Thesis Chapters by Ehab M . B . Mahdy

American Journal of Molecular Biology, 2023
Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is assumed as one of the most valuable and popular fruit crops all over... more Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is assumed as one of the most valuable and popular fruit crops all over the world. In this study, ten of local grape germplasm were characterized considering phenotypic diversity and genetic features under Egyptian conditions. Selected local grapes; Baltim Eswid, Edkawy, Matrouh Eswid, Bez El-Naka, Bez El-Anza, Romy Abiad, Romy Ahmer, Gharibi, Fayoumi and Banaty, were spread geographically among seven national governorates. A total of 58 attributes were characterized grape germplasm for the distinctness of vine parts. For molecular characterization, 9 nuclear SSR loci were analysed. Data revealed a broad sense of similarity at the level of studied morphological attributes, where the highest similarity (0.93) was between Romy Ahmer and Romy Abiad. A total of 24 alleles, ranging from 124 - 253 bp in size, were detected at the nine tested loci with an average of 2.67 alleles per locus. The amplification products in all of the 9 SSRs loci showed polymorphism among the 10 grapevine cultivars. The genetic relatedness among most of the cultivars was in accordance with their identification based on ampelographic properties. Data of phenotypic and molecular analysis revealed high variability of Vitis germplasm in Egypt and contributed substantially to our awareness of valuable local grape genetic resources which are on the verge of extinction.

MSC in Plant Genetics, 2012
The present study aimed to estimate genetic variability and determine the relationships among eig... more The present study aimed to estimate genetic variability and determine the relationships among eight Jew’s Mallow (Corchorus olitorius L.) accessions and five Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) accessions obtaining from National Gene Bank (NGB). This study was carried out 15 morphological traits of Jew’s Mallow and 11 characters for Lettuce, as well as karyotype and ISSR-PCR analyses. Significant differences were recorded for almost criteria of Jew’s Mallow, especially leaf length and leaf width, no. of leaves per plant, weight of harvested leaves and harvested index, except weight of total plant. Accessions 8 and 7 possessed higher values than others for important characteristics, leaf length and leaf width, no. of leaves per plant, weight of harvested leaves and harvested index. Estimate of heritability in broad sense was high (range from 67.56 – 93.55 %). Karyotype analysis confirmed that accession 8 was the highest values, while the accession 7 possessed the lowest values for chromosomal characters. Amplified DNA fragments produced a total 39 bands, ranging from 207 – 1807bp. A total 36 bands were polymorphic with mean of polymorphism 92.31%. Investigated eight accessions was divided into two groups at distance 0.760. The first group includes accession 1; and the second group further divided into two subgroups. The highest similarity (0.99) was recorded between accessions 4 and 6. High significant differences were recorded for most traits specially position young leaf, position of leaves, size and weight of head. Accession 1 possessed the 5 highest values for important leafy traits. The important leafy traits varied in heritability estimate (25.34 – 95.65%). The accession 5 recorded the highest values for chromosomal traits. Amplified DNA fragments produced a total of 25 bands ranging from 194 – 1247 bp. A total of 22 bands were polymorphic with average percentage of polymorphism was 83.30%. Investigated five accessions were divided into two groups at distance 0.95. The first group included accession 1 only. The second group was further divided into two subgroups at distance 0.99. The highest similarity (1.00) was recorded between accession 3 and accession 5.

This work was for screening and evaluating the distinctness of ten accessions of Vigna; V. radiat... more This work was for screening and evaluating the distinctness of ten accessions of Vigna; V. radiata (accession 1 and 2) and V. unguiculata subspecies cv-group: unguiculata (accessions 3 to 10) and study the impact of storage conditions on DNA quality in different materials, the integrity and quality of stored DNA, and to determine the best way to store of DNA extracts in Vigna collected from different times and sites in Egypt. Out of 48 attributes, 24 characters were only morphological characteristics. Data demonstrated by the PCA that had grouped into three main components which all together accounted for 63.4% of the variance. They showed that PC1 accounted for about 31.65%, PC2 for 18.21% and PC3 for 13.54%. The PERMAP-Biplot showed the attributes stipule length, plant hairiness, flower color and number of main branches are most important to separate V. radiata accessions (1 and 2) from the rest ones. The concentration of DNA was measured for before and after each treatment stored in under different protectant and conditions. Data showed the protectant trehalose (43.6 ng/L) for stored DNA, were the best preserving agent at room temperature. The silica-gel appeared the best way to conserve the tissue for conducting molecular progress. The results of chemical composition analysis showed that the accession 10 scored the highest value (60.6%) of carbohydrate. For protein percentage, the accession 4 was the highest value (30.3%). They were also analyzed by the PCR-based marker techniques (SSR, SCoT and CAPS). The PIC value of SSR was 0.86 for Eh08 primer and minor value was 0.62 for Eh03 primer; with an average of 0.67. While the Major PIC value of SCoT was 0.34 for SCoT-02 and the lowest value was 0.12 for SCoT-12; with an average of 0.25. the Major PIC value of CAPS was 0.16 for C-19 and the lowest value for C-20 and C-21; with an average of 0.11. It could be concluded that the morphological, chemical and molecular attributes were characteristics for each germplasm. It also supported the use of protectant agents to preserve the DNA and tissue for long time which showed the best protectant was using trehalose and silica gel.
Papers by Ehab M . B . Mahdy

Scientific Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Jun 1, 2024
Clerodendrum is one of the Lamiaceae genera, which has significance in taxonomical position. Cler... more Clerodendrum is one of the Lamiaceae genera, which has significance in taxonomical position. Clerodendrum phlomidis is an important wild species in Egypt and plays a main role in ecological, biodiversity, and taxonomical approaches. In the current study, we conducted this research work to investigate the identification of C. phlomidis collected from the North Coastal region of Egypt using three DNA barcode sequences viz., rbcL, ITS, and rpoC1 genes. The investigation was conducted in the corporation between the Agric. Botany-Genetics Dept., Fac. of Agric, Al-Azhar Univ. and National Gene Bank (NGB), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Egypt. Our findings revealed that accessions KF199889 (98.7%) and ON010669.1 (98.6%) were identical to the taxon of C. phlomidis by the ITS and rbcL sequences. On the other hand, the sequence of C. phlomidis revealed closer to the taxa of C. buchneri, C. cephalanthum, C. thomsoniae, and C. rotundifoliuma by ITS sequences, C. indicum, C. thomsoniae, C. longiflorum, C. infortunatum, C. floribundum, C. cephalanthum, C. buchneri, and C. splendens by rbcL, and C. japonicum, C. thomsoniae, C. cyrtophyllum, and C. trichotomum by rpoC1 sequences. It can be recommended that these partial sequences are accurate genes for identifying and verifying the species of Clerodendrum phlomidis.

Vegetos/Vegetos - International journal of plant research, Mar 18, 2024
Genetic diversity is crucial for the conservation and improvement of plant populations. In this s... more Genetic diversity is crucial for the conservation and improvement of plant populations. In this study, we used molecular and phenotypic profiling to determine the genetic diversity and relationships among Egyptian Vigna populations, including V. radiata, V. unguiculata, and V. luteola. The samples were profiled using amino acids and rbcL sequences, and the data were analyzed to determine the similarities among the taxa. The results showed a high degree of similarity between V. radiata and V. unguiculata, followed by V. luteola and V. unguiculata, and V. luteola and V. radiata. These taxa are closely related to V. unguiculata subsp. cylindrical and V. oblongifolia. Our findings suggest that molecular- and phenotypic-based profiling can help in prioritizing different disciplines based on assigning them to the proper taxonomic position through extra collections and management. These findings have practical implications for the management of Egyptian Vigna populations, as they can inform conservation and crop improvement efforts. Further research in this area could help preserve the wealth of germplasm for biodiversity and contribute to the sustainable use of plant resources.

Scientific Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2024
Clerodendrum is one of the Lamiaceae genera, which has significance in taxonomical position. Cler... more Clerodendrum is one of the Lamiaceae genera, which has significance in taxonomical position. Clerodendrum phlomidis is an important wild species in Egypt and plays a main role in ecological, biodiversity, and taxonomical approaches. In the current study, we conducted this research work to investigate the identification of C. phlomidis collected from the North Coastal region of Egypt using three DNA barcode sequences viz., rbcL, ITS, and rpoC1 genes. The investigation was conducted in the corporation between the Agric. Botany-Genetics Dept., Fac. of Agric, Al-Azhar Univ. and National Gene Bank (NGB), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Egypt. Our findings revealed that accessions KF199889 (98.7%) and ON010669.1 (98.6%) were identical to the taxon of C. phlomidis by the ITS and rbcL sequences. On the other hand, the sequence of C. phlomidis revealed closer to the taxa of C. buchneri, C. cephalanthum, C. thomsoniae, and C. rotundifoliuma by ITS sequences, C. indicum, C. thomsoniae, C. longiflorum, C. infortunatum, C. floribundum, C. cephalanthum, C. buchneri, and C. splendens by rbcL, and C. japonicum, C. thomsoniae, C. cyrtophyllum, and C. trichotomum by rpoC1 sequences. It can be recommended that these partial sequences are accurate genes for identifying and verifying the species of Clerodendrum phlomidis.

Vegetoa, 2024
Genetic diversity is crucial for the conservation and improvement of plant populations. In this s... more Genetic diversity is crucial for the conservation and improvement of plant populations. In this study, we used molecular and phenotypic profiling to determine the genetic diversity and relationships among Egyptian Vigna populations, including V. radiata, V. unguiculata, and V. luteola. The samples were profiled using amino acids and rbcL sequences, and the data were analyzed to determine the similarities among the taxa. The results showed a high degree of similarity between V. radiata and V. unguiculata, followed by V. luteola and V. unguiculata, and V. luteola and V. radiata. These taxa are closely related to V. unguiculata subsp. cylindrical and V. oblongifolia. Our findings suggest that molecular- and phenotypic-based profiling can help in prioritizing different disciplines based on assigning them to the proper taxonomic position through extra collections and management. These findings have practical implications for the management of Egyptian Vigna populations, as they can inform conservation and crop improvement efforts. Further research in this area could help preserve the wealth of germplasm for biodiversity and contribute to the sustainable use of plant resources.

Agronomia colombiana, May 1, 2022
Inter-varietal hybridization is a powerful tool for genetic improvement and production of new gen... more Inter-varietal hybridization is a powerful tool for genetic improvement and production of new genotypes for a trait of interest. Four parents of faba beans (Vicia faba L.) were hybridized using agromorphological and molecular characterization to obtain genotypes resistant to the chocolate spot disease. The study was done at the Nubaria Research Station, Giza, Egypt. Eight traits including resistance to chocolate spot, days to flowering, plant height (cm), number of branches/ plant, number of pods/plant, number of seeds/plant, 100-seed weight (g), and seed yield/plant were estimated during the three growth seasons of 2016/2017, 2017/2018, and 2018/2019. Genetic parameters revealed by RAPD and ISSR markers assessed the genetic variation of genotypes with their generations. Crosses 1 (P 1 "Nubaria-1" x P 2 "Sakha-1"), 2 (P 1 "Nubaria-1" x P 3 "T.W"), and 3 (P 1 "Nubaria-1" x P 4 "Camolina") revealed high resistance to disease with high yield. Markers patterned specific loci of resistant parents at a length of 360, 470, 450, 660, and 140 bp in RAPD and 1100, 810, 650, 700, 480 bp in ISSR. Inter-varietal hybridization between the resistant and susceptible genotypes is considered one of the most promising methods to obtain germplasm with resistance and high yield. La hibridación intervarietal es una herramienta poderosa para el mejoramiento genético y la producción de nuevos genotipos prometedores para un rasgo de interés. Cuatro progenitores de haba (Vicia faba L.) fueron cruzados para obtener genotipos resistentes a la enfermedad de la mancha chocolate mediante la caracterización agromorfológica y molecular. El estudio de campo se llevó a cabo
American Journal of Molecular Biology

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, Feb 18, 2023
Biodiversity and identification facilitate a prioritization of determination basis for plant evol... more Biodiversity and identification facilitate a prioritization of determination basis for plant evolutionary, phytogeography, biodiversity and conservation of plant genetic resources. High-throughput phenotyping platforms (HTPP) provide more attractive for genotyping for biodiversity evaluation. Descriptor lists include 51 attributes applied on all growth-stages of 53 C. olitorius accessions plus C. capsularis, C. trilocularis, C. tridens, and C. depressus. Three main groups were split. Variance decomposition was estimated within class of 68.87% and between classes of 31.13%. Major distance recorded 18.41 between class 1 (wild taxa only) and class three (18 accessions of C. olitorius). In contrast, the minor distance scored 8.3 between class 2 (35 accessions) and class 3 (18 accessions). Wild taxa with their rarity distribution and habitats prioritize highly conservation due to the association of evolutionary role and importance of genetic improvement. Conservation strategies applied to PGR prioritization are influenced by the distribution frequency and habitat specificity. The results are useful information on genetic diversity at the Egyptian Gene Bank, which could be used for C. olitorius genetic improvement programs and sustainable utilization.

Journal of Water and Land Development
Genetic diversity manipulates a prime and vital role in the sustainable use of genetic resources.... more Genetic diversity manipulates a prime and vital role in the sustainable use of genetic resources. The data highlighted more insights into the genetic diversity of the arta plant (Calligonum polygonoides subsp. comosum) populations collected from three localities, Qalabshu (QQ), Mutubas (MM) and Gamasa (GG), in Egypt as gene pool for biodiversity conservation and afforestation. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers investigated the population pattern and structure. A total of 129-amplicons oscillated from 145 to 1505 bp and a total of 19-amplicons were specific markers with an average of nine bands for each population. The Shannon index (I) scored at an average of 0.3. The diversity (h) oscillated from 0.11 to 0.25. The similarity matrices based on Jaccard coefficient recorded positive values. A higher correlation (r = 0.83) was between the combined Qalabshu (QQ) and Mutubas (MM) matrices using the Mantel test with 1,000 permutations. This species has higher adaptability for their regions. This gene pool is a valuable reservoir for enriching genetic diversity and provides basal information for the biodiversity conservation of a dominant species. The dominant species can be utilised in afforestation in the same region or another region which has the same environmental conditions.

Genetic diversity manipulates a prime and vital role in the sustainable use of genetic resources.... more Genetic diversity manipulates a prime and vital role in the sustainable use of genetic resources. The data highlighted more insights into the genetic diversity of the arta plant (Calligonum polygonoides subsp. comosum) populations collected from three localities, Qalabshu (QQ), Mutubas (MM) and Gamasa (GG), in Egypt as gene pool for biodiversity conservation and afforestation. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers investigated the population pattern and structure. A total of 129-amplicons oscillated from 145 to 1505 bp and a total of 19-amplicons were specific markers with an average of nine bands for each population. The Shannon index (I) scored at an average of 0.3. The diversity (h) oscillated from 0.11 to 0.25. The similarity matrices based on Jaccard coefficient recorded positive values. A higher correlation (r = 0.83) was between the combined Qalabshu (QQ) and Mutubas (MM) matrices using the Mantel test with 1,000 permutations. This species has higher adaptability for their regions. This gene pool is a valuable reservoir for enriching genetic diversity and provides basal information for the biodiversity conservation of a dominant species. The dominant species can be utilised in afforestation in the same region or another region which has the same environmental conditions.

The Date Palm Genome, Vol. 1, 2021
The science of bioinformatics is emerging as a tool to understand genome sequences. In this chapt... more The science of bioinformatics is emerging as a tool to understand genome sequences. In this chapter, compilation of the advances in various aspects of bioinformatics in date palm is attempted. Computational tools are useful in discovering new molecular markers, analyzing gene function, mutations, microRNAs and structural biology. In silico mined new molecular markers covering simple sequence repeat regions, single nucleotide polymorphism/insertion-deletion regions from date palm genome sequences are reviewed in detail. The in silico analysis of gene sequences and their promoter motifs of date palm genome is briefly described. The genes, promoters or genomic regions analyzed using bioinformatics approaches in date palm covered here include the traits of abiotic stress tolerance, sex determination, invertase enzyme activity and color of fruit peel, phytochelators and metal-responsive genes. MicroRNA molecules and their target genes in date palm predicted using computational approaches are discussed. Digital image analysis of fruits and seeds, structural biology, molecular modeling and docking studies attempted in date palm are also reviewed. The chapter gives a list of computational resources and tools useful for bioinformatics workers and date palm research. A road map is presented covering the role of future bioinformatics of date palm and comparative genomics of palms.

The verification of taxonomic identities is of the highest significance in the field of biologica... more The verification of taxonomic identities is of the highest significance in the field of biological study and categorization. Morpho-molecular characterization can clarify uncertainties in distinguishing between taxonomic groups. In this study, we characterized five local taxa of the genus Cichorium using morphological and molecular markers for taxonomic authentication and probably future genetic improvement. The five Cichorium taxa grown under the Mediterranean climate using morphological traits and molecular markers showed variations. The examined taxa showed a widespread range of variations in leaf characteristics, i.e., shape, type, texture, margin, and apex and cypsela characteristics i.e., shape, color, and surface pattern. The phylogenetic tree categorized the Cichorium intybus var. intybus and C. intybus var. foliosum in a single group, whereas C. endivia var. endivia was grouped separately. However, C. endivia var. crispum and C. endivia subsp. pumilum were classified as a c...

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution , 2023
Biodiversity and identification facilitate a prioritization of determination basis for plant evol... more Biodiversity and identification facilitate a prioritization of determination basis for plant evolutionary, phytogeography, biodiversity and conservation of plant genetic resources. High-throughput phenotyping platforms (HTPP) provide more attractive for genotyping for biodiversity evaluation. Descriptor lists include 51 attributes applied on all growth-stages of 53 C. olitorius accessions plus C. capsularis, C. trilocularis, C. tridens, and C. depressus. Three main groups were split. Variance decomposition was estimated within class of 68.87% and between classes of 31.13%. Major distance recorded 18.41 between class 1 (wild taxa only) and class three (18 accessions of C. olitorius). In contrast, the minor distance scored 8.3 between class 2 (35 accessions) and class 3 (18 accessions). Wild taxa with their rarity distribution and habitats prioritize highly conservation due to the association of evolutionary role and importance of genetic improvement. Conservation strategies applied to PGR prioritization are influenced by the distribution frequency and habitat specificity. The results are useful information on genetic diversity at the Egyptian Gene Bank, which could be used for C. olitorius genetic improvement programs and sustainable utilization.
Al-Azhar Bulletin of Science

Agronomía Colombiana
Inter-varietal hybridization is a powerful tool for genetic improvement and production of new gen... more Inter-varietal hybridization is a powerful tool for genetic improvement and production of new genotypes for a trait of interest. Four parents of faba beans (Vicia faba L.) were hybridized using agromorphological and molecular characterization to obtain genotypes resistant to the chocolate spot disease. The study was done at the Nubaria Research Station, Giza, Egypt. Eight traits including resistance to chocolate spot, days to flowering, plant height (cm), number of branches/plant, number of pods/plant, number of seeds/plant, 100-seed weight (g), and seed yield/plant were estimated during the three growth seasons of 2016/2017, 2017/2018, and 2018/2019. Genetic parameters revealed by RAPD and ISSR markers assessed the genetic variation of genotypes with their generations. Crosses 1 (P1 “Nubaria-1” x P2 “Sakha-1”), 2 (P1 “Nubaria-1” x P3 “T.W”), and 3 (P1 “Nubaria-1” x P4 “Camolina”) revealed high resistance to disease with high yield. Markers patterned specific loci of resistant paren...
Thesis Chapters by Ehab M . B . Mahdy
Papers by Ehab M . B . Mahdy