結構自信はないわけだけど. とりあえずメモ. 間違ってるところ指摘してください(何 まずスクリプト setlocale( LC_ALL, "ja_JP.UTF-8"); bindtextdomain( "test", dirname( __FILE__)."/locales"); textdomain( "test"); $charset = _( "web-charset"); $test = _( "test"); pot作成 xgettext -c -d test -k_ *php -o locales/test.pot po作成 pushd locales for lang in `echo ??_??.*` do msgmerge -U $lang/LC_MESSAGES/test.po test.pot -o $lang/LC_MESSAGES/test.po done mo作
お待たせしました? 続編です. #遅くなってすみません PHPでメッセージカタログを扱う場合,PHP文字列形式やPHP配列形式を使う場合が多いこと,そのメリットとデメリットについて以前の記事で書きました. では今回はgettext使うとどう幸せになるのかあたりを. というかあまり整理できてないですね.すみません(いきなり謝りまくりかよ gettextとは? gettextはGNUプロジェクトで開発されている,主にメッセージの多言語化を達成するためのライブラリとコマンド群と思ってもらえればいいと思います. gettextを用いることで,プログラムからメッセージカタログをpo(Portable Object.テキスト形式)という形式のテキストを出力し,それらを各言語用に編集し,mo(Machine object.バイナリ形式)という形式にし,最終的にmoを用いてアプリケーションのメッセージを扱
The localization engineers' Swiss Army Knife. Use it to convert, count, manipulate, review and debug texts. Tools that you can expand, adapt and grow. Format converters Convert between a number of localization, translation and software formats. Allowing you and your translators to work on industry standard translation formats. Quality assurance. Search for pattern matches. Run tests that adapt to
Usually, programs are written and documented in English, and use English at execution time for interacting with users. This is true not only from within GNU, but also in a great deal of proprietary and free software. Using a common language is quite handy for communication between developers, maintainers and users from all countries. On the other hand, most people are less comfortable with English
Poedit Easy translation of apps & sites with PO, XLIFF, JSON or Flutter formats Full gettext support. And then some. Poedit was built to handle translation using gettext (PO), which is used by many PHP projects (Drupal, WordPress), Python projects (Django), or virtually anything running on Linux. Lost in translation? Not with Poedit. With comprehensive safety checks, a minimal and intuitive interf