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呢張地圖顯示咗截至到2007年,各個國家擁有嘅歷史遺產數目 註明: 有啲名單係有多過一個國家共同擁有嘅,呢種情況之下,同一件遺產會計多過一次。

世界記憶計劃(Memory of the World Programme,英文簡稱:MOW),係一個由聯合國教科文組織1992年發起嘅國際性行動計劃。呢個計劃通過喺全球範圍內保存珍貴嘅文獻,同埋圖書館嘅收藏資料,保證佢哋嘅有效傳播,嚟對抗全世界人類對歷史遺產嘅「集體失憶」。

世界記憶名錄(Memory of the World Register)係一張由國際諮詢委員會通過評核嘅全球歷史遺產名單。另外重有地區級名錄同國家級名錄。


  • Codex Purpureus Beratinus (2005)
  • Documents of the Viceroyalty of Rio de Plata (1997)
    National Archives, Buenos Aires
  • Mashtots Matenadaran Ancient Manuscripts (1997)
    Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, Yerevan
  • Endeavour Journal of James Cook (2001)
    National Library of Australia, Canberra
  • Mabo Case Manuscripts (2001)
    National Library of Australia, Canberra
  • The Story of the Kelly Gang (2007)
  • Convict Records of Australia (2007)
  • Landmark Constitutional Documents of the Commonwealth of Australia (2008)
  • Vienna Dioscurides (1997)
    Austrian National Library, Vienna
  • Final Document of the Congress of Vienna (1997)
    Austrian State Archives, Vienna
  • Historical Collections (1899-1950) (1999)
    Phonogrammarchiv, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
  • Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (2001)
    Austrian National Library, Vienna
  • Vienna City Library's Schubert Collection (2001)
    Vienna City Library, Vienna
  • Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem of the Austrian National Library (2003)
  • Brahms Collection (2005)
  • Collection of Gothic Architectural Drawings (2005)
  • Tabula Peutingeriana (2007)
  • Medieval manuscripts on medicine and pharmacy (2005)
  • Documentary Heritage of Enslaved Peoples of the Caribbean (2003)
  • Business Archives of the Officina Plantiniana (2001)
    Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerpen
  • Colonial archives (1997)
    National Archives, Porto Novo
  • Emperor's collection: foreign and Brazilian photography in the XIX century (2003)
  • Human Rights Archive (2003)
  • Jesuits of America (2003)
  • 傳統音樂錄音檔案 (1997)
  • 清代《內閣秘本檔》(1999)
  • 納西族東巴古籍 (2003)
  • 清朝金榜 (2005)
  • 清代樣式雷圖卷 (2007)
  • 南京大屠殺慘案(2015年10月9日)
  • Negros y Esclavos Archives (2005)
  • Archives of the Danish overseas trading companies (1997)
    Danish National Archives, Copenhagen
  • Linné Collection (1997)
    Danish National Library of Sciences and Medicine, Copenhagen
  • Manuscripts and correspondence of Hans Christian Andersen (1997)
    Manuscript Department, Royal Library, Copenhagen
  • Søren Kierkegaard Archives (1997)
    Manuscript Department, Royal Library, Copenhagen
  • Memory of the Suez Canal (1997)
    Cultural Bureau, Egyptian Embassy, Paris
  • Deeds of Sultans and Princes (2005)
  • Treasures from National Archives and Library Organizations (1997)
    National Archives and Library, Addis Ababa
  • Early cylinder recordings of the world's musical traditions (1893-1952) in the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv (1999)
    Phonogrammarchiv, Museum of Ethnology, Berlin
  • Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony n°9, d-minor, op.125 (2001)
    State Library, Berlin[1]
  • Literary estate of Goethe (2001)
    Goethe and Schiller Archives, Weimar
  • 42-line Gutenberg Bible (2001)
    State and Universitary Library of Lower Saxonia, Goettingen
  • Metropolis film (2001)
    Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation, Wiesbaden
  • Illuminated manuscripts from the Ottonian period produced in the monastery of Reichenau (Lake Constance) (2003)
  • Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Children’s and Household Tales) (2005)
  • World map "Universalis cosmographia secundum Ptholomaei traditionem et Americi Vespucii aliorumque Lustrationes" by Martin Waldseemüller. In possession of the Library of Congress, Washington (D.C.) since 2003 (2005)
  • Kálmán Tihanyi's 1926 Patent Application "Radioskop" (2001)
    National Archives of Hungary, Budapest
  • The Bibliotheca Corviniana Collection (2005)
  • I.A.S. Tamil Medical Manuscript Collection (1997)
    Institute of Asian Studies, Tamil Nadu
  • Saiva Manuscripts in Pondicherry (2005)
  • The Rig Veda (2006)
  • “Bayasanghori Shâhnâmeh” (Prince Bayasanghor’s Book of the Kings) (2007)
  • The Deed For Endowment: Rab’ I-Rashidi (Rab I-Rashidi Endowment) 13th Century manuscript (2007)
  • Collection of manuscripts of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi (2003)
  • Audiovisual documents of the International antinuclear movement “Nevada-Semipalatinsk” (2005)
  • Dainu skapis - Cabinet of Folksongs (2001)
    Archives of Latvian Folklore, Riga
  • Commemorative stela of Nahr el-Kalb, Mount Lebanon (2005)
  • The Phoenician Alphabet (2005)
  • Family of Man (2003)
  • Records of the French Occupation of Mauritius (1997)
    Mauritius Archives, Petite Rivière, Port Louis, Q-Bornes
  • Collection of Mexican Codices (1997)
    National Library of Anthropology and History, Mexico City
  • Codices from the Oaxaca Valley (1997)
    National Archives, Mexico City
  • Codex Techaloyan from Cuajimalpaz (1997)
    National Archives, Mexico City
  • Los olvidados film by Luis Buñuel (2003)
    Filmoteca de la UNAM, Mexico
  • Biblioteca Palafoxiana (2005)
  • Amerindian Language Collection (2007)
  • Treaty of Waitangi (1997)
    National Archives, Wellington
  • The 1893 Women's Suffrage Petition (1997)
    National Archives, Wellington
  • Jinnah Papers (1999)
    National Archives, Islamabad
  • Philippine Paleographs (Hanunoo, Buid, Tagbanua and Pala'wan) (1999)
    National Museum, Manila
  • Radio Broadcast of the Philippine People Power Revolution (2003)
  • Archangel Gospel of 1092 (1997)
    Russian State Library, Moscow
  • Khitrovo Gospel (1997)
    Russian State Library, Moscow
  • Slavonic publications in Cyrillic script of the 15th century (1997)
    Russian State Library, Moscow
  • Newspaper collections (1997)
    Russian State Library, Moscow
  • Maps of the Russian empire and its collection of the 18th century (1997)
    Russian State Library, Moscow
  • Russian posters of the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries (1997)
    Russian State Library, Moscow
  • Historical Collections (1889-1955) of St. Petersburg Phonogram Archives (2001)
    Institute of Russian Literature and Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg
  • Earliest Islamic (Kufic) inscription (2003)
  • Afrique occidentale française, AOF (1997)
    National Archives, Dakar
  • Illuminated Codices from the Library of the Bratislava Chapter House (1997)
    National Archives, Bratislava
  • Basagic Collection of Islamic Manuscripts (1997)
    University Library, Bratislava
  • The Bleek collection (1997)
    University of Cape Town / South African Library, Cape Town
  • German Records of the National Archives (1997)
    National Archives, Dar Es Salam
  • Collection of Arabic Manuscripts and Books (2003)
  • The Derek Walcott Collection (1997)
    The Main Library, University of West Indies, St. Augustine
  • The Eric Williams Collection (1999)
    The Main Library, University of West Indies, St. Augustine
  • C.L.R. James Collection (2005)
  • Collection of Jewish Musical Folklore (1912-1947) (2005)
  • Original records of Carlos Gardel - Horacio Loriente Collection (1913-1935) (2003)
  • Holy Koran Mushaf of Othman (1997)
    The Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
  • Collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies (1997)
    Academy of Sciences, Tashkent
  • Escritos del libertador (1997)
    National Archives, Caracas
  • Collection of Latinamerican photography of the 19th Century (1997)
    National Library, Caracas


  1. Listen to the 'Ode to Joy' finale from the UNESCO concert in Berlin, 12 January 2003: Watch Here