take for
verb as in consider
verb as in deceive
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in mistake
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
The people who designed this system of government took for granted that these branches would jealously guard their power and not tolerate the other branches stepping into their lane.
Groups representing victims and their families have already expressed concern about the length of time it has taken for the scheme to start operating.
The attorney general says the bodies recovered have been taken for autopsy, with investigators suspecting links to smuggling networks.
Having never had the basic household services most of us take for granted, Margaret does not miss them.
"You didn't just betray my friendship, but you shattered the sense of safety I used to take for granted," Jess told the court.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.