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for web designers A set of basic grid mixins written in SASS, for use with Libsass, owing to Steve Hickey. Install You can download Brockmann, clone the repo or install it using Bower. bower install the-basic-brockmann Setup Include _grid.scss & _mixins.scss in your project, then declare these variables in a preceeding file: $max-width: 1360px; $column-width: 6.38298%; $gutter-width: 2.12766%; $ma
Generating REST service documentation for the enterprise Download .zip Download .tar.gz View on GitHub Benefits Enables the creation of an enterprise REST service documentation web portal, providing a central port of call for service consumers Enables automatic generation of documentation from underlying service source code, thus ensuring the documentation is always up to date Features Displays Sp
Carte is a simple Jekyll based documentation website for APIs. It is designed as a boilerplate to build your own documentation and is heavily inspired from Swagger and I/O docs. Fork it, add specifications for your APIs calls and customize the theme. Go ahead, see if we care. We built Carte because the existing options (Swagger and the likes) were trying to do too much and did not match our needs:
Do you think time is catching up with you? Perhaps it's already overtaken you and left you in the dust. Do the years seem to be going ridiculously quickly now? There's a reason for it. You're getting old. We will provide you a report full of interesting stuff. But first, we need to know who this is for.
はじめに この文書は、 Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper 著 萩原 正人、中山 敬広、水野 貴明 訳 『入門 自然言語処理』 O'Reilly Japan, 2010. の第12章「Python による日本語自然言語処理」を、原書 Natural Language Processing with Python と同じ Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 3.0 US License の下で公開するものです。 原書では主に英語を対象とした自然言語処理を取り扱っています。内容や考え方の多くは言語に依存しないものではありますが、単語の分かち書きをしない点や統語構造等の違いから、日本語を対象とする場合、いくつか気をつけなければいけない点があります。日本語を扱う場合にも
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richbray.me This domain is registered for one of our customers. If this is your domain name, please visit this page to see how to register it as DNS zone into your account. Note: If you already have registered the DNS zone for your domain name, please wait for DNS propagation. Your web site will be displayed soon. It may take few minutes. * Do you know what the web redirect record is? Suggested ar
Dropdown Menus Enhancement Enhancing functionality of dropdown menus. Overview Added the following improvements: Support sub-menus Support for radio and checkboxes Positioning of menus Bullet for menus To start using the improvements you need to include a modified dropdown-enhancement.js and dropdown-enhancement.css file. Important dropdown-enhancement.css only have enhancement rules and depends e
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Handcrafted website made with love, coffee and bada55 attitude. Currently 2349 colors. Idea inspired by Paul Irish, logo design by Enza Chaffron, web design and front-end dev by Matthieu Bué, back-end dev by Aurélien Garroux. Find BADA55.io on GitHub. «123456789101112» BADASSCOOCOODEFECATEACACIACOFFEEDELETEFACADEDELETECOFFEEDELETEBAGELSDADBAGELSACACIALOADEDLOADEDGOOGLEFACADEADOBESADOBESBADASSOFFIC
①新規登録でハートをゲット 新規登録キャンペーンに参加して最初のハート50個をゲットしよう。 ②告知を作成しよう もらったハートを使って自分の告知を作成しよう。50個のハートを使えば50人の協力者を集めらる告知を作成できます。 ③人の告知に協力する 次の告知のためのハートが足りなくなったら、他の方の告知に協力すればいつでもまたハートをゲットできます。 一斉配信の効果を体感する あなたが告知に設定した配信日時になると、告知に参加した全協力者のSNSアカウントからあなたの告知が一斉に配信されます。
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The Connectively (HARO) platform is now closed. To find out more, click here. Join our community of journalists, content creators, PR pros, and subject matter experts to find opportunities for collaboration and brand growth. You’ll find all of your favorite HARO features and some exciting new additions here. Submit queries to find expert sources, explore and search a feed of queries from journalis