Today, Nate Abele, lead developer of CakePHP, announced in a cryptic tweet that he leaves the project. This comes shortly after Gwoo, the project manager, left the project, too. It seems like they started to work on a fork of Cake3 called “Lithium”. On Twitter people are a bit puzzled about those events, some even think it is the end of CakePHP… I don’t know whether this will be the case, it is to
In a recent comment David Cournoyer shared a tip about extending CakePHP’s core components and I think it could also be useful for others. Let’s say we want to add a method to the request handler component. And so we create a new class which inherits from the request handler component: // app/controllers/components/my_request_handler.php App::import('Component', 'RequestHandler'); class MyRequestH
If you write reusable code with CakePHP (e.g. a component) you often forget (or at least I do) that the code could be used either in applications or in plugins. In most cases though, this doesn’t really matter, as your code will work fine in both “environments”. However, consider the following snippet: public function example() { App::import('Vendor', 'example', array('file' => 'Example.php')); $e
Today I released a new version of the OpenID component. Three changes made it into this release: Almost all external libraries are now included in the package to make the installation a bit easier. Included are the required PHP OpenID library and PEAR DB (which is used if you want to store the OpenID data in the database). Not included is the EAUT library as I think this standard is dead (i.e. nob