Book Reviews by Ana Burnazi
Alison Gibbons: Multimodality, Cognition, and Experimental Literature, 1st Edition, 2019
Routledge introduces volume 3 of 'Studies in Multimodality', entitled "Multimodality, Cognition, ... more Routledge introduces volume 3 of 'Studies in Multimodality', entitled "Multimodality, Cognition, and Experimental Literature" by Gibbons (2012), who proposes in her eight-chapter book a stepping stone towards the establishment of an idealistic, stylistically impenetrable, dynamic and experimental multimodal evaluation of literature, which employs both verbal and visual modes: multimodality and cognitive poetics. Both disciplines are integrated to synthesize the so-called "multimodal cognitive poetics". This review aims to evaluate Gibbons' model of multimodal cognitive poetics (MCP) and to correlate it to the pertinent theories for predicting how this model may contribute to the multimodal cognitive studies in a meaningful way. Gibbons (2012) spends much effort in the introductory chapter, to define multimodality, multimodal communication, modes, and readers as well as closely related concepts [e. g., Multimodality is a broader phenomenon, related to the coexistence of semiotic modes, whereas multimediality is created through the combination of media technologies (p.19)]. Multimodality, on the one hand, is collectively defined as a pluralistic enterprise and a system of choices through the use of a multitude of semiotic modes within a wider semiotic frame, which intersects at the junction of theory and practice in the communication and at the progression of their narrative. Modal categories, thus, include, at least, pictorial signs, written signs, spoken signs, gestures, sounds, music, smells, tastes and touch. On the other hand, "cognitive poetics" is defined as a critical attempt at importing scientific methods and insights to contribute to the analysis of literary texts towards interpretation of how human mind and body (of the reader/poet) comprehend, experience, and represent the world. This perspective aims to develop new frameworks for interdisciplinarity in cognitive approaches by adopting theories from cognitive psychology, cognitive linguistics and, to some small extent, from neuroscience. Through adoption of the conventional trend of application of cognitive poetics 1 , Gibbons modifies it to "multimodal cognitive poetics" for exploring the visual mode in the multimodal printed novel. This is discussed mainly in chapter 3, entitled "Towards a multimodal cognitive poetics". Much as orientation to previous studies on multimodality are given in chapter 2, Kress' most-cited book "Multimodality: A social semiotic approach to contemporary communication" is under-mentioned. Nevertheless, Gibbons emphasizes that Kress and van Leeuwen developed a social-semiotic approach, which was adopted by (a) the everyday interaction analysts: Norris, Herman, Adolphs and Carter; (b) advocates of corpus studies: Burn and Parker, Anthony Baldry and Paul Thibault, Knight and Adolphs, and Taylor; and (c) Jewitt who ushered the social-semiotic approach towards literacy and education. Although the methods adopted to apply such an approach are based mainly on Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics, Baldry and Thibault proposed earlier a tool for understanding the way in which smaller-scale resources may make meaning and how they work within a text as a whole, designated 'cluster analysis'. John Bateman, Bremen University, is said to treat the inherent defect of subjectivity in this cluster analysis, which relied on the analyst's intuition, by proposing the replicable analytical corpus-based method/model of 'Genre and Multimodality' to define several layers of description for multimodal documents. As detailed in chapter 2, the so-called 'GeM Model', includes five layers: (a) the base (basic elements on the page), (b) layout (how the page is spatially composed); (c) rhetoric (relationships between the basic elements and what they communicate); (d) navigation (elements involved in the 'movement' around the page and how it is used); and (e) genre (the semantic patterns that enable texts to be grouped by type). By identifying semiotic resources at work in multimodal texts, transcribing and dissecting them in the process, it concentrates on the textual formation of multimodality at the expense of gaining an understanding of users' and/or recipients' experiences of those modal combinations.
Papers by Ana Burnazi
In this topic, a problem has been addressed that probably still has problems, especially with 'ë'... more In this topic, a problem has been addressed that probably still has problems, especially with 'ë', as a final and penultimate description. This issue arose at the time of the Congress of Manastir. The problem of time, of the lack of recognition of ë, in the writing of Ghegnisht at that time, since the Gheg language does not recognize the vowel 'ë', replaced by nasal 'â', in the case of Albanian writing until then, there was a lot of ambiguity and lack of recognition. The treatment of 'ë ' as a middle vowel has had many debates, but also many studies in this field. It remains an open topic for further discussion and study.
Metafora e pritjes në poezinë "Të pres" të Frederik Reshpes Abstrakt: Në poezinë "Të pres", poeti... more Metafora e pritjes në poezinë "Të pres" të Frederik Reshpes Abstrakt: Në poezinë "Të pres", poeti Frederik Reshpja ndërton "klithjen" tij poetike, duke metaforizuar mallin deri në skajin më të thellë të shpirtit të tij. Duke u futur në brendësinë poetike të kësaj poezie, na risjell dhimbjen e poetit, jo vetëm për lirinë e tij personale por edhe për lirinë e atdheut të tij, si një dritare e zërit të largët. Fjalë kyçe: pres, dritarja e zërit, muzg xhamthyer, shteg i gjelbër, pritje etj. I.
Multimodal communication, Apr 27, 2019
Multimodal Communication, 2019
Routledge introduces volume 3 of ‘Studies in Multimodality’, entitled “Multimodality, Cognition, ... more Routledge introduces volume 3 of ‘Studies in Multimodality’, entitled “Multimodality, Cognition, and Experimental Literature” by Gibbons (2012), who proposes in her eight-chapter book a stepping stone towards the establishment of an idealistic, stylistically impenetrable, dynamic and experimental multimodal evaluation of literature, which employs both verbal and visual modes: multimodality and cognitive poetics. Both disciplines are integrated to synthesize the so-called “multimodal cognitive poetics”. This review aims to evaluate Gibbons’ model of multimodal cognitive poetics (MCP) and to correlate it to the pertinent theories for predicting how this model may contribute to the multimodal cognitive studies in a meaningful way. Gibbons (2012) spends much effort in the introductory chapter, to define multimodality, multimodal communication, modes, and readers as well as closely related concepts [e. g., Multimodality is a broader phenomenon, related to the coexistence of semiotic modes, whereas multimediality is created through the combination of media technologies (p.19)]. Multimodality, on the one hand, is collectively defined as a pluralistic enterprise and a system of choices through the use of a multitude of semiotic modes within a wider semiotic frame, which intersects at the junction of theory and practice in the communication and at the progression of their narrative. Modal categories, thus, include, at least, pictorial signs, written signs, spoken signs, gestures, sounds, music, smells, tastes and touch. On the other hand, “cognitive poetics” is defined as a critical attempt at importing scientific methods and insights to contribute to the analysis of literary texts towards interpretation of how human mind and body (of the reader/poet) comprehend, experience, and represent the world. This perspective aims to develop new frameworks for interdisciplinarity in cognitive approaches by adopting theories from cognitive psychology, cognitive linguistics and, to some small extent, from neuroscience. Through adoption of the conventional trend of application of cognitive poetics1, Gibbons modifies it to “multimodal cognitive poetics” for exploring the visual mode in the multimodal printed novel. This is discussed mainly in chapter 3, entitled “Towards a multimodal cognitive poetics”. Much as orientation to previous studies on multimodality are given in chapter 2, Kress’ most-cited book “Multimodality: A social semiotic approach to contemporary communication” is under-mentioned. Nevertheless, Gibbons emphasizes that Kress and van Leeuwen developed a social-semiotic approach, which was adopted by (a) the everyday interaction analysts: Norris, Herman, Adolphs and Carter; (b) advocates of corpus studies: Burn and Parker, Anthony Baldry and Paul Thibault, Knight and Adolphs, and Taylor; and (c) Jewitt who ushered the social-semiotic approach towards literacy and education . Although the methods adopted to apply such an approach are based mainly on Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics, Baldry and Thibault proposed earlier a tool for understanding the way in which smaller-scale resources may make meaning and how they work within a text as a whole, designated ‘cluster analysis’. John Bateman, Bremen University, is said to treat the inherent defect of subjectivity in this cluster analysis, which relied on the analyst’s intuition, by proposing the replicable analytical corpus-based method/model of ‘Genre and Multimodality’ to define several layers of description for multimodal documents. As detailed in chapter 2, the so-called ‘GeM Model’, includes five layers: (a) the base (basic elements on the page), (b) layout (how the page is spatially composed); (c) rhetoric (relationships between the basic elements and what they communicate); (d) navigation (elements involved in the ‘movement’ around the page and how it is used); and (e) genre (the semantic patterns that enable texts to be grouped by type). By identifying semiotic resources at work in multimodal texts, transcribing and dissecting them in the process, it concentrates on the textual formation of multimodality at the expense of gaining an understanding of users’ and/or recipients’ experiences of those modal combinations.
To explore the psycholinguistic nature of
two poets (oriental and occidental poets).We
used two c... more To explore the psycholinguistic nature of
two poets (oriental and occidental poets).We
used two computational tools to analyze the
poetic output: LIWC and Sketch Engine.
Both Frederik Rreshpja and Nizarre Qabbani
are frustrated and expatriated from their
native societies on the verge of different
cultural shifts. Rreshpja and Qabbani
demonstrate similar passive tone, high
authenticity, questionable clout and a
remarkable analytical thinking. We
recommend assigning our methodology in
creating a universal psycholinguistic archive
of poets all over the world.
Keyword: Psycholinguistics , Literary
Linguistics, Poetic Stylometry, Frederik
Rreshpja and Nizarre Qabbani.
Conference Presentations by Ana Burnazi
December, 2023
In this topic, a problem has been addressed that probably still has problems, especially with 'ë'... more In this topic, a problem has been addressed that probably still has problems, especially with 'ë', as a final and penultimate description. This issue arose at the time of the Congress of Manastir. The problem of time, of the lack of recognition of ë, in the writing of Ghegnisht at that time, since the Gheg language does not recognize the vowel 'ë', replaced by nasal 'â', in the case of Albanian writing until then, there was a lot of ambiguity and lack of recognition. The treatment of 'ë ' as a middle vowel has had many debates, but also many studies in this field. It remains an open topic for further discussion and study.
Mënyra e qasjes së Petro Markos ndaj figurës së femrës, Ana Maria Monti, tek romani “Qyteti i fu... more Mënyra e qasjes së Petro Markos ndaj figurës së femrës, Ana Maria Monti, tek romani “Qyteti i fundit”, Anita Gonzales tek romani, “Hasta la vista”, Sonja tek romani “Nata e Ustikës”, nuk është mënyra e qasje së një shkrimtari të “brezit të humbur”, për nga pikëvështrimi i fitimtarit, ashtu si ndjenja e vetë autorit si fitimtari i asaj lufte, prandja zëri i i rrëfimtarit në roman është njësuar me zërin e autorit, që shpreh humanizmin gjithënjerëzor. Përtej ekstratit të humanizmit, dashuria me vetëdije dhe moral larg njëri-tjetrit, si një humanizëm i skjashëm është edhe një utopi e skajshme. Ajo ka të drejtë të dashurojë. Por “vula” e të kaluarës nuk mund të kapërdihet nga mentaliteti i të riut shqiptar Lekë Gurra (ushtarak) që e sheh më dy pamje: si ish- prostitutë dhe si ish- armik (të mundurit në luftë). Çlirimi nga ky kompleks, bashkë me ndjenjën e pafajësisë si një viktimë, duke i përtërirë ndjenjat e çliron, nga ndotja dhe përlyerja morale, për dashuri të pamundura me vajza të huaja.
Fjalët çelësa: humanizën, utopi, ish-prostitutë, luftë, burg, dashuri, moral, natë, deti, hëna, cigarja...
Books by Ana Burnazi
Pedagogjia, 2007
Refleksionet e mia mbi mësuesin e mësimdhënien Megjithëse janë të shumta arsyet që një njeri të k... more Refleksionet e mia mbi mësuesin e mësimdhënien Megjithëse janë të shumta arsyet që një njeri të kërkojë të bëhet mësues, jo kushdo mund të bëhet i tillë dhe aq më tepër mësues i mirë. Një mësues i mirë
Refleksionet e mia mbi mësuesin e mësimdhënien Megjithëse janë të shumta arsyet që një njeri të k... more Refleksionet e mia mbi mësuesin e mësimdhënien Megjithëse janë të shumta arsyet që një njeri të kërkojë të bëhet mësues, jo kushdo mund të bëhet i tillë dhe aq më tepër mësues i mirë. Një mësues i mirë
Book Reviews by Ana Burnazi
Papers by Ana Burnazi
two poets (oriental and occidental poets).We
used two computational tools to analyze the
poetic output: LIWC and Sketch Engine.
Both Frederik Rreshpja and Nizarre Qabbani
are frustrated and expatriated from their
native societies on the verge of different
cultural shifts. Rreshpja and Qabbani
demonstrate similar passive tone, high
authenticity, questionable clout and a
remarkable analytical thinking. We
recommend assigning our methodology in
creating a universal psycholinguistic archive
of poets all over the world.
Keyword: Psycholinguistics , Literary
Linguistics, Poetic Stylometry, Frederik
Rreshpja and Nizarre Qabbani.
Conference Presentations by Ana Burnazi
Fjalët çelësa: humanizën, utopi, ish-prostitutë, luftë, burg, dashuri, moral, natë, deti, hëna, cigarja...
Books by Ana Burnazi
two poets (oriental and occidental poets).We
used two computational tools to analyze the
poetic output: LIWC and Sketch Engine.
Both Frederik Rreshpja and Nizarre Qabbani
are frustrated and expatriated from their
native societies on the verge of different
cultural shifts. Rreshpja and Qabbani
demonstrate similar passive tone, high
authenticity, questionable clout and a
remarkable analytical thinking. We
recommend assigning our methodology in
creating a universal psycholinguistic archive
of poets all over the world.
Keyword: Psycholinguistics , Literary
Linguistics, Poetic Stylometry, Frederik
Rreshpja and Nizarre Qabbani.
Fjalët çelësa: humanizën, utopi, ish-prostitutë, luftë, burg, dashuri, moral, natë, deti, hëna, cigarja...