CGI (Common Gateway Interface) は、ウェブサーバが コンテンツ生成をする外部プログラムと協調して動作するための方法を 定義しています。そのプログラムはしばしば CGI プログラムや CGI スクリプトと呼ばれます。CGI は、ウェブサイトに動的な コンテンツを置くための最も簡単で一般的な方法です。このドキュメントは、 Apache ウェブサーバで CGI を設定し、 CGI プログラムを書き始めるための入門書となるでしょう。
Please note This document refers to the 2.0 version of Apache httpd, which is no longer maintained. Upgrade, and refer to the current version of httpd instead, documented at: Current release version of Apache HTTP Server documentationYou may follow this link to go to the current version of this document.
Downloading the Apache HTTP Server¶ Use the links below to download the Apache HTTP Server from our download servers. You must verify the integrity of the downloaded files using signatures downloaded from our main distribution directory. The signatures can be verified with our KEYS file. Only current recommended releases are available on the main distribution site. Historical releases, including t
Verifying Apache HTTP Server Releases¶ All official releases of code distributed by the Apache HTTP Server Project are signed by the release manager for the release. PGP signatures and SHA hashes are available along with the distribution. You should download the PGP signatures and SHA hashes directly from the Apache Software Foundation rather than our mirrors. This is to help ensure the integrity
This document describes the terms that are used to describe each Apache configuration directive. Syntax This indicates the format of the directive as it would appear in a configuration file. This syntax is extremely directive-specific, and is described in detail in the directive's definition. Generally, the directive name is followed by a series of one or more space-separated arguments. If an argu