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The Norfolk Southern Railway (reporting mark NS) is a Class I freight railroad in the United States formed in 1982 with the merger of Norfolk and Western Railway and Southern Railway. With headquarters in Atlanta, the company operates 19,420 route miles (31,250 km) in 22 eastern states, the District of Columbia, and has rights in Canada over the Albany to Montréal route of the Canadian Pacific Railway. NS is responsible for maintaining 28,400 miles (45,700 km), with the remainder being operated under trackage rights from other parties responsible for maintenance. Intermodal containers and trailers are the most common commodity type carried by NS, which have grown as coal business has declined throughout the 21st century; coal was formerly the largest source of traffic. The railway offers t

Property Value
  • Die Norfolk Southern Railway (AAR-reporting mark: NS) ist eine amerikanische Class-1-Bahngesellschaft. Sie ist die Führungsgesellschaft der Bahnaktivitäten der Norfolk Southern Corporation. Die Norfolk Southern ist neben der CSX Transportation das wichtigste Bahnunternehmen östlich des Mississippi River. (de)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (NS) es un empresa ferroviaria de clase I de Estados Unidos con sede en Norfolk, Virginia.​ Dichos ferrocarriles cubre una extensión de 21.500 millas (34.600 km) a lo largo de veintidós estados más el Distrito de Columbia además de conexiones hacia Canadá hasta Toronto desde Buffalo y a Montreal desde Albany.​​ La compañía es responsable del mantenimiento de las vías así como del tendido.​ La principal función de la red es el transporte de carbón desde Indiana, Kentucky, Pensilvania, Tennessee y Virginia Occidental además de ofrecer la mayor red intermodal del este en el país. (es)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (NS) est l'une des compagnies de chemin de fer de classe 1 en Amérique du Nord. (fr)
  • The Norfolk Southern Railway (reporting mark NS) is a Class I freight railroad in the United States formed in 1982 with the merger of Norfolk and Western Railway and Southern Railway. With headquarters in Atlanta, the company operates 19,420 route miles (31,250 km) in 22 eastern states, the District of Columbia, and has rights in Canada over the Albany to Montréal route of the Canadian Pacific Railway. NS is responsible for maintaining 28,400 miles (45,700 km), with the remainder being operated under trackage rights from other parties responsible for maintenance. Intermodal containers and trailers are the most common commodity type carried by NS, which have grown as coal business has declined throughout the 21st century; coal was formerly the largest source of traffic. The railway offers the largest intermodal rail network in eastern North America. NS was also the pioneer of Roadrailer service. Norfolk Southern and its chief competitor, CSX Transportation, have a duopoly on the transcontinental freight rail lines in the Eastern United States. NS has long been a major transporter of domestic and export coal, though this business has declined in the 21st century in favor of intermodal traffic. The railway's major sources of the mineral are located in Pennsylvania's Cambria and Indiana counties, as well as the Monongahela Valley; West Virginia; and the Appalachia regions of Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Coal transported by NS is then exported to steel mills and power plants around the world. Norfolk Southern is the namesake and leading subsidiary of the Norfolk Southern Corporation, based in Atlanta, Georgia; it was headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia until 2021. Norfolk Southern Corporation was incorporated in Virginia on July 23, 1980 and is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol NSC. The primary business function of Norfolk Southern Corporation is the rail transportation of raw materials, intermediate products, and finished goods across the Southeast, East, and Midwest United States. The corporation further facilitates transport to the remainder of the United States through interchange with other rail carriers while also serving overseas transport needs by serving several Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports. As of April 10, 2019, Norfolk Southern Corporation's total public stock value was slightly over $51.6 billion. (en)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (markah laporan NS) adalah sebuah perusahaan kereta api kelas 1 di Amerika Serikat. Dengan kantor pusat di Norfolk, Virginia, perusahaan ini mengoperasikan 21.500 mil rute di 22 negara bagian timur, District of Columbia, dan memiliki rute hak di Kanada dari Albany hingga Montréal, dan sebelumnya di CN dari ke St. Thomas. NS yang bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga 26,300 mil, dengan sisanya yang dioperasikan di bawah hak trayek dari pihak-pihak lain yang bertanggung jawab untuk pemeliharaan. Yang paling umum komoditas yang diangkut pada rel kereta api adalah batubara dari tambang-tambang di Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia dan West Virginia. Kereta api juga menawarkan terbesar intermoda jaringan di bagian timur Amerika Utara. NS adalah pengangkut utama batubara domestik dan ekspor. sumber utama perusahaan ini dari mineral yang terletak di: Cambria dan kabupaten Indiana Pennsylvania, serta Monongahela Valley; Virginia Barat; dan wilayah Appalachia Virginia, Kentucky dan Tennessee. Di Pennsylvania, NS juga menerima batubara melalui pertukaran dengan R. J. Corman Railroad/Pennsylvania Lines di Cresson, Pennsylvania, yang berasal dari "Clearfield Cluster". NS ekspor dari Virginia Barat Batubara dimulai dari bagian-bagian dari direkayasa dengan baik dari mantan Virginian Railroad dan mantan N&W double-track line diVirginia timur untuk Lambert's Point dermaga batubara di Hampton Roads di Norfolk. Batubara yang diangkut oleh NS dengan demikian diekspor ke pabrik-pabrik baja dan pembangkit listrik di seluruh dunia. Perusahaan juga besar transporter auto parts dan melengkapi verifikasi identitas kendaraan. Ini beroperasi intermodal container dan TOFC (trailer di datar car) kereta api, beberapa dalam hubungannya dengan rel kereta api. NS adalah kereta api pertama yang mempekerjakan roadrailer, yang menunggangi truk trailer di jalan raya untuk menukar set roda. (in)
  • 노퍽 서던 철도(영어: Norfolk Southern Railway, 이하 NS)는 버지니아 노퍽에 본부를 두고 있는 미국의 철도회사이다. 1894년에 창립했다. NS의 노선은 주로 미국 동부에 놓여 있으며, 북쪽으로는 미시간주, 남쪽으로는 버지니아에 달한다. NS가 보유한 노선 총연장은 34,600킬로미터에 달하며, 이는 미국에 위치한 어느 철도회사보다도 긴 것이다. (ko)
  • ノーフォーク・サザン鉄道(英: Norfolk Southern Railway, NS)は、アメリカ合衆国の貨物鉄道会社(一級鉄道)であり、ノーフォーク・サザン会社(NYSE: NSC、本社・バージニア州ノーフォーク)が所有している。総営業マイルは21,500マイル (34,600 km)であり、アメリカ合衆国東部の21州とコロンビア特別区およびカナダのオンタリオ州に路線がある。最も多い貨物は、ケンタッキー州、ペンシルベニア州、テネシー州、バージニア州およびウエストバージニア州の炭田から積み出される石炭である。北アメリカ州東部の広範な共同一貫輸送ネットワークも提供している。現在の会社はノーフォーク・サザン会社の設立された1982年に計画され、1990年12月31日、「ノーフォーク・サザン」と社名を変えていたサザン鉄道のノーフォーク・アンド・ウェスタン鉄道線をリースすることで、同社と合併した。1998年、コンレール(統合鉄道公社)の半分以上を獲得することで巨大企業となった。貨物専用の運行会社であり、旅客の輸送はアムトラックに委ねられている。 (ja)
  • La Norfolk Southern Railway è una compagnia ferroviaria statunitense, operante fra la East Coast e la regione del Mississippi, nata il 31 dicembre 1990. È sorta dalla fusione della storica Norfolk and Western e della Southern Railway. (it)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (reporting mark: NS) is een Amerikaanse spoorwegmaatschappij met het hoofdkantoor in Norfolk, Virginia. Het is een zogenaamde Class I railroad. (nl)
  • A Norfolk Southern, (NS) é uma das maiores empresas ferroviárias dos Estados Unidos da América operando 58 mil quilômetros de linhas em 22 estados da região leste e central daquele país, sendo diretamente responsável pela manutenção de 46 mil. A Norfolk Southern Railway é subsidiária da Norfolk Southern Corporation, cuja sede está localizada na cidade de Norfolk, no Estado da Virginia, tendo sido formada em 23 de julho de 1980, com ações na Bolsa de Valores de New York. Em primeiro de outubro de 2014, seu capital total era de US$34,5 bilhões. Surgiu da fusão das companhias Norfolk and Western Railway e Southern Railway. Em 1999, adquiriu uma boa parte da Conrail (Consolidated Rail Corporation). A NS também acessa o Canadá via Toronto e Montreal. A carga mais comum em suas linhas é o carvão mineral, extraído de minas em Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsilvanya, Tennessee, Viginia e Virginia Ocidental, sendo a empresa que mais movimenta esse tipo de produto, tanto no mercado interno, quanto para exportação. Atualmente, é a maior transportadora de peças para veículos, bem como de veículos completos. A empresa também possui grande rede de transporte intermodal, no leste dos EUA. (pt)
  • 諾福克南方鐵路(英語:Norfolk Southern Railway)是美國的I級鐵路。原總部位於維吉尼亞州諾福克,2018年12月總部遷至喬治亞州首府亞特蘭大。在東部22個州、哥倫比亞特區營運21,500英里路線,在多倫多至水牛城以及奧爾巴尼至蒙特利爾也擁有加拿大的列車行駛權。諾福克南方鐵路維護26,300英里的軌道,其餘則營運在其他公司的路線上。鐵路上最常見的運載物是煤炭,由印第安納州、肯塔基州、賓夕法尼亞州、田納西州、維吉尼亞州和西維吉尼亞州等地挖掘出來。此公司也在北美洲東部提供最大的網絡。 (zh)
  • 1982-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • NS
  • 31116666.240000 (xsd:double)
  • 347833 (xsd:integer)
  • 55548 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123816218 (xsd:integer)
  • (en)
  • 3.7962E10
  • NSC:US (en)
  • 2018-09-26 (xsd:date)
  • present (en)
  • (en)
  • 1.4791E10
  • 1980-07-23 (xsd:date)
  • NSC:NYSE (en)
  • Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. (en)
  • NS 9865, a GE Dash 9-40CW train, in Wauseon, Ohio (en)
  • Norfolk Southern's headquarters in Atlanta (en)
  • Alan Shaw (en)
  • Northeastern, Southern and Midwestern United States (en)
  • Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. (en)
  • United States (en)
  • Nsheadlogo.svg (en)
  • NS system map (en)
  • NS (en)
  • Norfolk Southern (en)
  • Norfolk Southern Corporation (en)
  • (en)
  • 2.013E9
  • 20156 (xsd:integer)
  • (en)
  • 3.002E9
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (en)
  • NSC.N (en)
  • (en)
  • 9.789E9
  • 702165 (xsd:integer)
  • 1982 (xsd:integer)
  • NSC (en)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway system map.svg (en)
  • NSC (en)
  • Die Norfolk Southern Railway (AAR-reporting mark: NS) ist eine amerikanische Class-1-Bahngesellschaft. Sie ist die Führungsgesellschaft der Bahnaktivitäten der Norfolk Southern Corporation. Die Norfolk Southern ist neben der CSX Transportation das wichtigste Bahnunternehmen östlich des Mississippi River. (de)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (NS) es un empresa ferroviaria de clase I de Estados Unidos con sede en Norfolk, Virginia.​ Dichos ferrocarriles cubre una extensión de 21.500 millas (34.600 km) a lo largo de veintidós estados más el Distrito de Columbia además de conexiones hacia Canadá hasta Toronto desde Buffalo y a Montreal desde Albany.​​ La compañía es responsable del mantenimiento de las vías así como del tendido.​ La principal función de la red es el transporte de carbón desde Indiana, Kentucky, Pensilvania, Tennessee y Virginia Occidental además de ofrecer la mayor red intermodal del este en el país. (es)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (NS) est l'une des compagnies de chemin de fer de classe 1 en Amérique du Nord. (fr)
  • 노퍽 서던 철도(영어: Norfolk Southern Railway, 이하 NS)는 버지니아 노퍽에 본부를 두고 있는 미국의 철도회사이다. 1894년에 창립했다. NS의 노선은 주로 미국 동부에 놓여 있으며, 북쪽으로는 미시간주, 남쪽으로는 버지니아에 달한다. NS가 보유한 노선 총연장은 34,600킬로미터에 달하며, 이는 미국에 위치한 어느 철도회사보다도 긴 것이다. (ko)
  • ノーフォーク・サザン鉄道(英: Norfolk Southern Railway, NS)は、アメリカ合衆国の貨物鉄道会社(一級鉄道)であり、ノーフォーク・サザン会社(NYSE: NSC、本社・バージニア州ノーフォーク)が所有している。総営業マイルは21,500マイル (34,600 km)であり、アメリカ合衆国東部の21州とコロンビア特別区およびカナダのオンタリオ州に路線がある。最も多い貨物は、ケンタッキー州、ペンシルベニア州、テネシー州、バージニア州およびウエストバージニア州の炭田から積み出される石炭である。北アメリカ州東部の広範な共同一貫輸送ネットワークも提供している。現在の会社はノーフォーク・サザン会社の設立された1982年に計画され、1990年12月31日、「ノーフォーク・サザン」と社名を変えていたサザン鉄道のノーフォーク・アンド・ウェスタン鉄道線をリースすることで、同社と合併した。1998年、コンレール(統合鉄道公社)の半分以上を獲得することで巨大企業となった。貨物専用の運行会社であり、旅客の輸送はアムトラックに委ねられている。 (ja)
  • La Norfolk Southern Railway è una compagnia ferroviaria statunitense, operante fra la East Coast e la regione del Mississippi, nata il 31 dicembre 1990. È sorta dalla fusione della storica Norfolk and Western e della Southern Railway. (it)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (reporting mark: NS) is een Amerikaanse spoorwegmaatschappij met het hoofdkantoor in Norfolk, Virginia. Het is een zogenaamde Class I railroad. (nl)
  • 諾福克南方鐵路(英語:Norfolk Southern Railway)是美國的I級鐵路。原總部位於維吉尼亞州諾福克,2018年12月總部遷至喬治亞州首府亞特蘭大。在東部22個州、哥倫比亞特區營運21,500英里路線,在多倫多至水牛城以及奧爾巴尼至蒙特利爾也擁有加拿大的列車行駛權。諾福克南方鐵路維護26,300英里的軌道,其餘則營運在其他公司的路線上。鐵路上最常見的運載物是煤炭,由印第安納州、肯塔基州、賓夕法尼亞州、田納西州、維吉尼亞州和西維吉尼亞州等地挖掘出來。此公司也在北美洲東部提供最大的網絡。 (zh)
  • The Norfolk Southern Railway (reporting mark NS) is a Class I freight railroad in the United States formed in 1982 with the merger of Norfolk and Western Railway and Southern Railway. With headquarters in Atlanta, the company operates 19,420 route miles (31,250 km) in 22 eastern states, the District of Columbia, and has rights in Canada over the Albany to Montréal route of the Canadian Pacific Railway. NS is responsible for maintaining 28,400 miles (45,700 km), with the remainder being operated under trackage rights from other parties responsible for maintenance. Intermodal containers and trailers are the most common commodity type carried by NS, which have grown as coal business has declined throughout the 21st century; coal was formerly the largest source of traffic. The railway offers t (en)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (markah laporan NS) adalah sebuah perusahaan kereta api kelas 1 di Amerika Serikat. Dengan kantor pusat di Norfolk, Virginia, perusahaan ini mengoperasikan 21.500 mil rute di 22 negara bagian timur, District of Columbia, dan memiliki rute hak di Kanada dari Albany hingga Montréal, dan sebelumnya di CN dari ke St. Thomas. NS yang bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga 26,300 mil, dengan sisanya yang dioperasikan di bawah hak trayek dari pihak-pihak lain yang bertanggung jawab untuk pemeliharaan. Yang paling umum komoditas yang diangkut pada rel kereta api adalah batubara dari tambang-tambang di Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia dan West Virginia. Kereta api juga menawarkan terbesar intermoda jaringan di bagian timur Amerika Utara. (in)
  • A Norfolk Southern, (NS) é uma das maiores empresas ferroviárias dos Estados Unidos da América operando 58 mil quilômetros de linhas em 22 estados da região leste e central daquele país, sendo diretamente responsável pela manutenção de 46 mil. A Norfolk Southern Railway é subsidiária da Norfolk Southern Corporation, cuja sede está localizada na cidade de Norfolk, no Estado da Virginia, tendo sido formada em 23 de julho de 1980, com ações na Bolsa de Valores de New York. Em primeiro de outubro de 2014, seu capital total era de US$34,5 bilhões. (pt)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (en)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (de)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (es)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (in)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (it)
  • Norfolk Southern (fr)
  • ノーフォーク・サザン鉄道 (ja)
  • 노퍽 서던 철도 (ko)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (nl)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (pt)
  • 諾福克南方鐵路 (zh)
  • Norfolk Southern Railway (en)
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