- En el contexto de la teoría del origen africano del hombre moderno, la Nota 1 el escenario de la dispersión austral o «poblamiento costero rápido», se refiere a las primeras migraciones humanas a lo largo de las costas meridionales de Asia, partiendo de la Península arábiga, cruzando la Meseta iraní y la India y llegando al Sudeste asiático (Sondalandia) y Oceanía. (es)
- In the context of the recent African origin of modern humans, the Southern Dispersal scenario (also the coastal migration or great coastal migration hypothesis) refers to the early migration along the southern coast of Asia, from the Arabian Peninsula via Persia and India to Southeast Asia and Oceania. Alternative names include the "southern coastal route" or "rapid coastal settlement", with later descendants of those migrations eventually colonizing the rest of Eurasia, the remainder of Oceania, and the Americas. The coastal route theory is primarily used to describe the initial peopling of West Asia, India, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Australia, Near Oceania, and East Asia beginning between roughly 70,000 and 50,000 years ago. It is linked with the presence and dispersal of mtDNA haplogroup M and haplogroup N, as well as the specific distribution patterns of Y-DNA haplogroup F (ancestral to O, N, R, Q), haplogroup C and haplogroup D, in these regions. The theory proposes that early modern humans, some of the bearers of mitochondrial haplogroup L3, arrived in the Arabian peninsula about 70,000-50,000 years ago, crossing from East Africa via the Bab-el-Mandeb strait. It has been estimated that from a population of 2,000 to 5,000 individuals in Africa, only a small group, possibly as few as 150 to 1,000 people, crossed the Red Sea. The group would have travelled along the coastal route around Arabia and Persia to India relatively rapidly, within a few thousand years. From India, they would have spread to Southeast Asia ("Sundaland") and Oceania ("Sahul"). A review paper by Melinda A. Yang (in 2022) summarized and concluded that a distinctive "Basal-East Asian population" referred to as 'East- and Southeast Asian lineage' (ESEA); which is ancestral to modern East Asians, Southeast Asians, Polynesians, and Siberians, originated in Mainland Southeast Asia at ~50,000BC, and expanded through multiple migration waves southwards and northwards respectively. This ESEA lineage gave rise to various sublineages, and is also ancestral to the Hoabinhian hunter-gatherers of Southeast Asia and the ~40,000 year old Tianyuan lineage found in Northern China, but already differentiated and distinct from European-related and Australasian-related lineages, found in other regions of prehistoric Eurasia. The ESEA lineage trifurcated from an earlier East-Eurasian or "eastern non-African" (ENA) lineage somewhere in South Asia, which also contributed to the formation of indigenous South Asian hunter-gatherers (AASI) as well as to Australasians. (en)
- Dans le contexte de la théorie de l'origine africaine de l'homme moderne, le scénario de la dispersion australe fait référence aux premières migrations humaines le long des côtes méridionales de l'Asie, qui partent de la péninsule Arabique, traversent le plateau Iranien et l'Inde et arrivent jusqu'au sud-est asiatique (Sundaland) et en Océanie. (fr)
- Теории прибрежных миграций существуют в современной палеоантропологии и генетике. Согласно указанным теориям, после возникновения современного человека в Африке 100—200 тысяч лет назад человек первоначально расселялся из Африки на восток вдоль побережья. (ru)
- Теорії прибережних міграцій існують в сучасній палеоантропології і генетиці. Згідно із зазначеними теоріям, після виникнення сучасної людини в Африці 100—200 тис. років тому людина спочатку розселялася з Африки на схід уздовж узбережжя. (uk)
- En el contexto de la teoría del origen africano del hombre moderno, la Nota 1 el escenario de la dispersión austral o «poblamiento costero rápido», se refiere a las primeras migraciones humanas a lo largo de las costas meridionales de Asia, partiendo de la Península arábiga, cruzando la Meseta iraní y la India y llegando al Sudeste asiático (Sondalandia) y Oceanía. (es)
- Dans le contexte de la théorie de l'origine africaine de l'homme moderne, le scénario de la dispersion australe fait référence aux premières migrations humaines le long des côtes méridionales de l'Asie, qui partent de la péninsule Arabique, traversent le plateau Iranien et l'Inde et arrivent jusqu'au sud-est asiatique (Sundaland) et en Océanie. (fr)
- Теории прибрежных миграций существуют в современной палеоантропологии и генетике. Согласно указанным теориям, после возникновения современного человека в Африке 100—200 тысяч лет назад человек первоначально расселялся из Африки на восток вдоль побережья. (ru)
- Теорії прибережних міграцій існують в сучасній палеоантропології і генетиці. Згідно із зазначеними теоріям, після виникнення сучасної людини в Африці 100—200 тис. років тому людина спочатку розселялася з Африки на схід уздовж узбережжя. (uk)
- In the context of the recent African origin of modern humans, the Southern Dispersal scenario (also the coastal migration or great coastal migration hypothesis) refers to the early migration along the southern coast of Asia, from the Arabian Peninsula via Persia and India to Southeast Asia and Oceania. Alternative names include the "southern coastal route" or "rapid coastal settlement", with later descendants of those migrations eventually colonizing the rest of Eurasia, the remainder of Oceania, and the Americas. (en)