Athabasca University
Social Sciences
The insulation of Canada's healthcare system from trade treaty obligations is crucial to the legitimacy of Canada's trade policy. Legal analysis has suggested, however, that competitive and for-profit delivery of the kind... more
The article examines theories of B.C. politics from the perspective of New Institutionalism. It argues that the contributions of Martin Robin's class-based theory, Ed Black's "politics of exploitation" theory and Mark... more
Debates over the legal interpretationof trade treaty (WTO and NAFTA) exemption clauses for public services display a common pattern. Critics of trade agreements argue that these clause sare likely to be narrowly interpreted, providing... more
What is money? What is an economy? Why is money so addictive? What is accumulation? What is capitalism? What are the problems caused by capitalist accumulation. These are all question examined in this introductory overview of money, the... more
Since Marx first declared religion to be the opiate of the masses, institutions of religion and spirituality have been preemptively rejected from serious consideration by most scholars, critical sociologists included. The assumption seems... more
This article attempts to establish a sociology of the occult in general, and a sociology of the Western tarot in particular. The tarot is a deck of 78 cards invented in Italy in the fifteenth century. From humble beginnings as a device... more