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Looking to enhance your professional skills? Dedicated study and guidance from an exceptional mentor are key factors to elevate your performance in the workplace. Explore Courses Who We AreFAVO Academy was built on the backbones of the AI and Data Science experience of Anicca Data Science Solution. The company was built with a passion for innovation and operated successfully since 2017. A team of
For his documentary-in-progress About You 2.0—a film about the culture of life hacking and productivity—Joey Daoud visits the office of David Allen of the Getting Things Done fame: It's always great to see someone practice what they preach—and there's little doubt that Allen is serious about ubiquitous capture. For more GTD goodness, be sure to check out Hive Five: Best GTD Applications, Kevin Pur
When you buy through affiliate links in our content, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Learn how our funding model works. By using this website you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. We uphold a strict editorial policy that focuses on factual accuracy, relevance, and impartiality. Our content, created by leading industry experts, is meticulously reviewed by a tea
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Photo by pnoeric いま、PhotoShareで使うために、高速なEvent Driven方式のネットワークライブラリ、EventMachineを調べています。 このEventMachine、ほとんどの場合はサーバを作るときに使われていますが、HTTPクライアントの機能も実装されており、実はクローラの様な物を作るときにも利用することができます。 今回はこっちを使いたかったのですが、ググってもほとんど情報が出てこなかったので、Seattle.rbで相談したところ、Aaronさん(RubyKaigi 2008でプレゼンしているのをustで見てコンタクトしました)からサンプルが貰えたので、それを元に、同時接続する様にしてみました。 このコードだけだと役には立ちませんが、情報が少なかったので参考に上げておきます。 require 'rubygems' require 'eventma
Like many a Web 2.0 entrepreneur, David Karp hopes his product will be used by millions of people one day. But unlike other ambitious founders, the 21-year-old founder of micro-blogging tool maker Tumblr Inc. isn't planning an expensive, massive marketing blitz to grow the user base from today's 170,000 to one million people by year's end. Rather, Karp is focusing intently on satisfying his core a
1.5.4 download [FIX] YouTube's "Old Flash? Go upgrade!" message. bug 517 (Jeff Johnson) 1.5.3 download [FIX] Crasher where parsed flash variables (such as video_id) were being released prematurely. bug 261 (Jeff Johnson) [FIX] Duplicate whitelist entries (caused by a bug in 1.5b4) are now detected and removed, fixing slow-downs, hangs and crashes. bug 264 (Simone Manganelli). [CHANGE] Disables H.2
"RT" or "retweeting" is simply taking a twitter post from someone else and forwarding (rebroadcasting) it to your followers. Here are a few common ways to retweet a message (all do the same thing): RT @originalsender: original message retweet @originalsender: original message retweeting @originalsender: original message Retweeting can be a great way to add followers, as it pushes your @username in
Hashtags Introduction Hashtags are a community-driven convention for adding additional context and metadata to your tweets. They're like tags on Flickr, only added inline to your post. You create a hashtag simply by prefixing a word with a hash symbol: #hashtag. Hashtags were developed as a means to create "groupings" on Twitter, without having to change the basic service. The hash symbol is a con
Perhaps Digg really is the future of the news business. The headline-discussion site, once an icon of the Web 2.0 movement, is losing millions of dollars a year. BusinessWeek's Spencer Ante got ahold of Digg's financial statements. They are frightful, even for a startup. Last year, the company took in $4.8 million and spent $7.6 million, for a loss of $2.8 million. In the first nine months of this Emacsを使っていると、Ctrlを押しながらうんぬんというのがとても多い。だから指が疲れてしまうという話をよく聞く。俺は10年以上使っているのだが、幸い今のところ指が疲れるということはない。というか、逆に左手小指が異常に鍛えられている気すらする。これはさておき、俺は俺なりに指の負担を軽減する方策を取っている。 skk + スティッキーシフト SKKを使っているとどうしてもShiftを押しまくることになる。これはスティッキーシフトでShiftを押さないようにしている。CamelCaseな変数名を使うJavaプログラマにもおすすめかも。 SKK + スティッキーシフト = 最強 -に移転しました view-modeを活用する あとは、極
How to use "functions for keyconfig" ■ Step1: Install keyconfig extension. This extension needs another extension named "keyconfig extension". If you don't install keyconfig extension yet, install it before configuration.
Do that 100 times; each total has 1% probability, and now you can figure out the probability that you will ship on any given date. Now watch what happens: In the case of the mythical perfect estimator, all velocities are 1. Dividing by a velocity which is always 1 has no effect. Thus, all rounds of the simulation give the same ship date, and that ship date has 100% probability. Just like in the fa
When you learn a new way to think, you can master a new way to be... via Private Life Coaching. At the cusp of new beginnings many of us take time to reflect on our lives by looking back over the past and ahead into the future. We ponder the successes, failures and standout events that are slowly scripting our life’s story. This process of self reflection helps maintain a conscious awareness of
When 37signals first started out, we didn’t make products. We did client work. From the beginning, we allotted plenty of time for side projects. Things that would get us attention (eNormicom), experiments with new ways of selling our services (37express), ways to show off our design thinking (37Better Project), etc. Here are a few of the key non-client projects that enabled us to build up an audie
Update: Jake in Does Django really scale better than Rails? thinks apps like FFS shouldn't need so much hardware to scale. In a short three months Friends for Sale (think Hot-or-Not with a market economy) grew to become a top 10 Facebook application handling 200 gorgeous requests per second and a stunning 300 million page views a month. They did all this using Ruby on Rails, two part time develope