HTTP Headerについての記事。 HSTS、CSP、Cache-Control、Accepe-Encoding、Accept-CH、
efcl のブックマーク 2019/04/30 11:52
HTTP headers for the responsible developer[HTTP][browser][article]HTTP Headerについての記事。 HSTS、CSP、Cache-Control、Accepe-Encoding、Accept-CH、2019/04/30 11:52
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This article is a written version of the talk “HTTP headers for the responsible developer”. You can check the slides or the recording. Being online is the default state for many people these days. ...
36 人がブックマーク・4 件のコメント
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HTTP Headerについての記事。 HSTS、CSP、Cache-Control、Accepe-Encoding、Accept-CH、
HTTP headers for the responsible developer
This article is a written version of the talk “HTTP headers for the responsible developer”. You can check the slides or the recording. Being online is the default state for many people these days. ...
36 人がブックマーク・4 件のコメント
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