- Freudiana ist der Titel eines Konzeptalbums und eines daraus resultierenden Musicals von Eric Woolfson über die Psychoanalyse Sigmund Freuds. Das Album wurde 1990 veröffentlicht und die Uraufführung des Musicals unter der Regie von Peter Weck am 19. Dezember 1990 im Theater an der Wien war die erste große Eigenproduktion der Vereinigten Bühnen Wien. Bis zum 18. April 1992 sahen das Musical 320'000 Besucher in 380 Vorstellungen. Die deutschen Liedtexte stammen von Lida Winiewicz und . Erik wurde von Ulrich Tukur und Kai Peterson und in der zweiten Spielserie von Jacques Breuer und Kai Peterson verkörpert. Auf dem deutschsprachigen Album der Musical-Originalaufnahme, das 1990 live auf der Bühne des Theater an der Wien ohne Publikum eingespielt wurde, sang Kai Peterson die Rolle des Erik. Wegen des großteils so gehaltenen Covers wird es auch als Black Freudiana bezeichnet. Produktion: Alan Parsons (de)
- Freudiana es un disco publicado en 1990 compuesto por Eric Woolfson y producido por Alan Parsons. Considerado un álbum no oficial de The Alan Parsons Project, dado que en el desarrollo y grabación del mismo participaron buena parte de los músicos de estudio que habitualmente formaban parte del grupo, se firmó como el primer disco en solitario de Eric Woolfson sin incluir su nombre en la portada. La temática del disco y las canciones están inspiradas en la vida y trabajo de Sigmund Freud y dio lugar, tras la incorporación en el proyecto de Brian Brolly, a la creación de un musical rock que Woolfson y Brolly estrenaron en 1990 en Viena. Desde ese momento Alan Parsons prosiguió su labor en solitario con la publicación en 1993 de su primer disco en solitario Try Anything Once, en la línea seguida en The Alan Parsons Project. Woolfson, por su parte, prosiguió su labor como compositor de musicales con la publicación en 1995 de Gaudi. (es)
- Freudiana /ˌfrɔɪdiˈænə/ is a rock opera by Eric Woolfson. It was to be the 11th album by the Alan Parsons Project, but during its development, Woolfson had creative differences with Alan Parsons. The production, released in 1990, utilizes the Project's personnel as well as many guest vocalists.Alan Parsons later began his career as a solo artist with his 1993 album Try Anything Once, which was musically in a direction more or less continued from that of the Project's 1987's Gaudi. Woolfson hit upon the idea of researching the life and works of Sigmund Freud with a view to their musical potential after he finished Gaudi. He retraced Freud's footsteps and explored his realms through his homes in London and Vienna (both now museums), as well as literary sources including Freud's classic cases, whose real identities he concealed by use of names such as Wolfman, Ratman, Dora, Little Hans, and Schreber, the Judge. In addition, Freud's writings on his discovery of the 'unconscious', his well-known theories such as the Oedipus Complex, the 'Ego' and the 'Id' and perhaps his best known work, The Interpretation of Dreams all served as springboards for musical ideas. About halfway through the recording process, Woolfson was approached by Brian Brolly to develop the concept still further into a musical. With Brolly's help, Woolfson turned Freudiana into a stage musical. The musical had a successful run, and it was hoped that the show would open in other cities. Further plans were put on hold when a lawsuit broke out between Brolly and Woolfson, each fighting for control of the project. In the end, Brolly won, but the album remained attributed to Eric Woolfson and Alan Parsons. (en)
- Freudiana est le titre d'un album-concept d'Eric Woolfson, devenue une comédie musicale en Autriche en 1990, sur la vie de Sigmund Freud. Il est considéré comme le onzième album du Alan Parsons Project par plusieurs fans, bien que ce dernier soit très peu présent en tant que musicien, il a toutefois produit le disque avec Eric Woolfson. (fr)
- Freudiana è l'undicesimo album in studio del gruppo progressive rock britannico The Alan Parsons Project, fondato da Alan Parsons ed Eric Woolfson, pubblicato nel 1990 dalla EMI. Ufficialmente è accreditato a Woolfson, ma, nella sostanza, è un prodotto appartenente a tutti gli effetti alla discografia dell'Alan Parsons Project. Può essere quindi considerato, in concreto, l'ultimo lavoro della band rock britannica, nonché l'ultima effettiva collaborazione tra Parsons e Woolfson. In seguito, i due proseguirono le proprie carriere soliste: Woolfson si dedicò alla composizione di musical teatrali, mentre Parsons pubblicò il suo primo disco da solista Try Anything Once nel 1993. (it)
- Freudiana, lançado em 1990, foi o último e o décimo-primeiro álbum do The Alan Parsons Project. O trabalho acabou direcionado para ser a trilha sonora de rock de uma peça teatral musical de mesmo nome. Caracterizado como um álbum conceitual, todas as canções fazem referências a teorias de Sigmund Freud, como o próprio título prenuncia. (pt)
- Freudiana (от Фрейд и -ана) — первый сольный альбом Эрика Вулфсона и фактический последний студийный альбом английской группы The Alan Parsons Project, выпущенный в 1990 году. Альбом планировался в качестве 11-го студийного альбома The Alan Parsons Project, но в процессе работы над ним Эрик Вулфсон под влиянием продюсера Брайана Броулли решил преобразовать его в рок-оперу, с возможностью её дальнейшей сценической постановки в качестве мюзикла, премьера которого состоялась 19 декабря 1990 года в театре Ан дер Вин в Вене. Успешный прокат (по апрель 1992 постановку посетили более 320 тысяч зрителей) был омрачен судебным разбирательством между Броулли и Вулфсоном за право обладания над проектом. Несмотря на то, что суд встал на сторону продюсера, авторство было закреплено за Вулфсоном. В итоге альбом был издан под названием «Freudiana» и считается неофициальным последним альбомом The Alan Parsons Project, выпущенным традиционным составом артистов, участвовавших в записи предыдущих альбомов группы. Вскоре после окончания работы над альбомом Вулфсон покинул группу, сосредоточившись на сценической деятельности. Алан Парсонс, уже под собственным именем, продолжил выпускать альбомы, близкие по звучанию к последним альбомам The Alan Parsons Project. (ru)
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- Eric Woolfson and Alan Parsons (en)
- Freudiana (en)
- Alan Parsons (en)
- Eric Woolfson (en)
- The Alan Parsons Project albums (en)
- Freudiana APP.jpg (en)
- Eric Woolfson Freudiana Deutsche Originalaufnahme album cover.jpg (en)
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- Freudiana (en)
- Freudiana - Deutsche Originalaufnahme (en)
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- We often disagreed and the tragic thing about "Freudiana" was that it all turned into a legal battle between Eric and the producer. A sad time for all of us because we were in and out of court for more than three years, paying a lot of money. It's bad because the show really had the potential of "Cats" or "Les Misérables" and then went down in completely nonsensical litigation.
So what was your relationship with Eric Woolfson like after the musical?
Parsons: Unfortunately, that was also our last project together. After all the disputes, he really wanted to go back to the theater, and I personally didn't really see the point of expressing my creativity there. (en)
- [It] started as an Alan Parsons Project concept album, and when we were close to completing it, this theatrical producer called Brian Brolly heard it and wanted to develop it into a stage musical, so we had to literally double the length of it and put new music in, do reprises, and, y’know, write songs for different characters and so on. So it developed from a single album to a double album, and then the feeling was at the time that it was not suitable to be called The Alan Parsons Project, so it became Freudiana, produced by Alan Parsons and with all the same people as The Alan Parsons Project. But it turned out that that was a huge marketing mistake, because nobody knew it was there. Had it come out as The Alan Parsons Project, it probably would’ve done a whole lot better [...] (en)
- It started out that it was going to be an Alan Parsons Project album, but I wanted to develop into musical theater, so we didn’t call it an Alan Parsons Project album. Eventually we started to undo the ties between us. Instead of crediting the songs to both him and I, the songs were my songs, other than one track in which he did compose, and we didn’t give it a joint name. (en)
- The Alan Parsons Project: If you believe in the power of magic… (en)
- Alan Parsons Live Project im Wiener Gasometer zu Gast (en)
- Alan Parsons interview, All Our Yesterdays, Art and Science of Sound Recording (en)
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- Freudiana est le titre d'un album-concept d'Eric Woolfson, devenue une comédie musicale en Autriche en 1990, sur la vie de Sigmund Freud. Il est considéré comme le onzième album du Alan Parsons Project par plusieurs fans, bien que ce dernier soit très peu présent en tant que musicien, il a toutefois produit le disque avec Eric Woolfson. (fr)
- Freudiana è l'undicesimo album in studio del gruppo progressive rock britannico The Alan Parsons Project, fondato da Alan Parsons ed Eric Woolfson, pubblicato nel 1990 dalla EMI. Ufficialmente è accreditato a Woolfson, ma, nella sostanza, è un prodotto appartenente a tutti gli effetti alla discografia dell'Alan Parsons Project. Può essere quindi considerato, in concreto, l'ultimo lavoro della band rock britannica, nonché l'ultima effettiva collaborazione tra Parsons e Woolfson. In seguito, i due proseguirono le proprie carriere soliste: Woolfson si dedicò alla composizione di musical teatrali, mentre Parsons pubblicò il suo primo disco da solista Try Anything Once nel 1993. (it)
- Freudiana, lançado em 1990, foi o último e o décimo-primeiro álbum do The Alan Parsons Project. O trabalho acabou direcionado para ser a trilha sonora de rock de uma peça teatral musical de mesmo nome. Caracterizado como um álbum conceitual, todas as canções fazem referências a teorias de Sigmund Freud, como o próprio título prenuncia. (pt)
- Freudiana ist der Titel eines Konzeptalbums und eines daraus resultierenden Musicals von Eric Woolfson über die Psychoanalyse Sigmund Freuds. Das Album wurde 1990 veröffentlicht und die Uraufführung des Musicals unter der Regie von Peter Weck am 19. Dezember 1990 im Theater an der Wien war die erste große Eigenproduktion der Vereinigten Bühnen Wien. Bis zum 18. April 1992 sahen das Musical 320'000 Besucher in 380 Vorstellungen. Die deutschen Liedtexte stammen von Lida Winiewicz und . Produktion: Alan Parsons (de)
- Freudiana es un disco publicado en 1990 compuesto por Eric Woolfson y producido por Alan Parsons. Considerado un álbum no oficial de The Alan Parsons Project, dado que en el desarrollo y grabación del mismo participaron buena parte de los músicos de estudio que habitualmente formaban parte del grupo, se firmó como el primer disco en solitario de Eric Woolfson sin incluir su nombre en la portada. (es)
- Freudiana /ˌfrɔɪdiˈænə/ is a rock opera by Eric Woolfson. It was to be the 11th album by the Alan Parsons Project, but during its development, Woolfson had creative differences with Alan Parsons. The production, released in 1990, utilizes the Project's personnel as well as many guest vocalists.Alan Parsons later began his career as a solo artist with his 1993 album Try Anything Once, which was musically in a direction more or less continued from that of the Project's 1987's Gaudi. (en)
- Freudiana (от Фрейд и -ана) — первый сольный альбом Эрика Вулфсона и фактический последний студийный альбом английской группы The Alan Parsons Project, выпущенный в 1990 году. Альбом планировался в качестве 11-го студийного альбома The Alan Parsons Project, но в процессе работы над ним Эрик Вулфсон под влиянием продюсера Брайана Броулли решил преобразовать его в рок-оперу, с возможностью её дальнейшей сценической постановки в качестве мюзикла, премьера которого состоялась 19 декабря 1990 года в театре Ан дер Вин в Вене. Успешный прокат (по апрель 1992 постановку посетили более 320 тысяч зрителей) был омрачен судебным разбирательством между Броулли и Вулфсоном за право обладания над проектом. Несмотря на то, что суд встал на сторону продюсера, авторство было закреплено за Вулфсоном. (ru)
- Freudiana (de)
- Freudiana (en)
- Freudiana (álbum) (es)
- Freudiana (fr)
- Freudiana (The Alan Parsons Project) (it)
- Freudiana (pt)
- Freudiana (ru)
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