LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 18:Eva Chen wearing jacket, denim jeans outside Erdem during London Fashion Week September 2017 on September 18, 2017 in London, England. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images)Getty Images Sitting front row at the Gucci show in Milan this season was none other than Dapper Dan, the Harlem designer who had incorporated the logos of high-fashion houses, Gucci among them,
Customers cut document processing time and costs with DocAI solutions, now generally available Some of the most important data at your company isn’t living in databases, but in documents, and most business processes begin, involve or end with a document. Yet most companies are still manually entering data and reliant on guesswork to make sense of it all as the volume and variety of data explodes.
Vector Search is based on vector search technology developed by Google research. With Vector Search you can benefit from the same research and technology that provides a foundation for Google products such as Google Search, YouTube, and Play. Introduction Vector Search can search from billions of semantically similar or semantically related items. A vector similarity-matching service has many use
昨日は法政大学で行われた、倉本長治・初夫文庫 開設記念公開セミナー「店は客のためにある」に参加してきました。講演者は、ファーストリテイリングの柳井正会長兼社長と、浅川園の古舘邦彦社長。久しぶりのお勉強です。 法政大学 会場は法政大学市ケ谷キャンパス 外濠校舎 薩埵ホール 新しい校舎で素敵なホール。音楽ライブも出来そうです。笑 ステージには「店は客のためにあり、店員とともに栄え、店主とともに滅びる。」という今回のテーマとなった言葉を残した倉本長治さんの写真がありました。 イベントスタート イベントは、矢作 敏行さんによる「商業界精神と戦後日本の流通産業」というテーマのお話からスタート。 続いて、柳井 正さんによる「店は客のためにあり、店員とともに栄える」というテーマでの講演となった。ミーハーと言われてしまうかもしれませんが、やはり柳井さんが登場するというとテンションがあがってしまいます。 お
Welcome to Blazegraph Blazegraph™ DB is a ultra high-performance graph database supporting Blueprints and RDF/SPARQL APIs. It supports up to 50 Billion edges on a single machine. It is in production use for Fortune 500 customers such as EMC, Autodesk, and many others. It is supporting key Precision Medicine applications and has wide-spread usage for life science applications. It is used extensivel
♰ Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya ✦ Massachusetts Institute of Technology ✥ Qatar Computing Research Institute Abstract In this work we train a neural network to learn a joint embedding of recipes and images that yields impressive results on an image-recipe retrieval task. Moreover, we demonstrate that regularization via the addition of a high-level classification objective both improves retr
Knowledge graphs that encapsulate personal health information, or personal health knowledge graphs (PHKG), can help enable personalized health care in knowledge-driven systems. In this paper we provide a short survey of existing work surrounding the emerging paradigm of PHKGs and highlight the major challenges that remain. We find that while some preliminary exploration exists on the topic of pers