

National University of Colombia, Institute for Environmental Studies (IDEA)

National University of Managua, Nicaragua

University of Cienfuegos, Cuba

University of Amsterdam, Institute of Environmental Studies

FU Berlin, Latin American Institute

Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)

Netzwerk Flüchtlingsforschung

Research affiliation





Barbosa dos Santos, Fernanda, Clément Roux, Carolina Saldarriaga Cardona and Eva Youkhana..  2023.  Una escena musical sentipensante en la transición posacuerdo en Colombia: El caso de la Casa de la Paz.  Cuadernos de Música, Artes Visuales y Artes Escénicas, 18 (2)   : 142-163   . (Open Access)  
Preiti, Francisco.J; Youkhana, Eva.  2023.  Environmental Movements in Insurgent Territories. An anthropological framework to study the performance art in Rosario, Argentina.  kult-ur , 10 (20)   : 103-124   . (Open Access)  
Youkhana, Eva and Saed Hedayatiy Cilia.  2023.  Participatory Mapping of Diverse Perspectives of Safety and Fear in the Latin American Urban Space.  Alternautas , 10(2)   : 33-61   . (Open Access)  


Avilés Irahola, D., Mora-Motta, A., Barbosa Pereira, A., Bharati, L., Biber-Freudenberger, L., Petersheim, C., Quispe-Zuniga, M.R., Schmitt, C.B. and E. Youkhana.  2022.  Integrating scientific and local knowledge to address environmental conflicts: the role of academia.  Human Ecology, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Mashingaidze, M. and E. Youkhana.  2022.  The multi-situatedness of biographical narratives: contributions to critical migration research.  ZEF Working Paper Series 216. Further Information


Tobón, C., Zamora, D., Ángel, M. and E. Youkhana.  2021.  Deforestation in Tinigua National Natural Park: Socio-environmental consequences of the Peace Agreement in Colombia.  ZEF Working Paper 210, University of Bonn. Further Information
Youkana, E., Rojas-Robles, R., Avilés Irahola, D.L., Mora-Motta, A. and J.-P. Santander-Durán.  2021.  Environmental Thinking, Critiques on Development and South-North-South Cooperation Proposals Under Construction.  Gestión y Ambiente , 24 (1)   : 11-38   .


Youkhana, Eva.  2020.  Viewing and dancing nature. Environmental conceptions and the politics of belonging of the 'danzantes prehispánicos'.  In: Robinson, Matthew Ryan and Inderst, Inja (eds.): What does Theology Do, Actually? Observing Theology and the Transcultural. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.   135 - 148. 
Youkhana, Eva.  2020.  Actors networks in critical urban studies – protest against the subprime crisis in Madrid.  ZEF Working Paper Series 191, University of Bonn. Further Information


Youkhana, Eva.  2019.  Die Untersuchung von Akteursnetzwerken in der kritischen Stadtforschung.  Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 1 (32)   : 123-138   .


Youkhana, Eva.  2018.  Los espacios religiosos de los migrantes latinoamericanos y el poder político de los santos: la Virgen del Cisne en Madrid.  In: Romizi, Francesco (eds.): Migrantes peregrinos. Trayectorias identitarias de la diáspora ecuatoriana en el espacio católico transnacional. Quito: Editorial Abya Yala.  
Youkhana, Eva, Leifkes, Claudia and León-Sicard, Tomás.  2018.  Epistemic Marginality, Higher and Environmental Education in Colombia.  Gestion y Ambiente, Issue No. 2 (Volume 21)   : 15-29   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Sutter, Ove & Youkhana, Eva (eds.).  2017.  Perspectives on the European Border Regime: Mobilization, Contestation, and the Role of Civil Society.  Social Inclusion, Issue 3 (Volume 5)   : 88   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Youkhana, Eva.  2017.  Acercamiento crítico a discursos de desarrollo relacionados con la crisis de refugiados: perspectivas desde Alemania.  Astrolabio: revista internacional de filosofía, 19   : 333-344   . Further Information
Youkhana, Eva.  2017.  Migrants' religious spaces and the power of Christian Saints - the Latin American Virgin of Cisne in Spain.  In: Eva Youkhana (eds.): Border Transgression. Mobility and Mobilization in Crisis. V&R unipress.   18. 
Youkhana, Eva (ed.).  2017.  Border Transgression: Mobility and Mobilization in Crisis.  V&R unipress. Bonn.


Youkhana, Eva.  2015.  A Conceptual shift in Studies of Belonging and the Politics of Belonging.  Social Inclusion, 3 (4)   : 10-24   . Further Information
Youkhana, Eva.  2015.  Spirituelle Migration und urbaner Lifestyle: Die danzantes prehispánicos in der CSA La Tabacalera in Madrid.  In: Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen, Kaltmeier, Olaf und Ölschläger, Rainer (eds.): Urbane (T)Räume. Städte zwischen Kultur, Kommerz und Konflikt. Nomos.   197–211. 
Youkhana, Eva and Förster, Larissa.  2015.  GraffiCity: visual practices and contestations in urban spaces.  Wilhelm Fink-Verlag. Paderborn, Germany. Further Information
Youkhana, Eva and Jüssen, Lara.  2015.  Soziale Bewegungen in Zeiten der Spanischen Hypothekenkrise: Ursachen und Folgen für Stadtplanung und –gestaltung.  In: Othengrafen, Frank and Sondermann, Martin (eds.): Städtische Planungskulturen im Spiegel von Konflikten, Protesten und Initiativen. Verlag Uwe Altrock.   151-176. 


Youkhana, Eva.  2014.  Creative activism and art against urban renaissance and social exclusion - space sensitive approaches to the study on collective action and belonging.  Sociology Compass, 8 (2)   : 172–186   .
Youkhana, Eva.  2014.  Die Macht der Dinge in transnationalen religiösen Räumen – Die Virgen del Cisne in Madrid.  Peripherie: Zeitschrift für Politik und Ökonomie in der Dritten Welt, 134 / 135   : 149-174   .
Youkhana, Eva.  2014.  Spirituelle Migration und urbaner Lifestyle: Die danzantes prehispánicos in der CSA La Tabacalera in Madrids.  In: Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen, Kaltmeier, Olaf and Öhlschläger, Reinhardt (eds.): Urbane (T)räume: Städte zwischen Kultur, Kommerz und Kritik. Nomos.   193-207. 
Youkhana, Eva and Sebaly, Christian.  2014.  GraffiCity – kreativer Protest, belonging und citizenship im Madrider Stadtteil Lavapiés.  s u b \ u r b a n . zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung , 2 (1)   : 49-70   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Youkhana, Eva.  2013.  Formas de pertenencia religiosa y procesos de construcción de espacio en la migración latinoamericana – entre vínculos colonizados y redenciones creativas.  Procesos – Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia , 36   : 111-142   . Download [PDF | 2.23MB]
Youkhana, Eva.  2013.  Informeller Sektor / Informelle Wirtschaft.  In: Hensel, Silke und Barbara Potthast (eds.): Das Lateinamerika-Lexikon. Peter Hammer Verlag.   157-159. 


Youkhana, Eva.  2012.  From Exploitation to participation – tourism and handicraft production in rural Yucatán, Mexico.  In: Raúl H. Asensio und Beatriz Pérez Galán (eds.): ¿El turismo es cosa de pobres? Patrimonio cultural, pueblos indígenas y nuevas formas de turismo. Colección PASOS edita, nº8 Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural. Sauzal.   225-246. 


Albiez, Sarah, Castro, Nelly, Jüssen, Lara und Youkhana, Eva.  2011.  Introduction: Ethnicity, Citizenship, Belonging: Practices, Theory and Spatial dimensions.  In: Albiez, Sarah, Castro, Nelly, Jüssen, Lara und Youkhana, Eva (eds.): Ethnicity, Citizenship, Belonging: Practices, Theory and Spatial dimensions. Vervuert.   11-32. 
Jüssen, Lara und Eva Youkhana.  2011.  Local Responses to Transnational Migration: Citizenship, Belonging and the Case of Latin American Migrants in Madrid.  In: Albiez, Sarah, Castro, Nelly, Jüssen, Lara und Youkhana, Eva (eds.): Ethnicity, Citizenship, Belonging: Practices, Theory and Spatial dimensions. Vervuert.   283-305. 


Hauck, Jennifer and Eva Youkhana.  2010.  Claim and reality of community based water resources management: A case study of rural fisheries in Ghana..  In: Nanang, D.M. and Thompson, K.N. (eds.): Natural resources in Ghana. Management, Policy and Economics. Nova Science Publishers.   143-163. 
Hauck, Jennifer und Eva Youkhana.  2010.  Histories and continuities of water governance in Northern Ghana.  In: Bonanno, A., Bakker, H., Kawamura, Y., Jussaume, R. and Shucksmith, M. (eds.): From Community to Consumption: New and Classical Themes in Rural Sociological Research. Emerald.   235-249. 


Youkhana, E. and Laube, W..  2009.  Virtual water trade: a realistic policy option for the countries of the Volta Basin in West Africa?.  Water Policy, 11 (5)   : 569-581   . Download [PDF]
Further Information


Lautze, J., Barry, B. Youkhana, E..  2008.  Changing paradigms in Volta Basin Water Management: Customary, National and Trans-boundary.  Water Policy, 10 (6)   : 577–594   .
Youkhana, E. und I. Eguavoen.  2008.  Small towns face big challenge. The management of piped systems after the water sector reform in Ghana.  Download [PDF | 469.55KB]
Further Information
Youkhana, E., Wittkötter, P and Zug, L..  2008.  Actors and Institutions in the water sector of Ghana and Burkina Faso – An interactive map.  Further Information


Rodgers, Charles, van de Giesen, Nick, Laube, Wolfram, Vlek, Paul L. G. und Youkhana, Eva.  2007.  The GLOWA Volta Project: A Framework for Water Resources Decision-Making and Scientific Capacity Building in a Trans-national West African Basin. Special Issue for Water Resources Management..  Water Resources Management , 21   : 295–313   . Download [PDF]
Youkhana, E.  2007.  Experiment Ökotourismus - Gelenkter Wandel und Akzeptanz am Beispiel des Mayadorfs Yaxuná.  IKO - Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation. Franfurt a.M.. Further Information
Youkhana, E. and A. van Edig.  2007.  Aufbau lokaler Strukturen im Wassersektor. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit des Wasserreformprozesses am Beispiel der kleinstädtischen Trinkwasserversorgung in Ghana.  In: Mielau, S. and F. Wickl (eds.): Lokales Wissen und Entwicklung. Horlemann Verlag, Bad Honnef, Germany.  


Youkhana, E., Korth, O. Lamizana, B., van der Schaaf, Ch., Sebaly, Chr..  2006.  The Water sector of Burkina Faso. An inventory of actors and institutions,.  Center for Development Research. University of Bonn, Germany.


Youkhana, E. und A. van der Veen.  2005.  Vom Wasser getrieben: GLOWA Volta, ein Forschungsprojekt in Westafrika.  Bundesregierung online, e-velop, 35, 16.11.2005   . Further Information
Youkhana, E., B. Arendt, H. Kunstmann, N. Martin, C. Rodgers und P.L.G. Vlek.  2005.  Das GLOWA Volta Projekt: Untersuchungen zum nachhaltigen Umgang mit der Ressource Wasser im Voltabecken von West Afrika.  Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 49   .
Youkhana, E., B. Arendt, H. Kunstmann, N. Martin, C. Rodgers, and P.L.G. Vlek.  2005.  The GLOWA-Volta project: Studies on the sustainable use of water resources in the Volta river basin in West Africa.  Hydrol. u. Wasserbewirtsch. (HW), 49 (4)   : 190-200   .
Youkhana, E., B. Arendt, L. Bharati, M. Plotnikova, C. Rogers und P. Vlek.  2005.  Entwicklung eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems für nachhaltiges Wassermanagement. Das GLOWA Volta Projekt.  In: Nacken, H., S. Bartussek und H. Sevilarn (eds.): Das GLOWA Volta Projekt.  


van Edig, Annette und Youkhana, Eva.  2003.  Arme und Umwelt: Verlierer der Wasserprivatisierung.  In: Kaiser, Markus (eds.): Weltwissen - Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in der Weltgesellschaft. transcript.   245-274. 


Youkhana, E.  1996.  Subkultur und Jugendbande – Überlebensstrategien ausländischer Jugendlicher in Deutschland.  Magisterarbeit veröffentlicht bei Holos at  Bonn. 

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Eva Youkhana

Senior Researcher


Cultural and Political Change


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