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About: Freak show

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A freak show, also known as a creep show, is an exhibition of biological rarities, referred to in popular culture as "freaks of nature". Typical features would be physically unusual humans, such as those uncommonly large or small, those with intersex variations, those with extraordinary diseases and conditions, and others with performances expected to be shocking to viewers. Heavily tattooed or pierced people have sometimes been seen in freak shows (more common in modern times as a sideshow act), as have attention-getting physical performers such as fire-eating and sword-swallowing acts.

Property Value
  • Panoptikum (ze starořeckého pānoptikón, tj. παν = pān, vše + οπτικό = k vidění) je sbírka zajímavých předmětů či rarit (např. voskové figuríny, anomálie lidského těla apod). Nejtypičtějším příkladem panoptik jsou tzv. freak shows rozšířené v 16. až 19. století v Anglii a Spojených státech. Z hlediska lidských anomálií byly v panoptikách vystavovány například osoby s různým druhem tělesného postižení (např. Joseph Merrick, známý jako „Sloní muž“), siamská dvojčata a tak dále. Často se jednalo o putovní vystoupení (v 17. století takto po Evropě vystupovala italská siamská dvojčata ). Vystavování osob s různým druhem tělesné anomálie se rozmohlo v Anglii za viktoriánského období, byť do jisté míry existovalo i dříve. (cs)
  • يشير عرض المسوخ (بالإنكليزية: Freak Show) إلى معرض للنوادر البيولوجية، والتي يُشار إليها في الثقافة العامة بـ«مسوخ الطبيعة»، فيتضمن بشراً ذوي أجساد غير طبيعية، كالضخمة منها أو الصغيرة أكثر مما ينبغي، أو التي تمتلك صفات جنسية ثانوية ذكرية وأنثوية معاً، وأشخاصاً مصابين بأمراض وحالات غريبة، بالإضافة إلى استعراضات من المتوقّع أن تكون صادمة للمشاهدين، كما شوهد أفراد تفيض أجسادهم بالوشوم أو الثقوب في عرض المسوخ، علاوةً على مؤدّي الممارسات الجسدية الجاذبة للانتباه، كأكل النيران وابتلاع السيوف. (ar)
  • A freak show, also known as a creep show, is an exhibition of biological rarities, referred to in popular culture as "freaks of nature". Typical features would be physically unusual humans, such as those uncommonly large or small, those with intersex variations, those with extraordinary diseases and conditions, and others with performances expected to be shocking to viewers. Heavily tattooed or pierced people have sometimes been seen in freak shows (more common in modern times as a sideshow act), as have attention-getting physical performers such as fire-eating and sword-swallowing acts. Since at least the medieval period, deformed people have often been treated as objects of interest and entertainment, and crowds have flocked to see them exhibited. A famous early modern example was the exhibition at the court of King Charles I of Lazarus and Joannes Baptista Colloredo, two conjoined brothers born in Genoa, Italy. While Lazarus appeared to be otherwise ordinary, the underdeveloped body of his brother dangled from his chest. When Lazarus was not exhibiting himself, he covered his brother with his cloak to avoid unnecessary attention. As well as exhibitions, freak shows were popular in the taverns and fairgrounds where the freaks were often combined with talent displays. For example, in the 18th century, Matthias Buchinger, born without arms or lower legs, entertained crowds with astonishing displays of magic and musical ability, both in England and later, Ireland. It was in the 19th century, both in the United States and Europe, where freak shows finally reached maturity as successful commercially run enterprises. During the late 19th century and the early 20th century freak shows were at their height of popularity; the period 1840s through to the 1940s saw the organized for-profit exhibition of people with physical, mental or behavioral rarities. Although not all abnormalities were real, some being alleged, the exploitation for profit was seen as an accepted part of American culture. The attractiveness of freak shows led to the spread of the shows that were commonly seen at amusement parks, circuses, dime museums and vaudeville. The amusement park industry flourished in the United States by the expanding middle class who benefited from short work weeks and a larger income. There was also a shift in American culture that influenced people to see leisure activities as a necessary and beneficial equivalent to working, thus leading to the popularity of the freak show. The showmen and promoters exhibited all types of freaks. People who appeared non-white or who had a disability were often exhibited as unknown races and cultures. These "unknown" races and disabled whites were advertised as being undiscovered humans to attract viewers. For example, those with microcephaly, a condition linked to intellectual disabilities and characterized by a very small, pointed head and small overall structure, were considered or characterized as "missing links" or as atavistic specimens of an extinct race. Hypopituitary dwarfs who tend to be well proportioned were advertised as lofty. Achondroplastic dwarfs, whose head and limbs tend to be out of proportion to their trunks, were characterized as exotic mode. Those who were armless, legless, or limbless were also characterized in the exotic mode as animal-people, such as "The Snake-Man", and "The Seal Man". There were four ways freak shows were produced and marketed. The first was the oral spiel or lecture. This featured a showman or professor who managed the presentation of the people or "freaks". The second was a printed advertisement usually using long pamphlets and broadside or newspaper advertisement of the freak show. The third step included costuming, choreography, performance, and space used to display the show, designed to emphasize the things that were considered abnormal about each performer. The final stage was a collectable drawing or photograph that portrayed the group of freaks on stage for viewers to take home. The collectable printed souvenirs were accompanied by recordings of the showmen's pitch, the lecturer's yarn, and the professor's exaggerated accounts of what was witnessed at the show. Exhibits were authenticated by doctors who used medical terms that many could not comprehend but which added an air of authenticity to the proceedings. Freak show culture normalized a specific way of thinking about gender, race, sexual aberrance, ethnicity, and disability. During the first decade of the twentieth century, the popularity of the freak show was starting to dwindle. In their prime, freak shows had been the main attraction of the midway, but by 1940 they were starting to lose their audience, with credible people turning their backs on the show. In the nineteenth century, science supported and legitimized the growth of freak shows, but by the twentieth century, the medicalization of human abnormalities contributed to the end of the exhibits' mystery and appeal. (en)
  • Freak show (traducido del inglés como: espectáculo de fenómenos) es un tipo de espectáculo de variedad que presenta rarezas biológicas. Un freak show puede mostrar individuos con capacidades o características físicas inusuales, sorprendentes o grotescas; enfocándose también a la presentación de las artes circenses, demostraciones atléticas y diferentes performances de habilidades singulares. El freak show puede ser considerado un formato complementario de otros espectáculos similares como los circos, carnavales, ferias, espectáculos de vodevil y dime museums.​ (es)
  • Un freak show est l'exhibition d'êtres humains qualifiés de « monstres humains » comportant des caractéristiques et/ou des malformations physiques hors-normes à des fins de divertissement lucratifs. (fr)
  • Pertunjukan orang aneh atau manusia aneh (bahasa Inggris: freak show) adalah sebuah pertunjukan manusia yang memiliki kondisi biologis langka. Orang-orang dengan kondisi tersebut dalam budaya populer juga dikenal sebagai freaks of nature ("orang aneh dari alam"). Suatu pertunjukan umumnya menampilkan orang-orang dengan kondisi fisik yang tidak lazim, seperti ukuran tubuh yang besar atau kecil yang tak umum, orang-orang dengan karakteristik seksual sekunder laki-laki sekaligus perempuan, orang-orang dengan penyakit dan kondisi luar biasa lain, ataupun orang yang beratraksi yang dinilai membuat penonton terkejut seperti atau menelan pedang. Orang-orang yang banyak menghias atau mentato tubuhnya terkadang juga ditampilkan dalam pertunjukan. (in)
  • Een freakshow (rariteitenshow) is een voorstelling of tentoonstelling van mensen en dieren met abnormale fysieke kenmerken. Voornamelijk gaat het om mensen met een vermeende of echte fysieke handicap, interseksuele kenmerken of lichamelijke kunsten waarvan verwacht wordt dat ze het publiek zullen imponeren of choqueren. (nl)
  • 기형쇼(畸形 ──, freak show)란 생물학적으로 희소한 무언가를 전시하는 행위이다. 대개 특정 신체 부위가 비정상적으로 크거나 작은 신체 이형을 가진 사람이나 장애인, , 희귀한 병에 걸린 사람 등이 전시 대상이 되었다. 자신의 신체 자체에 이상이 없더라도 몸에 문신이나 피어싱을 과도하게 한 모습을 전시하기도 했다. 기형쇼는 이러한 전시를 통해 관객에게 충격을 통한 쾌감을 선사하는 것을 목표로 한다. 17세기 중반 잉글랜드에서 샴쌍둥이 형제였던 가 찰스 1세에게 전시된 것이 그 시초이다. 오늘날에는 기형쇼가 인권유린의 일종으로 여겨지고 있으며, 예컨대 미국 미시간주에서는 "과학적 목적을 제외한 변형된 인간 신체 또는 신체의 흉물성을 전시"하는 것을 법으로 금지했다. 그러나 아직도 세계 여러 곳에서는 기형쇼가 암암리에 이루어지고 있으며 대개 큰 인기를 끈다. (ko)
  • Sono definite fenomeni da baraccone le persone che si esibiscono in un certo tipo di spettacoli che furono in voga principalmente negli Stati Uniti a partire dal XIX secolo fino alla prima metà del XX secolo. Questi spettacoli a pagamento (in inglese: freak show) consistevano nell'esibizione di persone o animali con aspetto (per allora) insolito o anomalo, quali ad esempio l'altezza, la presenza di malattie o di rare malformazioni fisiche, al fine di impressionare gli spettatori e attirare visitatori alle fiere. Nei freak show venivano mostrate, ad esempio, coppie di gemelli siamesi, persone molto basse o molto alte, con caratteri sessuali secondari tipici del sesso opposto, affette da malattie particolari o con molti tatuaggi o piercing. Negli spettacoli si esibivano anche performer con capacità e abilità estreme (mangiafuoco, mangiaspade, ecc.). (it)
  • 見世物小屋(みせものごや)は、珍奇さや禍々しさ、猥雑さを売りにして、日常では見られない品や芸、獣や人間を見せる小屋掛けの興行である。 時代が下るにつれ、主に奇異な外見に重きを置いている点でサーカスと区別されており、海外では「フリークショー(Freak show)」の名称が用いられている。 (ja)
  • Um show de aberrações (em inglês, freak show), também chamado de show de horrores ou circo dos horrores, consiste na exibição de humanos ou outros animais dotados de algum tipo de anomalia relacionada a mutações genéticas, doença e/ou defeito físico. Tais exibições ocorriam frequentemente em circos e carnavais, especialmente entre os anos de 1840 até 1970. Dentre as atrações mais recorrentes, havia mulheres barbadas, gêmeos xifópagos, casos de gigantismo e nanismo, casos de teratologia etc. (pt)
  • Begreppet Freak show kommer från engelskans freak vilket betyder udda person eller grotesk varelse. Det är en form av underhållning där människor och djur med olika lyten och missbildningar (exempelvis skäggiga damen, elefantmannen, mannen med gristrynet och så vidare) visas för publik mot betalning. Liknande tillställningar förekom ofta på marknadsplatser förr i tiden. Ibland drygades showen ut med så kallade geeks vilket var artister som utförde extremt motbjudande nummer, till exempel att äta krossat glas eller levande fisk. Genren skapades i USA av affärsmannen P.T. Barnum, som ordnade utvisningar på Barnum American Museum i New York, men även som pausunderhållning på opera och senare på så kallad side show i anslutning till Barnums cirkus. Sideshow är en unikt amerikansk företeelse. I Sverige har udda personer främst visats upp i nöjesparker och på marknadsvarietéer. Det har även förekommit att föräldrar turnerat med sina annorlunda barn i privata hem, till exempel systrarna Eklund från Vimmerby vilka båda led av albinism. På nöjesfältet Gröna Lund i Stockholm ordnades freak show fram till 1970-talet. Numera kallas ibland TV-program som handlar om, och visar upp, udda eller marginaliserade personer för freak shows. (sv)
  • 畸形秀(英語:Freak Show)是一类以反常现象/畸形生物为主题的、给参观者带来精神上冲击的展览。内容通常千奇百怪,例如高得出奇的人、同时拥有男女第二性征的人或拥有其它怪异情况的人或动物;吞火、吞剑一类的表演也可以成为展览的内容;此外一些极端的纹身和穿孔有时也可以在畸形秀中见到。“畸形秀”一词通常被认为是不适当和不人性化的。 (zh)
  • Фрік-шоу (англ. Freak show) — це виставка рідкісних біологічних явищ, які в народі називають «виродками природи». Типові представники: фізично незвичайні люди, наприклад, занадто великі або занадто малі; особи, у яких наявні як чоловічі, так і жіночі вторинні статеві ознаки; люди з екстраординарними хворобами; ті, чиї виступи мають шокувати глядачів. Люди з великою кількістю тату чи пірсингу також іноді брали участь у фрік-шоу, як і трюкачі, які їли вогонь та ковтали мечі, що неабияк приваблювало публіку. (uk)
  • 21387353 (xsd:integer)
  • 45464 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123237801 (xsd:integer)
  • Panoptikum (ze starořeckého pānoptikón, tj. παν = pān, vše + οπτικό = k vidění) je sbírka zajímavých předmětů či rarit (např. voskové figuríny, anomálie lidského těla apod). Nejtypičtějším příkladem panoptik jsou tzv. freak shows rozšířené v 16. až 19. století v Anglii a Spojených státech. Z hlediska lidských anomálií byly v panoptikách vystavovány například osoby s různým druhem tělesného postižení (např. Joseph Merrick, známý jako „Sloní muž“), siamská dvojčata a tak dále. Často se jednalo o putovní vystoupení (v 17. století takto po Evropě vystupovala italská siamská dvojčata ). Vystavování osob s různým druhem tělesné anomálie se rozmohlo v Anglii za viktoriánského období, byť do jisté míry existovalo i dříve. (cs)
  • يشير عرض المسوخ (بالإنكليزية: Freak Show) إلى معرض للنوادر البيولوجية، والتي يُشار إليها في الثقافة العامة بـ«مسوخ الطبيعة»، فيتضمن بشراً ذوي أجساد غير طبيعية، كالضخمة منها أو الصغيرة أكثر مما ينبغي، أو التي تمتلك صفات جنسية ثانوية ذكرية وأنثوية معاً، وأشخاصاً مصابين بأمراض وحالات غريبة، بالإضافة إلى استعراضات من المتوقّع أن تكون صادمة للمشاهدين، كما شوهد أفراد تفيض أجسادهم بالوشوم أو الثقوب في عرض المسوخ، علاوةً على مؤدّي الممارسات الجسدية الجاذبة للانتباه، كأكل النيران وابتلاع السيوف. (ar)
  • Freak show (traducido del inglés como: espectáculo de fenómenos) es un tipo de espectáculo de variedad que presenta rarezas biológicas. Un freak show puede mostrar individuos con capacidades o características físicas inusuales, sorprendentes o grotescas; enfocándose también a la presentación de las artes circenses, demostraciones atléticas y diferentes performances de habilidades singulares. El freak show puede ser considerado un formato complementario de otros espectáculos similares como los circos, carnavales, ferias, espectáculos de vodevil y dime museums.​ (es)
  • Un freak show est l'exhibition d'êtres humains qualifiés de « monstres humains » comportant des caractéristiques et/ou des malformations physiques hors-normes à des fins de divertissement lucratifs. (fr)
  • Pertunjukan orang aneh atau manusia aneh (bahasa Inggris: freak show) adalah sebuah pertunjukan manusia yang memiliki kondisi biologis langka. Orang-orang dengan kondisi tersebut dalam budaya populer juga dikenal sebagai freaks of nature ("orang aneh dari alam"). Suatu pertunjukan umumnya menampilkan orang-orang dengan kondisi fisik yang tidak lazim, seperti ukuran tubuh yang besar atau kecil yang tak umum, orang-orang dengan karakteristik seksual sekunder laki-laki sekaligus perempuan, orang-orang dengan penyakit dan kondisi luar biasa lain, ataupun orang yang beratraksi yang dinilai membuat penonton terkejut seperti atau menelan pedang. Orang-orang yang banyak menghias atau mentato tubuhnya terkadang juga ditampilkan dalam pertunjukan. (in)
  • Een freakshow (rariteitenshow) is een voorstelling of tentoonstelling van mensen en dieren met abnormale fysieke kenmerken. Voornamelijk gaat het om mensen met een vermeende of echte fysieke handicap, interseksuele kenmerken of lichamelijke kunsten waarvan verwacht wordt dat ze het publiek zullen imponeren of choqueren. (nl)
  • 기형쇼(畸形 ──, freak show)란 생물학적으로 희소한 무언가를 전시하는 행위이다. 대개 특정 신체 부위가 비정상적으로 크거나 작은 신체 이형을 가진 사람이나 장애인, , 희귀한 병에 걸린 사람 등이 전시 대상이 되었다. 자신의 신체 자체에 이상이 없더라도 몸에 문신이나 피어싱을 과도하게 한 모습을 전시하기도 했다. 기형쇼는 이러한 전시를 통해 관객에게 충격을 통한 쾌감을 선사하는 것을 목표로 한다. 17세기 중반 잉글랜드에서 샴쌍둥이 형제였던 가 찰스 1세에게 전시된 것이 그 시초이다. 오늘날에는 기형쇼가 인권유린의 일종으로 여겨지고 있으며, 예컨대 미국 미시간주에서는 "과학적 목적을 제외한 변형된 인간 신체 또는 신체의 흉물성을 전시"하는 것을 법으로 금지했다. 그러나 아직도 세계 여러 곳에서는 기형쇼가 암암리에 이루어지고 있으며 대개 큰 인기를 끈다. (ko)
  • 見世物小屋(みせものごや)は、珍奇さや禍々しさ、猥雑さを売りにして、日常では見られない品や芸、獣や人間を見せる小屋掛けの興行である。 時代が下るにつれ、主に奇異な外見に重きを置いている点でサーカスと区別されており、海外では「フリークショー(Freak show)」の名称が用いられている。 (ja)
  • Um show de aberrações (em inglês, freak show), também chamado de show de horrores ou circo dos horrores, consiste na exibição de humanos ou outros animais dotados de algum tipo de anomalia relacionada a mutações genéticas, doença e/ou defeito físico. Tais exibições ocorriam frequentemente em circos e carnavais, especialmente entre os anos de 1840 até 1970. Dentre as atrações mais recorrentes, havia mulheres barbadas, gêmeos xifópagos, casos de gigantismo e nanismo, casos de teratologia etc. (pt)
  • 畸形秀(英語:Freak Show)是一类以反常现象/畸形生物为主题的、给参观者带来精神上冲击的展览。内容通常千奇百怪,例如高得出奇的人、同时拥有男女第二性征的人或拥有其它怪异情况的人或动物;吞火、吞剑一类的表演也可以成为展览的内容;此外一些极端的纹身和穿孔有时也可以在畸形秀中见到。“畸形秀”一词通常被认为是不适当和不人性化的。 (zh)
  • Фрік-шоу (англ. Freak show) — це виставка рідкісних біологічних явищ, які в народі називають «виродками природи». Типові представники: фізично незвичайні люди, наприклад, занадто великі або занадто малі; особи, у яких наявні як чоловічі, так і жіночі вторинні статеві ознаки; люди з екстраординарними хворобами; ті, чиї виступи мають шокувати глядачів. Люди з великою кількістю тату чи пірсингу також іноді брали участь у фрік-шоу, як і трюкачі, які їли вогонь та ковтали мечі, що неабияк приваблювало публіку. (uk)
  • A freak show, also known as a creep show, is an exhibition of biological rarities, referred to in popular culture as "freaks of nature". Typical features would be physically unusual humans, such as those uncommonly large or small, those with intersex variations, those with extraordinary diseases and conditions, and others with performances expected to be shocking to viewers. Heavily tattooed or pierced people have sometimes been seen in freak shows (more common in modern times as a sideshow act), as have attention-getting physical performers such as fire-eating and sword-swallowing acts. (en)
  • Sono definite fenomeni da baraccone le persone che si esibiscono in un certo tipo di spettacoli che furono in voga principalmente negli Stati Uniti a partire dal XIX secolo fino alla prima metà del XX secolo. Questi spettacoli a pagamento (in inglese: freak show) consistevano nell'esibizione di persone o animali con aspetto (per allora) insolito o anomalo, quali ad esempio l'altezza, la presenza di malattie o di rare malformazioni fisiche, al fine di impressionare gli spettatori e attirare visitatori alle fiere. (it)
  • Begreppet Freak show kommer från engelskans freak vilket betyder udda person eller grotesk varelse. Det är en form av underhållning där människor och djur med olika lyten och missbildningar (exempelvis skäggiga damen, elefantmannen, mannen med gristrynet och så vidare) visas för publik mot betalning. Liknande tillställningar förekom ofta på marknadsplatser förr i tiden. Ibland drygades showen ut med så kallade geeks vilket var artister som utförde extremt motbjudande nummer, till exempel att äta krossat glas eller levande fisk. (sv)
  • عرض المسوخ (ar)
  • Panoptikum (cs)
  • Freak show (es)
  • Freak show (en)
  • Pertunjukan orang aneh (in)
  • Freak show (fr)
  • Fenomeni da baraccone (it)
  • 기형쇼 (ko)
  • 見世物小屋 (ja)
  • Freakshow (show) (nl)
  • Show de aberrações (pt)
  • Freak show (sv)
  • 畸形秀 (zh)
  • Фрік-шоу (uk)
is dbo:occupation of
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
is dbp:occupation of
is foaf:primaryTopic of
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