Zayed University
Zai Arabic Language Research Center
مخرجات التعليم واحتياجات المجتمع الخليجي هنادا طه كلية البحرين للمعلمين، جامعة البحرين محور "التربية واحتياجات المجتمع" الكلمات المفتاحية: مخرجات التعليم – المجتمع الخليجي – التعليم في الخليج –بيرلز – تيمز – بيزا... more
Those are 4 volumes of the Hanada Taha Arabic Language Arts standards 2017 edition. The 4 books contain K-12 ALA standards, performance indicators, sight words, rubrics, glossary of new jargon used including terms like: academic... more
Quality teacher preparation programs have been shown to greatly impact student learning outcomes as studies often refer to the importance of quality teacher education as a key factor in learning. Linguistic realities in the Arab world... more
Investing in Arabic language has to start by investing in cutting edge Arabic language education. Results from international literacy and reading tests such as PIRLS and PISA are showing that students across the Arab world are not being... more
Abstract Textbooks are major organizers of Arabic language instruction in most Arab countries (Faour, 2012). Textbooks approved by ministries of education have traditionally guided teaching of content knowledge, skills, and values to be... more
This chapter describes the many initiatives that have been spearheaded by the United Arab Emirates in an effort to develop the teaching and learning of Arabic in the country. Although there has been unprecedented attention given to Arabic... more
Curriculum is an ideological act. Ideologies in education are seen as belief systems that provide tools which help us determine what and how to teach. They influence what is considered as problematic and non-problematic in our educational... more
القراءة في عالمنا العربي حاليا كالغول الذي نخشاه ونبتعد عنه ونخيف الأطفال منه وبه. ولو أننا لعشر سنوات مقبلة استثمرنا بشكل جادّ في كلّ ما يتعلّق في بالقراءة من دور نشر وكتّاب وتوفير الكتب للمدارس وللأطفال وللكبار ولو أننا أطلقنا حملات... more
قد تكون القضية الأهم بعد ملف محاربة الفساد في الوطن العربي هي قضية التعليم. على أنّ التعليم وجودته ليس قضية مطروحة بعمق وإلحاح في الشارع العربي والتي لو طُرحت بشكل جادّ وحقيقي لكانت "ترند" طويل الأجل لأنها قضية تمسّ كل بيت، وكل طفلة وشابة... more