A coding app for kids to make games, stories, art and moreWith Hopscotch, kids develop problem-solving skills while having fun creating and playing games on iPad, iPhone and the web.
Construction Cameras Evercam records every second of your construction project and unifies fixed-position cameras, 4D models, drones & other reality capture data in one central location. Contact us What we do We have designed the latest technology in project management & time-lapse cameras. We provide real solutions for the problems faced on construction sites every day. Evercam increases construc
Billions of people across the globe still don’t have reliable, affordable access to the internet The internet has transformed the way the world communicates, learns, governs, and exchanges ideas, but billions of people across the globe lack reliable, affordable access. Loon was a radical approach to expanding internet connectivity. Instead of trying to extend the internet with traditional ground-b
Ruby on Rails Guidesの内容を翻訳して作成したガイドです。 誤訳や誤記があると思いますのでその点についてはご了承ください。 もし、誤訳などの間違いを見つけましたら、 @tomof まで教えていただければ幸いです。 訳注:Rails4の「Getting Start」からは、scaffold(スキャフォールド)の説明がとり除かれたようです。 これは、おそらくscaffoldを使用することで、かえって初心者の理解を妨げる要因になると考えられてのことだと思われます。 scaffoldの事が知りたければ、Rails入門(Rails 3)を参照してください。 Railsの入門ガイドです。 このガイドを読むことで、次の事が学べるはずです。 Railsのインストールし、Railsアプリケーションのプロジェクト生成、データベース接続 Railsアプリケーションの一般的なレイアウトについて
Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub helps remove traditional barriers to building a company with free access to the technology, coaching, and support you need to hit your next milestone. More details Note: Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub is currently in limited preview. We are reviewing applications on a rolling basis and will notify you if you are granted access.
Packetbeat is an Open Source Application Monitoring and Packet Tracing (Packet Sniffer) system. It works by sniffing the traffic and analyzing network protocols like HTTP, MySQL and REDIS.Don't know how to start troubleshooting an issue? Try opening the topological map. It's guaranteed to give you the big picture and you'll be surprised how often it sends you in the right direction. You can set fi
Build robust and understandable systems with flow-based programming. Using Flowhub you can target the full stack, from microcontrollers to Internet of Things and the web. Integrated Development Environment Flowhub IDE is a tool for building full-stack applications in a visual way. With the ecosystem of flow-based programming environments, you can use Flowhub to create anything from distributed dat
Using HTML entities is the right way to ensure all the characters on your page are validated. However, often finding the right entity code requires scanning through 250 rows of characters. This lookup allows you to quickly find the entity based on how it looks, e.g. like an < or the letter c. Features Search for entity characters based on how they look (taken from the W3C list of entities) Switch
Is That a Party in Your Pocket? LIVR isn’t just another tired social network. It’s an online party at all times… guaranteed. No baby photos. No puppies. Mom isn’t here. Just a global network of similarly minded people looking to have a good time. Join the LIVR Life! A Biometric Bouncer at the Door Want access to the best party online? Prove it. Have a drink, connect the breathalyzer, and blow. Wel
Are you wondering which hotel to stay when traveling to Japan? 您是否想去日本旅行时住哪家酒店? 일본을 여행 할 때 어떤 호텔을 유지해야하는지 궁금하십니까? It may be helpful to refer to the actual guests detailed review. 参考实际客人的详细评论可能会有所帮助。 실제 손님의 자세한 검토를 참조하면 도움이 될 수 있습니다. You can search for a hotel that meets your needs from categories. 您可以从类别中搜索满足您需求的酒店。 카테고리에서 필요에 맞는 호텔을 검색 할 수 있습니다.
About jSignature jSignature is a JavaScript widget (a jQuery plugin) that simplifies creation of a signature capture field in a browser window, allowing a user to draw a signature using mouse, pen, or finger. Works in all mainstream browsers that support Canvas or Flash Captures signatures as smooth vector images. (Yes, SVG is supported!) Ingenious, super-efficient (i.e. not lagging) real-time cur
View on Github Arbitrary Anchor Anchor to any element on the page with a little jQuery Magic What is jquery.arbitrary-anchor.js? Easily create neat anchor scrolling by simply adding a jQuery/CSS selector after the hash to your page's URL. This plugin extends the normal anchor functionality: an anchor tag with a name value attribute will still get scrolled to as normal. The same goes for an element
The xcolor plugin is an easy-to-use jQuery extension to manipulate colors in all imaginable combinations. OverviewThis plugin implements an extensiv color parser and a featureful set of color-manipulation methods. There is also an animate() extension to smooth CSS colors. Another useful method isReadable() completes the whole, by allowing you to check if a text is readable on a certain background.
Jcrop » the jQuery Image Cropping Plugin Jcrop Home • Download • Manual • Examples Jcrop is the quick and easy way to add image cropping functionality to your web application. It combines the ease-of-use of a typical jQuery plugin with a powerful cross-platform DHTML cropping engine that is faithful to familiar desktop graphics applications. Feature Overview Attaches unobtrusively to images or blo
Pikabu A speedy, flexible framework for off-canvas flyout panels. Simple markup Few containers and classes means implementation is a breeze. Native scrolling Just like mom used to make. Momentum scrolling in sidebars and smart fallbacks for browsers that don’t support it. Customization No theme, just barebones HTML and CSS. Pikabu is super customizable to your needs. Compatibility This thing works
Scroll Depth is a Google Analytics plugin that lets you measure how far users are scrolling. It monitors the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% scroll points, sending a Google Analytics Event for each one. You can also track when specific elements on the page are scrolled into view. The plugin provides native support for Universal Analytics, Classic Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager, and can be used w
平素よりSmartBeatをご愛顧いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 FROSK株式会社はスマートフォンアプリの品質改善ツール、SmartBeatを通じてデベロッパー様をご支援させていただいておりましたが、2022年3月末をもちましてSmartBeatのサービス提供を終了いたしました。 ※延長サービスをご利用のお客様はこの限りではございません。 日頃ご愛顧いただいておりますお客様には突然のお知らせとなりましたことを、社員一同深くお詫び申し上げます。 また、サービス開始時よりご利用者様及び関係者様には多大なるご支援をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございました。 本件に関するお問い合わせは、お問い合わせフォームよりご連絡ください。 サービス終了に伴い、お客様には大変ご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、何卒ご理解いただきますようお願い申し上げます。 2022年3月末日 SmartBeat事務局 平
This original tutorial was created by Soh Tanaka and published back in 2009. Unfortunately his demo has since gone offline and I managed to find an old copy of the source codes. People in the comments have been asking for automatic rotation between the slides and I updated the codes with this feature. So in this tutorial I am reintroducing some of Soh’s original codes on how to build this dynamic
Every product or service wants to deliver a rich experience to their customers. The same applies to the world of web and app designs where user satisfaction is a priority. The need brings in a lot of processes and stages in the development process of an app or website and introduces terms like UI, UX, wireframe, mockup, and prototyping. How do you know about the UI & UX of your app? Most businesse
Playbooks goes beyond a traditional sales auto dialer or sequencer. It doesn’t just help your team do more, it helps them do more of the right things. Reps are provided with additional contacts and recommendations of who, when, and how to reach out—making their efforts more effective. Leadership is provided with valuable insight into their remote sales team to see what’s working and what isn’t. “T
Invest in the FutureStartups. VC Funds. Alternatives. Access exclusive private market deals. Invest in pre-vetted startups, targeted venture funds and a range of alternatives. Join high net worth investors in private equity, private credit, and other alternative assets. JOIN IN OUR NEXT SUCCESSInvest in pre-vetted startups and exclusive venture funds. Build a diversified portfolio alongside truste
Data Elite, a combination venture capital firm, accelerator and co-working provider that launched in October, has announced its first class of startups, all focused in some way on solving problems related to data analysis. The firm boasts a number of experienced advisers from major tech companies and venture capital firms, and has a high bar for acceptance: at least one founder must have five year
無効なURLです。 プログラム設定の反映待ちである可能性があります。 しばらく時間をおいて再度アクセスをお試しください。