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About: ReLIFE

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ReLIFE (リライフ, Riraifu) is a Japanese manga series in webtoon format written and illustrated by Yayoiso. The individual chapters were released by NHN Japan on the Comico website from October 12, 2013, to March 16, 2018, for a total of 15 compiled tankōbon volumes published by Earth Star Entertainment. An anime television series adaptation animated by TMS Entertainment was announced on February 13, 2015, and premiered on television on July 2, 2016. On June 24, 2016, the series was released in full on the web. A live action film adaptation of the same name was released in 2017. In 2017, the manga won in France's Mangawa Award.

Property Value
  • ري لايف (باليابانية: リライフ، بالروماجي: Riraifu)(بالإنجليزية: ReLIFE)‏ هي سلسلة مانغا يابانية من تأليف ورسم سو يايوي، نشرت على الأنترنت من قبل في مجلة ، في 12 أكتوبر عام 2013 حتى 16 مارس عام 2018 تم تجميع فصول المانغا في 12 مجلد تانكوبون من قبل . أنتجت المانغا إلى مسلسل أنمي تلفزيوني من قبل استوديو طوكيو موفي شينشا، عرض الأنمي في 2 يوليو عام 2016 واستمر عرضه حتى 24 سبتمبر عام 2016، وتكون من 13 حلقة + 4 أوفا. (ar)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ , Riraifu?) és una sèrie manga japonesa escrita i dibuixada per Yayoiso. L'editorial NHN Japan va publicar els capítols en format digital al web de Comico del 12 d'octubre del 2013 al 16 de març del 2018. Posteriorment es van agrupar en 15 volums tankōbon editats per Earth Star Entertainment. Se'n va estrenar una sèrie de televisió d'anime el 2 de juliol del 2016, produïda per TMS Entertainment, i una pel·lícula live-action el 2017. (ca)
  • Relife (ReLIFE) ist eine Webmangaserie von , die seit 2013 in Japan erscheint. Die Seinen-Serie wurde in Form einer Anime-Fernsehserie umgesetzt, die auch deutsch untertitelt veröffentlicht wurde. Für Herbst 2016 ist auch die Umsetzung als Theaterstück in Tokio und Osaka angekündigt. (de)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ Riraifu?) es una serie de manga en línea escrita e ilustrada por Yayoiso. Es publicado por NHN PlayArt en el sitio web de Comico desde el 12 de octubre de 2013 hasta el 9 de marzo de 2018 tiene siete volúmenes hasta el momento, compilando los capítulos y publicados por Earth Star Entertainment. Una adaptación a anime fue anunciada el 13 de febrero de 2015 y comenzó su emisión el 2 de julio de 2016. El 21 de marzo de 2018 se emitieron 4 nuevos capítulos, abarcando más historia del manga junto con el final de este. (es)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ Riraifu) adalah sebuah manga yang dibuat oleh Yayoiso dan telah dipublikasikan pada 12 Oktober 2013. Manga ini telah diadaptasi menjadi sebuah anime yang telah tayang di saluran televisi Jepang sejak 2 Juli 2016. Anime ini mendapat feedback yang cukup baik dan telah berhasil meraih rating 8.26 pada website MyAnimeList. (in)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ, Riraifu) is a Japanese manga series in webtoon format written and illustrated by Yayoiso. The individual chapters were released by NHN Japan on the Comico website from October 12, 2013, to March 16, 2018, for a total of 15 compiled tankōbon volumes published by Earth Star Entertainment. An anime television series adaptation animated by TMS Entertainment was announced on February 13, 2015, and premiered on television on July 2, 2016. On June 24, 2016, the series was released in full on the web. A live action film adaptation of the same name was released in 2017. In 2017, the manga won in France's Mangawa Award. (en)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ, Riraifu) est un manga écrit et dessiné par Yayoiso. Il a été publié entre octobre 2013 et mars 2018 sur le site web de NHN PlayArt, puis édité en volumes reliés (entièrement en couleur) par Earth Star Entertainment. La version physique est publiée en français par Ki-oon entre mai 2016 et avril 2021 et la version web est publilée par Delitoon depuis septembre 2019. Une adaptation en anime réalisée par TMS Entertainment est diffusée entre juillet et septembre 2016 sur différents réseaux et chaînes de télévision au Japon, et en simulcast sur Crunchyroll dans les pays francophones. Une conclusion de quatre épisodes, intitulée ReLIFE - Kanketsuhen (ReLIFE 完結編, litt. « ReLIFE Chapitre final »), est publiée au Japon le 21 mars 2018 et couvre la deuxième moitié du manga. (fr)
  • 《ReLIFE》(리라이프)는 가 comico에서 연재하는 일본의 웹툰이다. 2014년에는 comico 작품 중에서 처음으로 단행본화되었고, 2016년 3월 현재 일본에서는 5권까지 간행되었다. 2016년 7월부터 9월까지 텔레비전 애니메이션이 방영되었다. 수험과 취직을 계속해서 실패하고 니트가 된 주인공이 사회복귀 실험으로써 고교 생활을 다시 하는 모습을 코미컬하게 그린다. (ko)
  • 『ReLIFE』(リライフ)は、夜宵草による日本の学園漫画。漫画アプリcomicoにて2013年10月12日から2018年3月16日まで連載された。2014年にはcomico初の単行本化もされており、2020年2月まで、全15巻が刊行された。 受験や就職につまづき続け、無職となった主人公が社会復帰の実験として高校生活をやり直す姿をコミカルに描く。 (ja)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ Riraifu?) è un manga seinen scritto e disegnato da Yayoisō, serializzato sul sito web Comico di NHN comico dal 12 ottobre 2013 al 16 marzo 2018. Un adattamento anime, prodotto da TMS Entertainment, è stato trasmesso in Giappone tra il 1º luglio e il 23 settembre 2016, mentre un film live action basato sulla serie è uscito il 15 aprile 2017. (it)
  • Relife, zapis stylizowany: ReLIFE (jap. リライフ Riraifu) – w pełni kolorowa seinen-manga z gatunku science-fiction, napisana i ilustrowana przez Yayoiso. Kolejne rozdziały były publikowane października 2013 do marca 2018 roku za pośrednictwem internetu, w czasopiśmie internetowym comico należącym do NHN PlayArt. 13 lutego 2015 roku ogłoszono powstawanie animowanej adaptacji komiksu; 13-odcinkowa adaptacja miała swoją premierę 24 czerwca 2016 roku, gdy to wszystkie odcinki zostały udostępnione za pośrednictwem strony comico. Następnie wyemitowano je od 2 lipca 2016 roku w telewizji na kanałach Tokyo MX, GYT, GTV oraz BS11 z częstotliwością jeden odcinek tygodniowo. W 2018 roku premierę miały 4 dodatkowe odcinki anime, które stanowią konkluzję wersji animowanej. W Polsce manga została wydana przez wydawnictwo Waneko. (pl)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ Riraifu?) é uma série japonesa de mangá seinen, escrita e ilustrada por Yayoiso, publicado por NHN PlayArt no site comico desde o dia 12 de outubro de 2013 e tem seis volumes de compilação de capítulos publicados até agora, pela . Uma adaptação em anime foi ao ar na televisão em 2 de julho de 2016. Em 24 de junho de 2016, a série foi lançado na íntegra na web. As emissoras Tokyo MX, , GTV e BS11 posteriormente transmitiram cada episódio no habitual formato semanal. (pt)
  • ReLIFE (яп. リライフ Рирайфу) — веб-комикс Яёйсо, а также снятые на её основе аниме-сериал и игровой полнометражный фильм. Главы манги изначально публиковалась на сайте comico с 12 октября 2013 года по 16 марта 2018, а позже были напечатаны в виде 15 томов издательством Earth Star Entertainment. Аниме-сериал был создан студией TMS Entertainment и впервые транслировался с 2 июля по 24 сентября 2016 года. В 2017 году вышел игровой полнометражный фильм с в главной роли. (ru)
  • 《ReLIFE 重返17歲》(日語:ReLIFE/リライフ riraifu),是日本漫畫家夜宵草所創作的一部的Webtoon版式的青年校园漫画,於2013年10月12日在comico開始連載。 在2014年6月7日於应用程式发布,且在頭十五天就超過四十萬次的下載量,获得苹果App Store全应用市场排行第一,并成为comico在台湾首次登陆的漫画应用之一。2014年8月12日TSUTAYA获得授权发售单行本。 2015年2月4日榮獲「2015年全國書店店員推薦漫畫」第6名。2015年4月3日榮獲第39回講談社漫畫賞一般部門作品提名。 2016年7月23日至9月23日播放同名電視動畫,2018年3月16日漫畫完結,2018年3月21日播放動畫完結篇。到2020年2月为止,共发行了15卷单行本。 (zh)
  • ReLIFE (яп. リライフ Riraifu) — японська манґа манґаки , що публікувалася з 12 жовтня 2013 до 16 березня 2018 року на вебсайті компанії , а також публікувалися у журналі видавництва . На основі манґи студією TMS Entertainment створений аніме-серіал, який транслювався з 1 липня до 23 вересня 2016 року. (uk)
  • 2013-10-12 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-03-16 (xsd:date)
  • 15 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 46350716 (xsd:integer)
  • 48821 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1116554874 (xsd:integer)
  • Kokuhaku (en)
  • Kiretsu (en)
  • Ribenji (en)
  • Daburu panikku (en)
  • Hajimemashite janainda yo (en)
  • Hikensha 001→002 (en)
  • Kako torippu (en)
  • Komyunikēshon nōryoku 0-ten (en)
  • Minna no wagamama (en)
  • Ochiru (en)
  • Ossan nan desukara (en)
  • Ōbārappu (en)
  • Sō Yayoi (en)
  • Cover of the first Japanese volume (en)
  • 19.500000 (xsd:double)
  • 52.500000 (xsd:double)
  • 68.500000 (xsd:double)
  • 83.500000 (xsd:double)
  • 111.500000 (xsd:double)
  • 0001-07-01 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • *ReLIFE (film) (en)
  • Seinen (en)
  • Satoru Kosaka (en)
  • #Episode list (en)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • 4 (xsd:integer)
  • 5 (xsd:integer)
  • 6 (xsd:integer)
  • 7 (xsd:integer)
  • 8 (xsd:integer)
  • 9 (xsd:integer)
  • 10 (xsd:integer)
  • 11 (xsd:integer)
  • 12 (xsd:integer)
  • 13 (xsd:integer)
  • 14 (xsd:integer)
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  • 16 (xsd:integer)
  • 17 (xsd:integer)
  • (en)
  • 4 (xsd:integer)
  • 13 (xsd:integer)
  • 2013-10-12 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-07-02 (xsd:date)
  • Earth Star Comics (en)
  • 978 (xsd:integer)
  • リライフ (en)
  • Riraifu (en)
  • Japanese (en)
  • 2016-09-24 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-03-16 (xsd:date)
  • FCC (en)
  • Masayasu Tsuboguchi (en)
  • ReLIFE (en)
  • Tokyo MX, GYT, GTV, BS11, AT-X (en)
  • yes (en)
  • 2016-07-09 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-07-16 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-07-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-07-30 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-08-06 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-08-13 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-08-20 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-08-27 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-09-03 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-09-10 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-09-17 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-09-24 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-03-21 (xsd:date)
  • 2014-08-12 (xsd:date)
  • 2014-11-12 (xsd:date)
  • 2015-03-28 (xsd:date)
  • 2015-08-12 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-02-12 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-08-12 (xsd:date)
  • 2017-02-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-05-11 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-08-10 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-11-12 (xsd:date)
  • 2019-02-12 (xsd:date)
  • 2019-05-11 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-03-21 (xsd:date)
  • 1440.0
  • Chizuru does not understand her current feelings for Arata and starts to avoid him to try and "see things from a different perspective". However, after talking it over with Honoka and Rena, she asks Arata out for a Christmas date. During the date, they end up buying phone straps for each other. As they walk home later, Arata blurts out he loves Chizuru. Chizuru is taken aback, but she realizes her own feelings for Arata are also of love and tells him so. It starts to rain and they both walk back hand in hand holding Chizuru's umbrella. (en)
  • Arata awakens in the school infirmary after the fall he and Rena had. Remembering Rena was stealing Chizuru's bag before they fell, Arata recalls a similar situation at a company he worked for where his senior was bullied by her co-workers due to their jealousy of her. When Rena awakens, Arata confronts her about her actions and Rena shares her feelings of insecurity and frustration towards Chizuru. Arata encourages her not to stoop to the level of harassing people she does not like, and to continue being a person who perseveres to obtain what she wants. After leaving, Arata meets Chizuru who suspects Rena was trying to steal her bag, but could not think of a reason why. Arata confirms Chizuru's suspicions, and she decides to speak with Rena as she is leaving the school. Rena explains her feelings towards Chizuru and learns that Chizuru never meant to degrade her and was only attempting to be her friend. With the confusion cleared up, Rena apologizes and agrees to be Chizuru's friend on the condition that Chizuru acknowledges Rena as a rival. (en)
  • Arata confronts his past and pays a visit to his senpai's grave. Ryo plans a surprise for him. (en)
  • As Ryo is writing his report on Arata's progress, he remembers when he was supporting subject 001 of the ReLIFE project. Ryo was scolded by his supervisors for being too involved in the subject's life, and thus he had to distanced himself from the subject. At that time, he was asked to scout out Arata to potentially be subject 002 in the ReLIFE project. After a year had passed, the results for subject 001 were deemed a failure as the person in question had not changed at all. Discouraged by his failure to support subject 001, Ryo is encouraged by An not to give up as Arata was selected to be subject 002. Ryo had been assigned as his supporter. Ryo concludes his report by logging despite Arata's struggles he is making progress. (en)
  • Arata becomes acquainted with his classmates Kazuomi, An, and Rena who sit next to him. He learns about Rena's competitive nature and her disappointment in losing the position of class representative to fellow classmate Chizuru. Arata formally meets Chizuru during lunch, however, her blunt and to-the-point approach throw him for a loop. They meet again after school where Chizuru shares with Arata that she is socially awkward, and does not understand people, or know how to communicate with them, but wants to change that about herself. Arata gives her encouragement, and they become friends after exchanging phone numbers. (en)
  • During gym class Arata ends up hurting himself, and Ryo explains despite his youthful appearance Arata's body is still biologically 27-year-old man. Meanwhile, Chizuru takes Arata's advice to try smiling more in an attempt to make friends, but her forced smiles are misinterpreted by Rena as Chizuru mocking her. Rena learns that despite viewing Chizuru as an academic rival Chizuru was unaware of who Rena was, causing Rena's perception of both Chizuru and herself to be strained. (en)
  • Chizuru loses the position of class representative to Rena. Realizing she was preoccupied with her feelings for Arata, Chizuru confronts Ryo asking him if Arata is a ReLIFE subject. He doesn't want to confirm it, warning her that exposing a test subject would end the experiment for him and they would never see each other again. Ryo reveals to her that An works for ReLIFE and is her new supervisor. An suggests Chizuru wants Arata to be a test subject, as she could act on her feelings if he were a grown-up. After Kazuomi talks Arata into volunteering as the boys' representative heading the preparations for the cultural festival, Chizuru volunteers for the girls. (en)
  • Kazuomi and An pay a visit to Arata's apartment for a study session due to both Arata and An repeatedly scoring poorly on their previous tests. When Kazuomi leaves early, An confesses to Arata that they met previously and she fell in love with him at first sight. Ryo decides to check up on Arata via his cell phone but learns An and Arata are alone and he rushes to the apartment. An attempts to kiss Arata, but he stops her just as Ryo arrives. Ryo scolds An for her actions, and she reveals she was only testing Arata, and she is actually Ryo's 27-year-old coworker at ReLIFE Laboratory. An also explains she was supposed to be Arata's support person, but Ryo had to step into her role since she was not able complete her training in time. Both An and Ryo apologize for the trouble she caused, with Ryo secretly apologizing for partially lying of why he is Arata's supporter. (en)
  • Chizuru's continued attempts at smiling have the unintended effect of lowering Rena's self-worth due to her misconception Chizuru's actions are out of spite. Rena reflects that she measures her self-worth by her success and that the previous year she had both pride and happiness due to being the class representative alongside Kazuomi, whom she has feelings for. Now having lost both the class representative position and the place at Kazuomi's side to Chizuru, Rena begins to think less of herself, and grows angrier towards Chizuru for thinking she is mocking her for her shortcomings. Chizuru, however, is unaware of Rena's feelings and confides in Arata that she feels that she and Rena are becoming friends. One night after staying late at school, Rena sees Chizuru has stayed late so steals her school bag in retaliation for her perceived mistreatment, and she is caught by Arata. As Arata attempts to stop her, they both fall down a flight of stairs. (en)
  • Everyone is having fun at the cultural festival and the class' English-style cafe, but Chizuru and Arata can't stop thinking about being erased from their friends' memories. A discussion between Ryo and An reveals that Chizuru's and Arata's memories of each other will be lost as well. (en)
  • Rena asks for Honoka and Chizuru's assistance in getting her and Kazuomi alone during the fireworks festival in order for her to confess her feelings to him. At the festival, Arata, An, Ryo, Chizuru, and the others split up in order to let Kazuomi and Rena be alone, as they knew Kazuomi was also planning on confessing to Rena. Ryo and An also make it so that Arata and Chizuru ended up alone together too. Rena and Kazuomi confess their feelings towards one another, and as the fireworks begin Chizuru tells Arata she was happy to meet him. Chizuru recalls the events that have happened since the start of the school year, and before then when she met Ryo, and became subject 001 in the ReLIFE project. After the festival ends, Arata walks Chizuru home, and realizes he has fallen in love with her, but decides against telling her since everyone he met in school will forget him once his ReLIFE ends. Instead he tells Chizuru he will never forget her, and she also tells him that she will never forget him. (en)
  • Chizuru understands there is a problem and talks with Arata. Talking about the problem causes Arata to confront his past mistake with Chizuru and they plan to make Rena and Honoka friends again. Akira and Nobu bring Rena and Kazuomi and listen to a private discussion among Honoka, Arata, and Chizuru. (en)
  • Honoka explains the reason she joined Aoba HS. Chizuru talks about her past and motivates Honoka to talk with Rena. Rena runs away before Honoka can talk with her. At the day of the match Chizuru motivates Rena to play. Rena finally agrees to play. Rena and Honoka make up. They lose but have a great time. (en)
  • Arata indirectly explains to Kazuomi about love and how important it is. When Kazuomi and Arata see a man with Rena, Kazuomi rushes to her. He learns Rena had a heat stroke and the man had helped her. Kazuomi walks Rena home. That night, he realizes that he loves Rena and asks for advice from everyone. He later decides how to proceed. Kazuomi invites Rena to the Summer Festival. Rena asks advice from the other girls on what she should do next. (en)
  • At Arata's apartment, Ryo tells Arata his ReLife was a huge success and offers him a list of jobs and a pill will end his ReLife. At Chizuru's apartment, An is doing the same thing with Chizuru. Chizuru falls asleep after taking the pill and An sees that she had written "I was in love with Kaizaki Arata" on her hand and that she will have to erase it despite it is against her conscience. Before taking the pill, Arata tells Ryo that he wants to work for ReLife Laboratories. Later, at a ReLife Company dinner, Arata meets Chizuru, who is also working for ReLife. They do not recognize each other, but Chizuru learns Arata was a ReLife subject. After dinner, they bump into each other outside the restaurant. Chizuru tells Arata that she too was a ReLife subject and Arata asks Chizuru about her ReLife experience. She replies that it was like a firework. This triggers the memory of being together at the fireworks festival for both of them. Then with their memories restored, Chizuru walks into Arata's waiting arms. (en)
  • Honoka and Arata take a makeup test. Honoka passes but Arata did not. Rena stands up for Honoka when other volleyball members make fun of her. Honoka passes out as she studied too hard to pass the makeup test. Unfortunately, this causes Rena to have an accident, and their friendship is strained. (en)
  • Confession (en)
  • Life (en)
  • Revenge (en)
  • Date (en)
  • Fall (en)
  • Seed (en)
  • Overlap (en)
  • Rift (en)
  • Live-action film (en)
  • Need (en)
  • A Trip to the Past (en)
  • Communication Skills: Zero (en)
  • Double Panic (en)
  • Everybody's Selfish Desires (en)
  • Kanketsu-hen (en)
  • Test Subject 001 → 002 (en)
  • This Isn't the First Time (en)
  • You're Old Now (en)
  • ova (en)
  • tv series (en)
  • #Manga (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • 4 (xsd:integer)
  • 5 (xsd:integer)
  • 6 (xsd:integer)
  • 7 (xsd:integer)
  • 8 (xsd:integer)
  • 9 (xsd:integer)
  • 10 (xsd:integer)
  • 11 (xsd:integer)
  • 12 (xsd:integer)
  • 15 (xsd:integer)
  • 80.0
  • Kazuho Hyōdō (en)
  • ري لايف (باليابانية: リライフ، بالروماجي: Riraifu)(بالإنجليزية: ReLIFE)‏ هي سلسلة مانغا يابانية من تأليف ورسم سو يايوي، نشرت على الأنترنت من قبل في مجلة ، في 12 أكتوبر عام 2013 حتى 16 مارس عام 2018 تم تجميع فصول المانغا في 12 مجلد تانكوبون من قبل . أنتجت المانغا إلى مسلسل أنمي تلفزيوني من قبل استوديو طوكيو موفي شينشا، عرض الأنمي في 2 يوليو عام 2016 واستمر عرضه حتى 24 سبتمبر عام 2016، وتكون من 13 حلقة + 4 أوفا. (ar)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ , Riraifu?) és una sèrie manga japonesa escrita i dibuixada per Yayoiso. L'editorial NHN Japan va publicar els capítols en format digital al web de Comico del 12 d'octubre del 2013 al 16 de març del 2018. Posteriorment es van agrupar en 15 volums tankōbon editats per Earth Star Entertainment. Se'n va estrenar una sèrie de televisió d'anime el 2 de juliol del 2016, produïda per TMS Entertainment, i una pel·lícula live-action el 2017. (ca)
  • Relife (ReLIFE) ist eine Webmangaserie von , die seit 2013 in Japan erscheint. Die Seinen-Serie wurde in Form einer Anime-Fernsehserie umgesetzt, die auch deutsch untertitelt veröffentlicht wurde. Für Herbst 2016 ist auch die Umsetzung als Theaterstück in Tokio und Osaka angekündigt. (de)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ Riraifu?) es una serie de manga en línea escrita e ilustrada por Yayoiso. Es publicado por NHN PlayArt en el sitio web de Comico desde el 12 de octubre de 2013 hasta el 9 de marzo de 2018 tiene siete volúmenes hasta el momento, compilando los capítulos y publicados por Earth Star Entertainment. Una adaptación a anime fue anunciada el 13 de febrero de 2015 y comenzó su emisión el 2 de julio de 2016. El 21 de marzo de 2018 se emitieron 4 nuevos capítulos, abarcando más historia del manga junto con el final de este. (es)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ Riraifu) adalah sebuah manga yang dibuat oleh Yayoiso dan telah dipublikasikan pada 12 Oktober 2013. Manga ini telah diadaptasi menjadi sebuah anime yang telah tayang di saluran televisi Jepang sejak 2 Juli 2016. Anime ini mendapat feedback yang cukup baik dan telah berhasil meraih rating 8.26 pada website MyAnimeList. (in)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ, Riraifu) is a Japanese manga series in webtoon format written and illustrated by Yayoiso. The individual chapters were released by NHN Japan on the Comico website from October 12, 2013, to March 16, 2018, for a total of 15 compiled tankōbon volumes published by Earth Star Entertainment. An anime television series adaptation animated by TMS Entertainment was announced on February 13, 2015, and premiered on television on July 2, 2016. On June 24, 2016, the series was released in full on the web. A live action film adaptation of the same name was released in 2017. In 2017, the manga won in France's Mangawa Award. (en)
  • 《ReLIFE》(리라이프)는 가 comico에서 연재하는 일본의 웹툰이다. 2014년에는 comico 작품 중에서 처음으로 단행본화되었고, 2016년 3월 현재 일본에서는 5권까지 간행되었다. 2016년 7월부터 9월까지 텔레비전 애니메이션이 방영되었다. 수험과 취직을 계속해서 실패하고 니트가 된 주인공이 사회복귀 실험으로써 고교 생활을 다시 하는 모습을 코미컬하게 그린다. (ko)
  • 『ReLIFE』(リライフ)は、夜宵草による日本の学園漫画。漫画アプリcomicoにて2013年10月12日から2018年3月16日まで連載された。2014年にはcomico初の単行本化もされており、2020年2月まで、全15巻が刊行された。 受験や就職につまづき続け、無職となった主人公が社会復帰の実験として高校生活をやり直す姿をコミカルに描く。 (ja)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ Riraifu?) è un manga seinen scritto e disegnato da Yayoisō, serializzato sul sito web Comico di NHN comico dal 12 ottobre 2013 al 16 marzo 2018. Un adattamento anime, prodotto da TMS Entertainment, è stato trasmesso in Giappone tra il 1º luglio e il 23 settembre 2016, mentre un film live action basato sulla serie è uscito il 15 aprile 2017. (it)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ Riraifu?) é uma série japonesa de mangá seinen, escrita e ilustrada por Yayoiso, publicado por NHN PlayArt no site comico desde o dia 12 de outubro de 2013 e tem seis volumes de compilação de capítulos publicados até agora, pela . Uma adaptação em anime foi ao ar na televisão em 2 de julho de 2016. Em 24 de junho de 2016, a série foi lançado na íntegra na web. As emissoras Tokyo MX, , GTV e BS11 posteriormente transmitiram cada episódio no habitual formato semanal. (pt)
  • ReLIFE (яп. リライフ Рирайфу) — веб-комикс Яёйсо, а также снятые на её основе аниме-сериал и игровой полнометражный фильм. Главы манги изначально публиковалась на сайте comico с 12 октября 2013 года по 16 марта 2018, а позже были напечатаны в виде 15 томов издательством Earth Star Entertainment. Аниме-сериал был создан студией TMS Entertainment и впервые транслировался с 2 июля по 24 сентября 2016 года. В 2017 году вышел игровой полнометражный фильм с в главной роли. (ru)
  • 《ReLIFE 重返17歲》(日語:ReLIFE/リライフ riraifu),是日本漫畫家夜宵草所創作的一部的Webtoon版式的青年校园漫画,於2013年10月12日在comico開始連載。 在2014年6月7日於应用程式发布,且在頭十五天就超過四十萬次的下載量,获得苹果App Store全应用市场排行第一,并成为comico在台湾首次登陆的漫画应用之一。2014年8月12日TSUTAYA获得授权发售单行本。 2015年2月4日榮獲「2015年全國書店店員推薦漫畫」第6名。2015年4月3日榮獲第39回講談社漫畫賞一般部門作品提名。 2016年7月23日至9月23日播放同名電視動畫,2018年3月16日漫畫完結,2018年3月21日播放動畫完結篇。到2020年2月为止,共发行了15卷单行本。 (zh)
  • ReLIFE (яп. リライフ Riraifu) — японська манґа манґаки , що публікувалася з 12 жовтня 2013 до 16 березня 2018 року на вебсайті компанії , а також публікувалися у журналі видавництва . На основі манґи студією TMS Entertainment створений аніме-серіал, який транслювався з 1 липня до 23 вересня 2016 року. (uk)
  • ReLIFE (リライフ, Riraifu) est un manga écrit et dessiné par Yayoiso. Il a été publié entre octobre 2013 et mars 2018 sur le site web de NHN PlayArt, puis édité en volumes reliés (entièrement en couleur) par Earth Star Entertainment. La version physique est publiée en français par Ki-oon entre mai 2016 et avril 2021 et la version web est publilée par Delitoon depuis septembre 2019. (fr)
  • Relife, zapis stylizowany: ReLIFE (jap. リライフ Riraifu) – w pełni kolorowa seinen-manga z gatunku science-fiction, napisana i ilustrowana przez Yayoiso. Kolejne rozdziały były publikowane października 2013 do marca 2018 roku za pośrednictwem internetu, w czasopiśmie internetowym comico należącym do NHN PlayArt. W Polsce manga została wydana przez wydawnictwo Waneko. (pl)
  • ري لايف (ar)
  • ReLIFE (ca)
  • Relife (de)
  • ReLIFE (es)
  • ReLIFE (in)
  • ReLIFE (it)
  • ReLIFE (fr)
  • ReLIFE (ko)
  • ReLIFE (ja)
  • ReLIFE (en)
  • Relife (pl)
  • ReLIFE (pt)
  • ReLIFE (ru)
  • ReLIFE (uk)
  • ReLIFE (zh)
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