TYCHE – Contributions to Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy, 2017
After Caesar’s murder, Decimus Brutus went to govern Cisalpine Gaul, which Antony legally exchang... more After Caesar’s murder, Decimus Brutus went to govern Cisalpine Gaul, which Antony legally exchanged for Macedonia. Decimus Brutus’ career is briefly discussed, as are the events, which postdated his refusal to surrender his province. The alliances at Mutina were unusual: the consuls Aulus Hirtius and Gaius Vibius Pansa, as well as Octavian, fought on the side of Decimus Brutus against Antony. The aftermath of Mutina and particularly the flight of Decimus Brutus are analysed in detail, as well as his death among the Sequani, whose dynast was Camilus. Appian’s (possible) sources and his reliability are discussed, particularly his use of the Memoirs of Augustus. Light is shed on the problem of how the artillery machines of Decimus Brutus’ army could have ended up at Metulum, the capital of the Iapodes. Keywords Appian; Decimus Brutus; Sequani; Iapodes; artillery machines
A lead tablet found in the Kupa River at Siscia (Pannonia, present-day Sisak) is a unique judicia... more A lead tablet found in the Kupa River at Siscia (Pannonia, present-day Sisak) is a unique judicial curse tablet, in which the river god Savus was invoked to harm the adversaries of the authors of the text. The inner side bears the names of their opponents involved in a lawsuit. Three adversaries are listed first: G. Domitius Secundus, Lucius Larcius, and Valerius Secundus, probably all from Cibalae (Pannonia, present-day Vinkovci). Other names include P. Caetronius and G. Corellius from Narbo (Narbonne) in Gallia and L. Licinius Sura from Hispania, as well as Lucilius Valens, who was very likely from Siscia, where the Lucilii are well documented. It is argued in the article that L. Licinius Sura should not be identified with the Roman senator from Tarraco and Trajan’s adviser and friend, but should rather be regarded as a homonymous person of a lower social standing, whose parents gave him the name Sura, considering it to be a good omen.
The article comments on residents of Siscia attested outside the city and its territory. It is ba... more The article comments on residents of Siscia attested outside the city and its territory. It is based both on corpus of the Roman inscriptions from Siscia and inscriptions found elsewhere in the Roman Empire in which the Sisciani are documented. A few individuals, known from other provincial towns, were employed in municipal and provincial administration, while soldiers of various ranks predominate, legionaries as well as auxiliaries. Among them, soldiers serving in the Praetorian Guard are the best attested.
Med bralci naše nove revije, kijih zanimajo klasična filologija, posebej grška in rimska literatu... more Med bralci naše nove revije, kijih zanimajo klasična filologija, posebej grška in rimska literatura ter vzporedno najrazličnejši vidiki naše preteklosti v antiki, bodo morda tudi takšni, ki jih zanimajo poganski kulti in božanstva, čaščena pri nas v dobi pred prevlado krščanstva. Zato sem se odločila, da vaje objavim v nadaljevanjih svoje besedilo o predrimskih kultih in božanstvih našega prostora in širše okolice. To besedilo je slovenska priredba angleške izdaje z naslovom Pre-RomanDivinities ojtheEasternAlps andAdriatic, ki je izšla spomladi leta 2000 kot monograftja serije Situla (št. 38, Ljubljana 1999). Ta muzejska serija je namenjena predvsem izmenjavi publikacij s tujino, zato je smiselno, da ni dvojezična. Slovensko besedilo začenjam s kratkim uvodnim sestavkom, sledili bosta dve nadaljevanji prvega poglavja (Od izvira Timava do Ekorne v Savariji: domača in uvožena božanstva) , ter vsa nadaljna poglavja, ki doslej še niso dostopna v slovenščini (Boginje Histrije in Liburnye...
Thirteen Roman inscribed stone monuments (as well as one fragment short of an inscription), are i... more Thirteen Roman inscribed stone monuments (as well as one fragment short of an inscription), are immured in the Ljubljana cathedral (1701-1706) and seminary building (1708- 1713). They are also referred to as the Thalnitscher Lapidarium. These are primarily Roman tombstones discovered at Ig or Ljubljana (Emona), two of which are most probably counterfeit, while one is a dedication to Hercules. A small fragment lacking an inscription may have belonged to an altar.Avtorica v članku objavlja s fotografijami trinajst rimskih kamnov z napisi in enega brez napisa, ki jih je dal Janez Gregor Dolničar (1655-1719) vzidati v tedaj novozgrajeno stolnico (1701-1706) in semenišče (1708-1713). Večinoma gre za rimske nagrobnike, najdene na Igu ali v Ljubljani (Emoni), od katerih sta dva prejkone ponarejena, eden je posvetilo Herkulu, odlomek brez napisa pa je verjetno del oltarja
In the summer of 2001, a boundary stone between Aquileia and Emona, made of Aurisina/Nabrežina li... more In the summer of 2001, a boundary stone between Aquileia and Emona, made of Aurisina/Nabrežina limestone, was discovered in the bed of the Ljubljanica River below Bevke, some 13 km to the southwest of Ljubljana. It is most probably dated to the Augustan period and is certainly pre-Claudian. According to other similar boundary stones, neither of the two communities involved could be subordinate to the other and both belonged to the same administrative unit. This means that both towns belonged to Italy and that Emona had never been part of Illyricum (or, later, of the province of Pannonia).V strugi Ljubljanice pod Bevkami je bil poleti 2001 najden mejnik med Akvilejo in Emono, izdelan iz nabrežinskega apnenca. Datacija mejnika je predklavdijska, najverjetneje je iz avgustejske dobe. Sodeč po drugih znanih mejnikih sta imeli na njem omenjeni mesti enakovreden pravni položaj in sta pripadali isti administrativni enoti. Mejnik torej dolazuje, da Emona ni nikoli pripadala Iliriku oz. pozn...
Municipium Claudium Celeiaje skupaj s štirimi drugimi noriškimi naselbinami, ki jih Plinij imenuj... more Municipium Claudium Celeiaje skupaj s štirimi drugimi noriškimi naselbinami, ki jih Plinij imenuje oppida ( Virunum, Teurnia, Aguntum in Iuvavum, N. h. 3.146), dobil pravice rimskega municipija pod Klavdijem. Celeja je bila eno najbolj cvetočih mest v Noriku in tudi eno od pomembnih provincialnih administrativnih središč; že pred tem je bila močna keltska naselbina, njeni prebivalci so bili keltski Tavriski. Tavriski so najkasneje v l. stol. pr. Kr. kovali svoj lasten denar (tako imenovane vzhodnonoriške oz. tavriskijske srebrne in tudi zlate novce) in si prizadevali doseči čim več neodvisnosti v okviru Noriškega kraljestva, v katerem so igrali najpomembnejšo vlogo Noriki, ki so kovali svoj denar na Koroškem (t.i. zahodnonoriški novci oz. novci Norikov), krožil pa je tudi na sosednjih območjih.
V članku so zbrana in komentirana tista mesta v Strabonovi 7. knjigi, kjer piše o Donavi in Savi.... more V članku so zbrana in komentirana tista mesta v Strabonovi 7. knjigi, kjer piše o Donavi in Savi. Že Herodot je Donavo opredelil kot najpomembnejšo njemu znano reko; pri grških piscih se je zanjo uveljavilo tračansko ime Istros, ki se je tudi pozneje uporabljalo za spodnji tok Donave. Zgornji tok se je imenoval Danuvius/Danubius, ime je verjetno keltsko. Kot božanstvu so Danuviju postavljali oltarje; blizu sotočja Drave in Donave so skupaj z njim počastili tudi boga Drava. Savo je poosebljal bog Savus, ki so ga častili ob zgornjem, nevarnejšem toku reke do Siscije. Skupaj z Adsaluto sta imela svetišče nad brzicami pri Podkraju nasproti Hrastnika, blizu območja nevarnih slapov. Strabon poleg drugih rek dvakrat omenja sicer neznani Noar, ki so ga enačili s celo vrsto rek, med drugim tudi z Odro, vendar je natančna analiza Strabonovega besedila pokazala, da gre lahko le za spodnji tok Save. Izviri Save Dolinke v Zelencih pri Podkorenu so bili sveti kraj, kjer so častili Saverkno.
Nadgrobna stela Likeja (Liccaeus), sina Vejova, centuriona liburne Lucusta, izložena je u lapidar... more Nadgrobna stela Likeja (Liccaeus), sina Vejova, centuriona liburne Lucusta, izložena je u lapidariju u Osoru (Apsorus) na otoku Cresu (Crexi). Bila je objavljena više puta, ali ni jedna od tih objava nije uzela u obzir sve raspoložive podatke o mjestu njezina nalaska. Likej i njegov nasljednik Dabal (Dabalus), sin Tritov, vjerojatno nisu pripadali starosjedilačkom stanovništvu otoka, već su mogli potjecati s delmatskog područja. Ipak, Likej je morao biti istaknuta osoba u Apsoru jer mu je bilo dodijeljeno javno zemljište za njegov pogreb. Njegov je nadgrobni spomenik pronađen u Osoru, a ne u Punti Križa, selu udaljenom kojih 15 km južno od Osora.The funerary stele of the centurion from the liburna Lucusta, Liccaeus, son of Veius, is exhibited in the lapidarium at Osor (Apsorus) on the island of Cres (Crexi). It has been published several times but no publication took into account all available data concerning its site of discovery. Liccaeus and his heir Dabalus, son of Tritus, proba...
There are two interesting cases of the worship of Roman period deities in the north-eastern Itali... more There are two interesting cases of the worship of Roman period deities in the north-eastern Italian and Pannonian regions, which in one way or another seem to have survived through the early medieval to modern times. The first is the cult of Belenus, the well-known Celtic and most notably Norican and Aquileian god. The second case is that of Cybele and Attis, the so-called eastern deities, whose cult became highly influential in the mentioned areas – as well as elsewhere – in the second and third centuries AD. Interestingly, a deity called “holy Belin” was documented in the second half of the 19th century in the area of Tolmin in Slovenia (the hinterland of Aquileia), as a traditional folk belief. In Pannonia, traces of the cult of Cybele and Attis seem to have survived from antiquity in Prekmurje and Porabje (Slovenia, Hungary), reflected in the unusual and still existing custom of the “wedding with a pine-tree”.
I the course of Octavian’s Illyrian war (35–33 BC), the navy played an important role, both at se... more I the course of Octavian’s Illyrian war (35–33 BC), the navy played an important role, both at sea and on the rivers. Some of its actions are documented by ancient historians (notably Appian and Cassius Dio), while others are hypothesized on the basis of reconstructed military strategy and the logistics of the war. The geographical repartition of the defeated peoples suggests that they were attacked at different times and from several directions: from Aquileia (the Carni and Taurisci), probably from Ravenna (the northern Liburnian islands and mainland). One of the supply bases for the Roman army operating in the north was Senia, while the pirates in the southern Adriatic must have been attacked from Brundisium. Cassius Dio even mentioned naval battles against the Pannonians at Segesta/Siscia, in one of which Menodorus, the naval commander of Sextus Pompeius, lost his life.
The funerary stele of the centurion from the liburna Lucusta, Liccaeus, son of Veius, is exhibite... more The funerary stele of the centurion from the liburna Lucusta, Liccaeus, son of Veius, is exhibited in the lapidarium at Osor (Apsorus) on the island of Cres (Crexi). It has been published several times but no publication took into account all available data concerning its site of discovery. Liccaeus and his heir Dabalus, son of Tritus, did not belong to the indigenous population of the island, but may have been from the region of the Delmatae. However, Liccaeus must have been a distinguished person at Apsorus, since he had been awarded a public place for his burial. His tombstone was found at Osor and not in Punta Križa, a village some 15 km south of Osor.
TYCHE – Contributions to Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy, 2017
After Caesar’s murder, Decimus Brutus went to govern Cisalpine Gaul, which Antony legally exchang... more After Caesar’s murder, Decimus Brutus went to govern Cisalpine Gaul, which Antony legally exchanged for Macedonia. Decimus Brutus’ career is briefly discussed, as are the events, which postdated his refusal to surrender his province. The alliances at Mutina were unusual: the consuls Aulus Hirtius and Gaius Vibius Pansa, as well as Octavian, fought on the side of Decimus Brutus against Antony. The aftermath of Mutina and particularly the flight of Decimus Brutus are analysed in detail, as well as his death among the Sequani, whose dynast was Camilus. Appian’s (possible) sources and his reliability are discussed, particularly his use of the Memoirs of Augustus. Light is shed on the problem of how the artillery machines of Decimus Brutus’ army could have ended up at Metulum, the capital of the Iapodes. Keywords Appian; Decimus Brutus; Sequani; Iapodes; artillery machines
A lead tablet found in the Kupa River at Siscia (Pannonia, present-day Sisak) is a unique judicia... more A lead tablet found in the Kupa River at Siscia (Pannonia, present-day Sisak) is a unique judicial curse tablet, in which the river god Savus was invoked to harm the adversaries of the authors of the text. The inner side bears the names of their opponents involved in a lawsuit. Three adversaries are listed first: G. Domitius Secundus, Lucius Larcius, and Valerius Secundus, probably all from Cibalae (Pannonia, present-day Vinkovci). Other names include P. Caetronius and G. Corellius from Narbo (Narbonne) in Gallia and L. Licinius Sura from Hispania, as well as Lucilius Valens, who was very likely from Siscia, where the Lucilii are well documented. It is argued in the article that L. Licinius Sura should not be identified with the Roman senator from Tarraco and Trajan’s adviser and friend, but should rather be regarded as a homonymous person of a lower social standing, whose parents gave him the name Sura, considering it to be a good omen.
The article comments on residents of Siscia attested outside the city and its territory. It is ba... more The article comments on residents of Siscia attested outside the city and its territory. It is based both on corpus of the Roman inscriptions from Siscia and inscriptions found elsewhere in the Roman Empire in which the Sisciani are documented. A few individuals, known from other provincial towns, were employed in municipal and provincial administration, while soldiers of various ranks predominate, legionaries as well as auxiliaries. Among them, soldiers serving in the Praetorian Guard are the best attested.
Med bralci naše nove revije, kijih zanimajo klasična filologija, posebej grška in rimska literatu... more Med bralci naše nove revije, kijih zanimajo klasična filologija, posebej grška in rimska literatura ter vzporedno najrazličnejši vidiki naše preteklosti v antiki, bodo morda tudi takšni, ki jih zanimajo poganski kulti in božanstva, čaščena pri nas v dobi pred prevlado krščanstva. Zato sem se odločila, da vaje objavim v nadaljevanjih svoje besedilo o predrimskih kultih in božanstvih našega prostora in širše okolice. To besedilo je slovenska priredba angleške izdaje z naslovom Pre-RomanDivinities ojtheEasternAlps andAdriatic, ki je izšla spomladi leta 2000 kot monograftja serije Situla (št. 38, Ljubljana 1999). Ta muzejska serija je namenjena predvsem izmenjavi publikacij s tujino, zato je smiselno, da ni dvojezična. Slovensko besedilo začenjam s kratkim uvodnim sestavkom, sledili bosta dve nadaljevanji prvega poglavja (Od izvira Timava do Ekorne v Savariji: domača in uvožena božanstva) , ter vsa nadaljna poglavja, ki doslej še niso dostopna v slovenščini (Boginje Histrije in Liburnye...
Thirteen Roman inscribed stone monuments (as well as one fragment short of an inscription), are i... more Thirteen Roman inscribed stone monuments (as well as one fragment short of an inscription), are immured in the Ljubljana cathedral (1701-1706) and seminary building (1708- 1713). They are also referred to as the Thalnitscher Lapidarium. These are primarily Roman tombstones discovered at Ig or Ljubljana (Emona), two of which are most probably counterfeit, while one is a dedication to Hercules. A small fragment lacking an inscription may have belonged to an altar.Avtorica v članku objavlja s fotografijami trinajst rimskih kamnov z napisi in enega brez napisa, ki jih je dal Janez Gregor Dolničar (1655-1719) vzidati v tedaj novozgrajeno stolnico (1701-1706) in semenišče (1708-1713). Večinoma gre za rimske nagrobnike, najdene na Igu ali v Ljubljani (Emoni), od katerih sta dva prejkone ponarejena, eden je posvetilo Herkulu, odlomek brez napisa pa je verjetno del oltarja
In the summer of 2001, a boundary stone between Aquileia and Emona, made of Aurisina/Nabrežina li... more In the summer of 2001, a boundary stone between Aquileia and Emona, made of Aurisina/Nabrežina limestone, was discovered in the bed of the Ljubljanica River below Bevke, some 13 km to the southwest of Ljubljana. It is most probably dated to the Augustan period and is certainly pre-Claudian. According to other similar boundary stones, neither of the two communities involved could be subordinate to the other and both belonged to the same administrative unit. This means that both towns belonged to Italy and that Emona had never been part of Illyricum (or, later, of the province of Pannonia).V strugi Ljubljanice pod Bevkami je bil poleti 2001 najden mejnik med Akvilejo in Emono, izdelan iz nabrežinskega apnenca. Datacija mejnika je predklavdijska, najverjetneje je iz avgustejske dobe. Sodeč po drugih znanih mejnikih sta imeli na njem omenjeni mesti enakovreden pravni položaj in sta pripadali isti administrativni enoti. Mejnik torej dolazuje, da Emona ni nikoli pripadala Iliriku oz. pozn...
Municipium Claudium Celeiaje skupaj s štirimi drugimi noriškimi naselbinami, ki jih Plinij imenuj... more Municipium Claudium Celeiaje skupaj s štirimi drugimi noriškimi naselbinami, ki jih Plinij imenuje oppida ( Virunum, Teurnia, Aguntum in Iuvavum, N. h. 3.146), dobil pravice rimskega municipija pod Klavdijem. Celeja je bila eno najbolj cvetočih mest v Noriku in tudi eno od pomembnih provincialnih administrativnih središč; že pred tem je bila močna keltska naselbina, njeni prebivalci so bili keltski Tavriski. Tavriski so najkasneje v l. stol. pr. Kr. kovali svoj lasten denar (tako imenovane vzhodnonoriške oz. tavriskijske srebrne in tudi zlate novce) in si prizadevali doseči čim več neodvisnosti v okviru Noriškega kraljestva, v katerem so igrali najpomembnejšo vlogo Noriki, ki so kovali svoj denar na Koroškem (t.i. zahodnonoriški novci oz. novci Norikov), krožil pa je tudi na sosednjih območjih.
V članku so zbrana in komentirana tista mesta v Strabonovi 7. knjigi, kjer piše o Donavi in Savi.... more V članku so zbrana in komentirana tista mesta v Strabonovi 7. knjigi, kjer piše o Donavi in Savi. Že Herodot je Donavo opredelil kot najpomembnejšo njemu znano reko; pri grških piscih se je zanjo uveljavilo tračansko ime Istros, ki se je tudi pozneje uporabljalo za spodnji tok Donave. Zgornji tok se je imenoval Danuvius/Danubius, ime je verjetno keltsko. Kot božanstvu so Danuviju postavljali oltarje; blizu sotočja Drave in Donave so skupaj z njim počastili tudi boga Drava. Savo je poosebljal bog Savus, ki so ga častili ob zgornjem, nevarnejšem toku reke do Siscije. Skupaj z Adsaluto sta imela svetišče nad brzicami pri Podkraju nasproti Hrastnika, blizu območja nevarnih slapov. Strabon poleg drugih rek dvakrat omenja sicer neznani Noar, ki so ga enačili s celo vrsto rek, med drugim tudi z Odro, vendar je natančna analiza Strabonovega besedila pokazala, da gre lahko le za spodnji tok Save. Izviri Save Dolinke v Zelencih pri Podkorenu so bili sveti kraj, kjer so častili Saverkno.
Nadgrobna stela Likeja (Liccaeus), sina Vejova, centuriona liburne Lucusta, izložena je u lapidar... more Nadgrobna stela Likeja (Liccaeus), sina Vejova, centuriona liburne Lucusta, izložena je u lapidariju u Osoru (Apsorus) na otoku Cresu (Crexi). Bila je objavljena više puta, ali ni jedna od tih objava nije uzela u obzir sve raspoložive podatke o mjestu njezina nalaska. Likej i njegov nasljednik Dabal (Dabalus), sin Tritov, vjerojatno nisu pripadali starosjedilačkom stanovništvu otoka, već su mogli potjecati s delmatskog područja. Ipak, Likej je morao biti istaknuta osoba u Apsoru jer mu je bilo dodijeljeno javno zemljište za njegov pogreb. Njegov je nadgrobni spomenik pronađen u Osoru, a ne u Punti Križa, selu udaljenom kojih 15 km južno od Osora.The funerary stele of the centurion from the liburna Lucusta, Liccaeus, son of Veius, is exhibited in the lapidarium at Osor (Apsorus) on the island of Cres (Crexi). It has been published several times but no publication took into account all available data concerning its site of discovery. Liccaeus and his heir Dabalus, son of Tritus, proba...
There are two interesting cases of the worship of Roman period deities in the north-eastern Itali... more There are two interesting cases of the worship of Roman period deities in the north-eastern Italian and Pannonian regions, which in one way or another seem to have survived through the early medieval to modern times. The first is the cult of Belenus, the well-known Celtic and most notably Norican and Aquileian god. The second case is that of Cybele and Attis, the so-called eastern deities, whose cult became highly influential in the mentioned areas – as well as elsewhere – in the second and third centuries AD. Interestingly, a deity called “holy Belin” was documented in the second half of the 19th century in the area of Tolmin in Slovenia (the hinterland of Aquileia), as a traditional folk belief. In Pannonia, traces of the cult of Cybele and Attis seem to have survived from antiquity in Prekmurje and Porabje (Slovenia, Hungary), reflected in the unusual and still existing custom of the “wedding with a pine-tree”.
I the course of Octavian’s Illyrian war (35–33 BC), the navy played an important role, both at se... more I the course of Octavian’s Illyrian war (35–33 BC), the navy played an important role, both at sea and on the rivers. Some of its actions are documented by ancient historians (notably Appian and Cassius Dio), while others are hypothesized on the basis of reconstructed military strategy and the logistics of the war. The geographical repartition of the defeated peoples suggests that they were attacked at different times and from several directions: from Aquileia (the Carni and Taurisci), probably from Ravenna (the northern Liburnian islands and mainland). One of the supply bases for the Roman army operating in the north was Senia, while the pirates in the southern Adriatic must have been attacked from Brundisium. Cassius Dio even mentioned naval battles against the Pannonians at Segesta/Siscia, in one of which Menodorus, the naval commander of Sextus Pompeius, lost his life.
The funerary stele of the centurion from the liburna Lucusta, Liccaeus, son of Veius, is exhibite... more The funerary stele of the centurion from the liburna Lucusta, Liccaeus, son of Veius, is exhibited in the lapidarium at Osor (Apsorus) on the island of Cres (Crexi). It has been published several times but no publication took into account all available data concerning its site of discovery. Liccaeus and his heir Dabalus, son of Tritus, did not belong to the indigenous population of the island, but may have been from the region of the Delmatae. However, Liccaeus must have been a distinguished person at Apsorus, since he had been awarded a public place for his burial. His tombstone was found at Osor and not in Punta Križa, a village some 15 km south of Osor.
The book deals with important chapters from the ancient history of the eastern Alpine and Adriati... more The book deals with important chapters from the ancient history of the eastern Alpine and Adriatic regions as well as the western Balkans. Illyricum equals more or less the western Balkans, and its history has always been complex and problematic, often obscure. It has remained a difficult region, where even in the modern age problems are dealt with by wars. However, this broad area represents a fascinating object of study and the monograph offers an updated survey of the history of Illyricum in the Hellenistic and early Roman periods.
ed. by R. Haeussler and A. C. King. Aberystwyth 2017.
What is Celtic religion? And does it survive into the Roman period? This multi-authored volume ex... more What is Celtic religion? And does it survive into the Roman period? This multi-authored volume explores the 'Celtic' religions in pre-Roman and Roman times. It book brings together new work, from a wide range of disciplinary vantages, on pre-Christian religions in the Celtic-speaking provinces of the Roman Empire. The twenty-six chapters are the work of international experts in the fields of ancient history, archaeology, linguistics, epigraphy and Celtic studies. It is fully illustrated with b&w and colour maps, site plans, photographs and drawings of ancient inscriptions and images of Romano-Celtic gods.
The collection is based on the thirteenth workshop of the F.E.R.C.AN. project (Fontes epigraphici religionum Celticarum antiquarum), which was held from the 17th to the 19th October 2014 in Lampeter, Wales.
Papers by Marjeta Šašel Kos
The collection is based on the thirteenth workshop of the F.E.R.C.AN. project (Fontes epigraphici religionum Celticarum antiquarum), which was held from the 17th to the 19th October 2014 in Lampeter, Wales.