Impressions of and reflections on workshopping a participatory museum Masters course at Zhejiang University, China. Solidarity paradigms with local, traditional communities are superseded by awareness of new metropolitan realities.
The colours of the fired clays of architectural terracottas are among their most obvious characteristics. Breaking easily and being susceptible to wear and tear, they often appear without recognizable shape or form. The question is... more
The colours of the fired clays of architectural terracottas are among their most obvious characteristics. Breaking easily and being susceptible to wear and tear, they often appear without recognizable shape or form. The question is therefore frequently asked whether it is possible to classify an unadorned architectural terracotta fragment on the basis of the colour of its fired fabric alone. A corpus of pre-Roman material from the acropolis of the ancient city of Satricum (Le Ferriere, province of Latina, Italy) is used to consider this method of visual decision-making in terracotta classification, thanks to the categorical way in which colorimetric observations have been made for the large volume of finds. The use of Munsell colour classifications within macroscopic fabric descriptions is reassessed in light of the history of analytical study of this corpus of terracotta material. of antefixes.3 The groups were dubbed after the areas their styles are thought to derive from: caereta...
In meinen Ausführungen möchte ich drei The men ansprechen: 1. Das "Archeologisch Informatie Centrum" (AIC), 2. Das "Europäische FORUM der Altertumsund Denkmalschutzvereine" und 3. Die Position der Archäologie im... more
In meinen Ausführungen möchte ich drei The men ansprechen: 1. Das "Archeologisch Informatie Centrum" (AIC), 2. Das "Europäische FORUM der Altertumsund Denkmalschutzvereine" und 3. Die Position der Archäologie im Spannungsfeld zwischen professionellen Archäologen, staatlichen Einrichtun gen und privaten Initiativen. Alle drei Themen sind eng miteinander verknüpft. Das AIC und das FORUM sind aufgrund der Erkenntnis entstanden, daß das kulturhistorische Erbe im europäischen Zusammenle ben eine Angelegenheit ist, die Unterstützung seitens eines breiten Publikums nötig hat und keineswegs nur Sache der Facharchäologen ist. Mit der Spannung, die das archäologische Erbe zwischen der Öffentlich keit und den Fachleuten hervorruft, und mit mögli chen Lösungen, schließe ich meinen Beitrag.
This paper reports on heritage fieldwork by the Mahidol Cultural Anthropology Museum, carried out from 2019 to 2020, with a group of four Karen villages in Doi Si Than, or 'Four Creeks Mountain', a valley in the remote Northwest... more
This paper reports on heritage fieldwork by the Mahidol Cultural Anthropology Museum, carried out from 2019 to 2020, with a group of four Karen villages in Doi Si Than, or 'Four Creeks Mountain', a valley in the remote Northwest of Thailand. The research aimed to find and introduce sustainable business models in Karen ethnic communities using essential heritage products and intangible practices. Additionally, the community offers an example of Thai integrated farming, which we analyzed as a case of innovative, intergenerational heritage practice, and that we helped turn into a more sustainable economic mainstay of the community. The method used throughout the process was participatory action research blended with social design, as well as building on a long-term engagement. As a theoretical framework, we adapted Design Thinking to Paulo Freire's Education of Liberation model to create an eclectic 'Four Creek Mountain' approach in order to do justice to local circ...