この投稿は以下の記事を英語・JavaScriptから日本語(意訳)・PowerShell + 補足したものです。 5 Tips to Write Better Conditionals in JavaScript JavaScriptやPowerShellなどの言語は少々言語ハックした記事が多いですが、 この投稿では原文通り言語ハックはせず、読みやすい書き方はこうだ、と思うものを書きました。 ソースコードはPowerShellですが、他の言語にも通ずるところはあると思います。 また、ところどころSonarQube(ソースコードの静的解析ツール)の規約の中から該当するルールを引っ張り出し、 なるべく、私見により過ぎないよう心がけてます。 不備などあれば、ご指摘ください。 この投稿で使用したソースコードはgistに置いてます。 環境 $PSVersionTable Name Value ---
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TASK #1: Third Maximum You are given an array of integers, @ints. Write a script to find the third distinct maximum in the given array. If third maximum doesn't exist then return the maximum number. TASK #2: Jumbled Letters Write a program that takes English text as its input and outputs a jumbled version. Please click for more details ... ABOUT ME JAMSHEDPUR, INDIA (1993 - 1997) Let me share my j
Introducing Pebble: A RocksDB-inspired key-value store written in Go Reader’s Note: This post references CockroachDB Serverless and/or CockroachDB Dedicated which, as of September 26 2024, have been renamed and incorporated within the new CockroachDB Cloud platform, which you can read more about here. Since its inception, CockroachDB has relied on RocksDB as its key-value storage engine. The choic
August 31, 2023. Since September 2020 when OneFuzz was first open sourced, we’ve been on a journey to create a best-in-class orchestrator for running fuzzers, driving security and quality into our products. Initially launched by a small group in MSR, OneFuzz has now become a significant internal platform within Microsoft. As such, we are regretfully archiving the project to focus our attention on
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The Making of Dune II The birth of the real-time strategy game Despite its name suggesting otherwise, Dune II was a first – a real-time strategy game that sprang out of the box with almost every gameplay attribute and control system seen in every RTS since. In direct lineage, it was the father of the globally successful Command & Conquer franchise, in that its code was used as a basis of the first
Learn the essentials of Go. It's taking development, particularly back-end web development, by storm. Author Lane WagnerLane is a back-end engineer and the lead instructor of Boot.dev. He has taught over one million students worldwide, on Boot.dev, FreeCodeCamp, YouTube and the Backend Banter podcast. Lane worked as a backend engineer writing Go, Python and TypeScript, then moved into engineering
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