HaxeFlixel is a 2D Game Engine that lets you create cross-platform games easier with free, open source technology!
Haxelib (Option 1) OpenFL is available to install from Haxelib. It supports HTML5, native desktop, native mobile, AIR and Flash development from a single toolset and the Haxe programming language. To get started, install Haxe globally on your system. With the latest versions of Haxe and Neko installed, open a command-prompt (Windows) or terminal (macOS/Linux) and run these commands: haxelib instal
Download 3.1.10 This file contains CSS, JavaScript and their minified versions, images, fonts and the cookbook. Download with source This file contains SASS and JavaScript source code, distribution versions and the build tools config files. Github If you prefer, head on to our github repository, fork the project and help us create an even better Ink. Responsive from the ground up Our grid system i
Now that I have decided to go with Haxe and NME, there is the question of which game engine to use. You may be thinking to yourself “isn’t NME a game engine”? No, not really, although it performs some game engine-y functions. NME is more like a cross platform Haxe implementation of a Flash like development environment. A game engine is built on top of this layer as ideally makes me life easier
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