- مشهد محذوف (بالإنجليزية: Deleted scene) يشير إلى حذف مقاطع الرقابة مقاطع من الافلام أو تم استبدال المشهد في من الفيلم.ويستخدم نفس المصطلح في عدد من المجالات منها ألعاب الفيديو. (ar)
- A deleted scene is footage that has been removed from the final version of a film or television show. There are various reasons why these scenes are deleted, which include time constraints, relevance, quality or a dropped story thread. A similar occurrence is offscreen, in which the events are unseen. A related term is extended scene, the longer version of a scene that was shortened for the final version of the film. Often, extended scenes are included in collections of deleted scenes or are referred to as deleted scenes themselves, as is the case with, for instance, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Serenity. (en)
- Adegan yang dihapus adalah adegan atau cuplikan yang dihapus dari versi final film atau acara televisi. Istilah ini juga berkaitan dengan adegan yang diperpanjang (extended scene), versi adegan panjang yang kemudian dipersingkat dalam versi final film. Seringkali, adegan yang diperpanjang disertakan dalam kumpulan adegan yang dihapus atau digunakan saat merujuk kepada adegan yang dihapus itu sendiri, seperti misalnya, dalam film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets dan Serenity. (in)
- 삭제 장면은 영화나 텔레비전 쇼의 최종판에서 제거된 동영상을 의미한다. 관련 용어로 확장씬(extended scene)이 있으며 이는 영화 최종판을 위해 짧게 줄인 씬의 장편 버전을 말한다. 이를테면 해리 포터와 비밀의 방, 세레니티처럼 확장씬은 삭제된 장면의 컬렉션에 들어가거나 삭제 장면 그 자체를 의미할 수도 있다. (ko)
- 刪除片段(deleted scene)是電影或電視影集在剪輯最終版本時,被刪除掉的毛片片段。另有一種類似的加長片段(extended scene),內容通常為額外的劇情、不同的結局或是惡搞電影中的片段。刪除片段及加長片段通常會在電影於DVD上市時加入其中,有些則是在電影結束時隨著工作人員字幕同時撥放,稱為片尾彩蛋。 (zh)
- مشهد محذوف (بالإنجليزية: Deleted scene) يشير إلى حذف مقاطع الرقابة مقاطع من الافلام أو تم استبدال المشهد في من الفيلم.ويستخدم نفس المصطلح في عدد من المجالات منها ألعاب الفيديو. (ar)
- Adegan yang dihapus adalah adegan atau cuplikan yang dihapus dari versi final film atau acara televisi. Istilah ini juga berkaitan dengan adegan yang diperpanjang (extended scene), versi adegan panjang yang kemudian dipersingkat dalam versi final film. Seringkali, adegan yang diperpanjang disertakan dalam kumpulan adegan yang dihapus atau digunakan saat merujuk kepada adegan yang dihapus itu sendiri, seperti misalnya, dalam film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets dan Serenity. (in)
- 삭제 장면은 영화나 텔레비전 쇼의 최종판에서 제거된 동영상을 의미한다. 관련 용어로 확장씬(extended scene)이 있으며 이는 영화 최종판을 위해 짧게 줄인 씬의 장편 버전을 말한다. 이를테면 해리 포터와 비밀의 방, 세레니티처럼 확장씬은 삭제된 장면의 컬렉션에 들어가거나 삭제 장면 그 자체를 의미할 수도 있다. (ko)
- 刪除片段(deleted scene)是電影或電視影集在剪輯最終版本時,被刪除掉的毛片片段。另有一種類似的加長片段(extended scene),內容通常為額外的劇情、不同的結局或是惡搞電影中的片段。刪除片段及加長片段通常會在電影於DVD上市時加入其中,有些則是在電影結束時隨著工作人員字幕同時撥放,稱為片尾彩蛋。 (zh)
- A deleted scene is footage that has been removed from the final version of a film or television show. There are various reasons why these scenes are deleted, which include time constraints, relevance, quality or a dropped story thread. A similar occurrence is offscreen, in which the events are unseen. (en)