Sustainable development can be described as “development that meets the needs of the present with... more Sustainable development can be described as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. One can argue that sustainable development policies could be more efficient at local and regional level for several reasons such as institutional capacity, financial and human resource via participative mechanisms and governance. Legislation enacted in 2006 by Turkish Parliament provided an opportunity to transition towards a regionalized development through the establishment of an institution between national and local levels: Regional Development Agencies (RDAs). This reform is in contrast with Turkey’s highly centralized state tradition, which generated significant obstacles to a new regional development approach. However, we observe that Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) in Turkey have a huge capacity and necessary instruments to contribute local sustainable development through financing certain sectors such as energy, tourism, organic agriculture, green and smart technologies. In this paper, the roles of (regional) development agencies in Turkey will be analyzed within the framework of their contribution to the renewable energy sector in recent years.
As a growing economy, Turkey’s energy demand is rapidly increasing and will continue to grow in the future. Fossil fuel (% of total) energy consumption was 89,65 as of 2011 (World Bank). This over-dependency on fossil fuels makes the national development path highly unsustainable regarding increasing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and foreign trade deficit. On the other hand, Turkey has was renewable energy potential and the government aims to provide a third of demand from renewable sources by 2023 (installed capacity for wind energy 20.000 MW; installed capacity for solar energy 3.000 MW)
At the local level, local authorities such as municipalities, metropolitan municipalities could not invest in renewable energies due to highly centralized national energy policies and also lack of competency and resources. RDAs established between 2006-2010 as semi-private institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of Development may play a catalyzer role in creating a framework for local renewable energy investments. Therefore, we aim to scrutinize the renewable energy projects (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass) supported by 26 RDAs between 2009-2014. What are the differences between different regions regarding renewable sources and their evaluation by RDAs? How does the decision-making process work? Is there an administrative tutelage of central government over RDAs regarding prioritization of renewable projects? Who are the main stakeholders and beneficiaries (profit or non-profit organizations)?
KEYWORDS: Regional Development Agencies, Turkey, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development, Local Authorities
This article deals with contradictories transition 's dynamics of central state/peripheries i... more This article deals with contradictories transition 's dynamics of central state/peripheries interactions in the context of the europeanization process in Turkey, particularly the acquis communautaire in terms of structural funds and ofpre-accession assistance. First, this article analyses how much centralization 's structures and way of thinking are still current, lag in front of acquis communautaires in terms of regional policies witch, at the contrary, cheer up the role of territories in policy-making. Second, this article deals with attempts at actual institutional transformations. The europeanization process is distinguished by three points: first of all, this process is a strong constraint imposed by the acquis communautaire; second, a political set of circumstances has opened in this way a political opportunity window with the islamic party election; but, third, beyond this short term conjuncture, administratives reforms continue to leave an important place to centralization of Turkish political and administrative system. .
This article deals with contradictories transition’s dynamics of central state/peripheries intera... more This article deals with contradictories transition’s dynamics of central state/peripheries interactions in the context of the europeanization process in Turkey, particularly the acquis communautaire in terms of structural funds and of pre-accession assistance. First, this article analyses how much centralisation’s structures and way of thinking are still current, lag in front of acquis communautaires in terms of regional policies witch, at the contrary, cheer up the role of territories in policy-making. Second, this article deals with attempts at actual institutional transformations. The europeanization process is distinguished by three points : first of all, this process is a strong constraint imposed by the acquis communautaire; second, a political set of circumstances has opened in this way a political opportunity window with the islamic party election; but, third, beyond this short term conjuncture, administrative’s reforms continue to leave an important place to centralization ...
As everything around us is changing, in an increasingly interconnected environment, the field of ... more As everything around us is changing, in an increasingly interconnected environment, the field of public administration and public administration education cannot be away from the need to innovate and improve. Public administration education is affected by various reasons in Turkey and the world. These reasons are the structure of public administration and politics in the country, the higher education system in the country, and the public personnel policy. Advances in technology, the rapid spread of information along with the use of technology, and most importantly, the way we access and share information, appear as other factors affecting the public administration education. In an era of rapid change, while essential public services are not likely to disappear any time soon, how their administrative functions are carried out and evaluated is expected to change considerably. Public administration makes use of several other disciplines such as organizational behavior and theory, finan...
L'objet de cette these est d'etudier le systeme territorial en Turquie a l'epreuve de... more L'objet de cette these est d'etudier le systeme territorial en Turquie a l'epreuve de l'integration europeenne. Plus concretement, il s'agit d'analyser la contradiction entre les caracteristiques centralisatrices turques dans le domaine politico-administratif et les pratiques et exigences europeennes, et ceci, afin de trouver la reponse aux questions suivantes : comment caracteriser cette "politique publique" voulue par l'Union europeenne et conduite par un Etat centralise ? Pourquoi et comment ce systeme peut-il perdurer et rester d'actualite, en depit de la necessite de reprendre l'acquis communautaire dans le domaine de politiques publiques "de proximite", comme le sont les politiques regionales. Si nous avons le sentiment que les gouvernements successifs ont bien tente de realiser une reforme de decentralisation depuis des annees - a tel point que ces tentatives ont ete qualifiees de "symphonie interminable" - pou...
Hande TEK TURAN a Öz Çevremizdeki her şey olağanüstü bir hızla değişmekte, kamu yönetimi alanı ve... more Hande TEK TURAN a Öz Çevremizdeki her şey olağanüstü bir hızla değişmekte, kamu yönetimi alanı ve kamu yönetimi eğitimi bu yenilik ve değişim ihtiyacından uzak kalamamaktadır. Kamu yönetimi eğitimi ve alanda karşılaşılan sorunlar, Türkiye'de ve Dünyada çeşitli sebeplerle etkilenmektedir. Bu sebepler arasında, kamu yönetiminin ve siyasetin o ülkedeki yapısı, kamu yönetimi disiplininin durumu, ülkedeki yükseköğrenim sistemi, kamu personel politikası bulunmaktadır. Bu dinamiklere ek olarak, teknolojideki ilerlemeler, teknolojinin kullanımı ile birlikte bilginin hızla yayılması, dolayısıyla bilgiye ulaşma ve bilgiyi paylaşma biçiminin değişmesi de kamu yönetimi eğitimini etkileyen diğer unsurlar olarak belirmektedir. İçinde bulunduğumuz bu dijital çağda, önemli kamu hizmetlerinin yakın zamanda ortadan kaybolması pek mümkün olmasa da kamunun yönetimsel işlevini nasıl gerçekleştireceği ve yönlendireceği ciddi oranda değişecektir. Bildiri, kamu yönetimi eğitiminde, disiplinin geleneksel olarak beslendiği siyaset bilimi, işletme, ekonomi, kamu politikası ve analizi, tarih, sosyoloji gibi diğer disiplinlerden derslerin yanı sıra başta inovasyon olmak üzere, bilgi teknolojilerindeki değişim dönüşüm ile ilgili derslerin de kamu yönetimi eğitiminin bir parçası olması gerektiğinin altını çizmektedir. İnovasyon, sadece teknolojik anlamda somut bir icat yapmakla sınırlı değildir; yenilik yapan da sadece şirketler değildir. Bir kurumun organizasyon yapısını daha * Bu makale, 21-23 Şubat 2019 tarihleri arasında Nuh Naci Yazgan Üniversitesi'nde düzenlenen 16. Kamu Yönetimi Forumu'nda (KAYFOR 16) sunulan ve özet metin olarak yayımlanan bildirinin genişletilmiş halidir. a
The objective of this paper is to perform a comprehensive analysis of regional policy evaluation ... more The objective of this paper is to perform a comprehensive analysis of regional policy evaluation in Turkey, while providing insights on transformations in global trends, domestic targets, development policy structures and implementation. The change in global administrative tradition introduces a new range of policy-making and approaches to implementation. Its emphasis on the participation of all relevant stakeholders constitutes a fundamental principle of administration in a network of multi-level governance. Regional development is currently considered as a bottom-up process with the participation of regional and local stakeholders/actors, instead of a single-handed operation by central agencies; consequently, the current trend entails policy-makers redefining concepts, strategies, intervention methods, and institutions, and recognizing new dynamics and actors in regional and local development.
The paper firstly considers the Turkish administrative structure and the meaning of ‘region’. This is followed by an examination of regional disparities from an administrative perspective and the transformation of regional development policies in accordance with the legal framework. In the subsequent part, the study scrutinizes the institutional capacity to implement effective regional policy, and finally it analyses reform packages that prescribe newly established institutions such as (regional) development agencies in order to fulfill the requirements of the EU acquis communautaire.
Cet article s'intéresse aux dynamiques contradictoires de transformation des rapports entre ... more Cet article s'intéresse aux dynamiques contradictoires de transformation des rapports entre centre et périphéries dans la Turquie en voie d'intégration européenne, notamment des acquis communautaires en matière de fonds structurels et de pré-accession. Tout d'abord, cet article analyse ...
Cet article s'intéresse aux dynamiques contradictoires de transformation des rapports entre ... more Cet article s'intéresse aux dynamiques contradictoires de transformation des rapports entre centre et périphéries dans la Turquie en voie d'intégration européenne, notamment des acquis communautaires en matière de fonds structurels et de pré-accession. Tout d'abord, cet article analyse ...
Sustainable development can be described as “development that meets the needs of the present with... more Sustainable development can be described as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. One can argue that sustainable development policies could be more efficient at local and regional level for several reasons such as institutional capacity, financial and human resource via participative mechanisms and governance. Legislation enacted in 2006 by Turkish Parliament provided an opportunity to transition towards a regionalized development through the establishment of an institution between national and local levels: Regional Development Agencies (RDAs). This reform is in contrast with Turkey’s highly centralized state tradition, which generated significant obstacles to a new regional development approach. However, we observe that Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) in Turkey have a huge capacity and necessary instruments to contribute local sustainable development through financing certain sectors such as energy, tourism, organic agriculture, green and smart technologies. In this paper, the roles of (regional) development agencies in Turkey will be analyzed within the framework of their contribution to the renewable energy sector in recent years.
As a growing economy, Turkey’s energy demand is rapidly increasing and will continue to grow in the future. Fossil fuel (% of total) energy consumption was 89,65 as of 2011 (World Bank). This over-dependency on fossil fuels makes the national development path highly unsustainable regarding increasing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and foreign trade deficit. On the other hand, Turkey has was renewable energy potential and the government aims to provide a third of demand from renewable sources by 2023 (installed capacity for wind energy 20.000 MW; installed capacity for solar energy 3.000 MW)
At the local level, local authorities such as municipalities, metropolitan municipalities could not invest in renewable energies due to highly centralized national energy policies and also lack of competency and resources. RDAs established between 2006-2010 as semi-private institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of Development may play a catalyzer role in creating a framework for local renewable energy investments. Therefore, we aim to scrutinize the renewable energy projects (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass) supported by 26 RDAs between 2009-2014. What are the differences between different regions regarding renewable sources and their evaluation by RDAs? How does the decision-making process work? Is there an administrative tutelage of central government over RDAs regarding prioritization of renewable projects? Who are the main stakeholders and beneficiaries (profit or non-profit organizations)?
KEYWORDS: Regional Development Agencies, Turkey, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development, Local Authorities
This article deals with contradictories transition 's dynamics of central state/peripheries i... more This article deals with contradictories transition 's dynamics of central state/peripheries interactions in the context of the europeanization process in Turkey, particularly the acquis communautaire in terms of structural funds and ofpre-accession assistance. First, this article analyses how much centralization 's structures and way of thinking are still current, lag in front of acquis communautaires in terms of regional policies witch, at the contrary, cheer up the role of territories in policy-making. Second, this article deals with attempts at actual institutional transformations. The europeanization process is distinguished by three points: first of all, this process is a strong constraint imposed by the acquis communautaire; second, a political set of circumstances has opened in this way a political opportunity window with the islamic party election; but, third, beyond this short term conjuncture, administratives reforms continue to leave an important place to centralization of Turkish political and administrative system. .
This article deals with contradictories transition’s dynamics of central state/peripheries intera... more This article deals with contradictories transition’s dynamics of central state/peripheries interactions in the context of the europeanization process in Turkey, particularly the acquis communautaire in terms of structural funds and of pre-accession assistance. First, this article analyses how much centralisation’s structures and way of thinking are still current, lag in front of acquis communautaires in terms of regional policies witch, at the contrary, cheer up the role of territories in policy-making. Second, this article deals with attempts at actual institutional transformations. The europeanization process is distinguished by three points : first of all, this process is a strong constraint imposed by the acquis communautaire; second, a political set of circumstances has opened in this way a political opportunity window with the islamic party election; but, third, beyond this short term conjuncture, administrative’s reforms continue to leave an important place to centralization ...
As everything around us is changing, in an increasingly interconnected environment, the field of ... more As everything around us is changing, in an increasingly interconnected environment, the field of public administration and public administration education cannot be away from the need to innovate and improve. Public administration education is affected by various reasons in Turkey and the world. These reasons are the structure of public administration and politics in the country, the higher education system in the country, and the public personnel policy. Advances in technology, the rapid spread of information along with the use of technology, and most importantly, the way we access and share information, appear as other factors affecting the public administration education. In an era of rapid change, while essential public services are not likely to disappear any time soon, how their administrative functions are carried out and evaluated is expected to change considerably. Public administration makes use of several other disciplines such as organizational behavior and theory, finan...
L'objet de cette these est d'etudier le systeme territorial en Turquie a l'epreuve de... more L'objet de cette these est d'etudier le systeme territorial en Turquie a l'epreuve de l'integration europeenne. Plus concretement, il s'agit d'analyser la contradiction entre les caracteristiques centralisatrices turques dans le domaine politico-administratif et les pratiques et exigences europeennes, et ceci, afin de trouver la reponse aux questions suivantes : comment caracteriser cette "politique publique" voulue par l'Union europeenne et conduite par un Etat centralise ? Pourquoi et comment ce systeme peut-il perdurer et rester d'actualite, en depit de la necessite de reprendre l'acquis communautaire dans le domaine de politiques publiques "de proximite", comme le sont les politiques regionales. Si nous avons le sentiment que les gouvernements successifs ont bien tente de realiser une reforme de decentralisation depuis des annees - a tel point que ces tentatives ont ete qualifiees de "symphonie interminable" - pou...
Hande TEK TURAN a Öz Çevremizdeki her şey olağanüstü bir hızla değişmekte, kamu yönetimi alanı ve... more Hande TEK TURAN a Öz Çevremizdeki her şey olağanüstü bir hızla değişmekte, kamu yönetimi alanı ve kamu yönetimi eğitimi bu yenilik ve değişim ihtiyacından uzak kalamamaktadır. Kamu yönetimi eğitimi ve alanda karşılaşılan sorunlar, Türkiye'de ve Dünyada çeşitli sebeplerle etkilenmektedir. Bu sebepler arasında, kamu yönetiminin ve siyasetin o ülkedeki yapısı, kamu yönetimi disiplininin durumu, ülkedeki yükseköğrenim sistemi, kamu personel politikası bulunmaktadır. Bu dinamiklere ek olarak, teknolojideki ilerlemeler, teknolojinin kullanımı ile birlikte bilginin hızla yayılması, dolayısıyla bilgiye ulaşma ve bilgiyi paylaşma biçiminin değişmesi de kamu yönetimi eğitimini etkileyen diğer unsurlar olarak belirmektedir. İçinde bulunduğumuz bu dijital çağda, önemli kamu hizmetlerinin yakın zamanda ortadan kaybolması pek mümkün olmasa da kamunun yönetimsel işlevini nasıl gerçekleştireceği ve yönlendireceği ciddi oranda değişecektir. Bildiri, kamu yönetimi eğitiminde, disiplinin geleneksel olarak beslendiği siyaset bilimi, işletme, ekonomi, kamu politikası ve analizi, tarih, sosyoloji gibi diğer disiplinlerden derslerin yanı sıra başta inovasyon olmak üzere, bilgi teknolojilerindeki değişim dönüşüm ile ilgili derslerin de kamu yönetimi eğitiminin bir parçası olması gerektiğinin altını çizmektedir. İnovasyon, sadece teknolojik anlamda somut bir icat yapmakla sınırlı değildir; yenilik yapan da sadece şirketler değildir. Bir kurumun organizasyon yapısını daha * Bu makale, 21-23 Şubat 2019 tarihleri arasında Nuh Naci Yazgan Üniversitesi'nde düzenlenen 16. Kamu Yönetimi Forumu'nda (KAYFOR 16) sunulan ve özet metin olarak yayımlanan bildirinin genişletilmiş halidir. a
The objective of this paper is to perform a comprehensive analysis of regional policy evaluation ... more The objective of this paper is to perform a comprehensive analysis of regional policy evaluation in Turkey, while providing insights on transformations in global trends, domestic targets, development policy structures and implementation. The change in global administrative tradition introduces a new range of policy-making and approaches to implementation. Its emphasis on the participation of all relevant stakeholders constitutes a fundamental principle of administration in a network of multi-level governance. Regional development is currently considered as a bottom-up process with the participation of regional and local stakeholders/actors, instead of a single-handed operation by central agencies; consequently, the current trend entails policy-makers redefining concepts, strategies, intervention methods, and institutions, and recognizing new dynamics and actors in regional and local development.
The paper firstly considers the Turkish administrative structure and the meaning of ‘region’. This is followed by an examination of regional disparities from an administrative perspective and the transformation of regional development policies in accordance with the legal framework. In the subsequent part, the study scrutinizes the institutional capacity to implement effective regional policy, and finally it analyses reform packages that prescribe newly established institutions such as (regional) development agencies in order to fulfill the requirements of the EU acquis communautaire.
Cet article s'intéresse aux dynamiques contradictoires de transformation des rapports entre ... more Cet article s'intéresse aux dynamiques contradictoires de transformation des rapports entre centre et périphéries dans la Turquie en voie d'intégration européenne, notamment des acquis communautaires en matière de fonds structurels et de pré-accession. Tout d'abord, cet article analyse ...
Cet article s'intéresse aux dynamiques contradictoires de transformation des rapports entre ... more Cet article s'intéresse aux dynamiques contradictoires de transformation des rapports entre centre et périphéries dans la Turquie en voie d'intégration européenne, notamment des acquis communautaires en matière de fonds structurels et de pré-accession. Tout d'abord, cet article analyse ...
Conference Presentations by Hande Tek
Legislation enacted in 2006 by Turkish Parliament provided an opportunity to transition towards a regionalized development through the establishment of an institution between national and local levels: Regional Development Agencies (RDAs). This reform is in contrast with Turkey’s highly centralized state tradition, which generated significant obstacles to a new regional development approach. However, we observe that Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) in Turkey have a huge capacity and necessary instruments to contribute local sustainable development through financing certain sectors such as energy, tourism, organic agriculture, green and smart technologies. In this paper, the roles of (regional) development agencies in Turkey will be analyzed within the framework of their contribution to the renewable energy sector in recent years.
As a growing economy, Turkey’s energy demand is rapidly increasing and will continue to grow in the future. Fossil fuel (% of total) energy consumption was 89,65 as of 2011 (World Bank). This over-dependency on fossil fuels makes the national development path highly unsustainable regarding increasing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and foreign trade deficit. On the other hand, Turkey has was renewable energy potential and the government aims to provide a third of demand from renewable sources by 2023 (installed capacity for wind energy 20.000 MW; installed capacity for solar energy 3.000 MW)
At the local level, local authorities such as municipalities, metropolitan municipalities could not invest in renewable energies due to highly centralized national energy policies and also lack of competency and resources. RDAs established between 2006-2010 as semi-private institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of Development may play a catalyzer role in creating a framework for local renewable energy investments. Therefore, we aim to scrutinize the renewable energy projects (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass) supported by 26 RDAs between 2009-2014. What are the differences between different regions regarding renewable sources and their evaluation by RDAs? How does the decision-making process work? Is there an administrative tutelage of central government over RDAs regarding prioritization of renewable projects? Who are the main stakeholders and beneficiaries (profit or non-profit organizations)?
KEYWORDS: Regional Development Agencies, Turkey, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development, Local Authorities
Papers by Hande Tek
The paper firstly considers the Turkish administrative structure and the meaning of ‘region’. This is followed by an examination of regional disparities from an administrative perspective and the transformation of regional development policies in accordance with the legal framework. In the subsequent part, the study scrutinizes the institutional capacity to implement effective regional policy, and finally it analyses reform packages that prescribe newly established institutions such as (regional) development agencies in order to fulfill the requirements of the EU acquis communautaire.
Legislation enacted in 2006 by Turkish Parliament provided an opportunity to transition towards a regionalized development through the establishment of an institution between national and local levels: Regional Development Agencies (RDAs). This reform is in contrast with Turkey’s highly centralized state tradition, which generated significant obstacles to a new regional development approach. However, we observe that Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) in Turkey have a huge capacity and necessary instruments to contribute local sustainable development through financing certain sectors such as energy, tourism, organic agriculture, green and smart technologies. In this paper, the roles of (regional) development agencies in Turkey will be analyzed within the framework of their contribution to the renewable energy sector in recent years.
As a growing economy, Turkey’s energy demand is rapidly increasing and will continue to grow in the future. Fossil fuel (% of total) energy consumption was 89,65 as of 2011 (World Bank). This over-dependency on fossil fuels makes the national development path highly unsustainable regarding increasing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and foreign trade deficit. On the other hand, Turkey has was renewable energy potential and the government aims to provide a third of demand from renewable sources by 2023 (installed capacity for wind energy 20.000 MW; installed capacity for solar energy 3.000 MW)
At the local level, local authorities such as municipalities, metropolitan municipalities could not invest in renewable energies due to highly centralized national energy policies and also lack of competency and resources. RDAs established between 2006-2010 as semi-private institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of Development may play a catalyzer role in creating a framework for local renewable energy investments. Therefore, we aim to scrutinize the renewable energy projects (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass) supported by 26 RDAs between 2009-2014. What are the differences between different regions regarding renewable sources and their evaluation by RDAs? How does the decision-making process work? Is there an administrative tutelage of central government over RDAs regarding prioritization of renewable projects? Who are the main stakeholders and beneficiaries (profit or non-profit organizations)?
KEYWORDS: Regional Development Agencies, Turkey, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development, Local Authorities
The paper firstly considers the Turkish administrative structure and the meaning of ‘region’. This is followed by an examination of regional disparities from an administrative perspective and the transformation of regional development policies in accordance with the legal framework. In the subsequent part, the study scrutinizes the institutional capacity to implement effective regional policy, and finally it analyses reform packages that prescribe newly established institutions such as (regional) development agencies in order to fulfill the requirements of the EU acquis communautaire.