Like a shot to your dome piece, I'm back to hit you with my annual roundup of what happened in the rumble-tumble game of databases. Yes, I used to write this article on the OtterTune blog, but the company is dead (RIP). I'm doing this joint on my professor blog. There is much to cover from the past year, from 10-figure acquisitions, vendors running wild in the streets with license changes, and the
I am starting this new year the same way I ended the last: taking antibiotics because my biological daughter brought home a nasty sinus bug from Carnegie Mellon’s preschool. This was after my first wife betrayed me and gave me COVID. Nevertheless, it is time for my annual screed on last year’s major database happenings and trends since a lot has happened. My goal is to keep my trenchant opinions f
This article was written in collaboration with Bohan Zhang and originally appeared on the OtterTune website. There are a lot of choices in databases (897 as of April 2023). With so many systems, it’s hard to know what to pick! But there is an interesting phenomenon where the Internet collectively decides on the default choice for new applications. In the 2000s, the conventional wisdom selected MyS
Another year has gone by, and I’m still alive. As such, it is an excellent time to reflect on what happened in the world of databases last year. It was quiet in the streets as the benchmark wars between DBMS vendors have quieted down. I had fun writing last year’s retrospective, so I am excited to share with you the things that stand out from 2022 and my thoughts on them. Big Database Funding Has
Databases in 2023: A Year in Review Posted on January 04, 2024 Andy recounts the rise of vector databases to SQL:2023 to MariaDB troubles and the FAA outage in 2023. [READ] Yes, PostgreSQL Has Problems. But We’re Sticking With It! Posted on June 07, 2023 Andy explores ways to optimize PostgreSQL for each of the problems caused by the implementation of multi-version concurrency control in PostgreSQ
It was a wild year for the database industry, with newcomers overtaking the old guard, vendors fighting over benchmark numbers, and eye-popping funding rounds. We also had to say goodbye to some of our database friends through acquisitions, bankruptcies, or retractions. As the end of the year draws near, it’s worth reflecting and taking stock as we move into 2022. Here are some of the highlights a
So I ended up doing what I promised myself I would not do. And that is be a professor who has a blog that they never update. I know that it's been a year since my last post and that I still need to write part 3 in my series on the open research problems for transaction processing database systems. A lot of has happened in the last year at CMU and I plan to discuss them here once the projects are m
I am an Associate Professor with Indefinite Tenure of Databaseology in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University. My research interest is in database management systems, specifically main memory systems, self-driving / autonomous architectures, transaction processing systems, and large-scale data analytics. At CMU, I am a member of the Database Group and the Parallel Data Labor