Books by Hasan Engin Sener
Merkezi Personel Hizmetleri Örgütlenmesi , 2016
Merkezi Personel Hizmetleri Örgütlenmesi Araştırma Projesi, Türkiye`de merkezi düzeyde personel ... more Merkezi Personel Hizmetleri Örgütlenmesi Araştırma Projesi, Türkiye`de merkezi düzeyde personel hizmetlerinin kurumsal yapısına ilişkin bir araştırmadır. Türkiye`de 1960`dan sonra merkezi personel hizmetlerinde çok aktörlü bir yapı hakim olmuştur. Bu çok aktörlü yapı günümüzde, yetki ve görevler açısından, mükerrerlik ve çatışmayı beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu kurumsal yapıdaki ve aynı zamanda buna bağlı olarak yetki ve görevlerde ortaya çıkan mükerrerlik ve çatışma, icracı merkeziyetçilik ve yapıdaki karmaşıklıkla birleşince, sistemin işleyişinde genel bir bürokratik - kaotik vesayetçiliği doğurmaktadır. Merkezi personel hizmetlerindeki bürokratik - kaotik vesayetçilik, ancak yeni bir kurumsal yapı ve yeni bir zihniyet ile çözülebilir. Araştırmada öncelikle Osmanlıdan başlamak üzere günümüze değin, Türkiye`de merkezi personel hizmetlerinin genel durumu tarihi bir perspektifle irdelenmiştir. Bunun yanında, üç ülke örneğinde merkezi personel hizmetleri araştırılmış ve bu ülke deneyimlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Bu ülkeler, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, İngiltere ve Japonya`dır. Projede, Türkiye deneyimi yanında ülke deneyimlerinden hareketle, Türkiye için bir yeni merkezi personel hizmetleri örgütlenmesi modeli ortaya konulmuştur. Bu model, esas olarak kurumsal, yetki ve görevler açısından bir tevhid ve teadül modelidir. Öneriler modelde, (1) Kurumsal, yetki ve görevler açısından mükerrerlikler ortadan kaldırılmıştır. (2) İcracı merkeziyetçilikten düzenleyici ve denetleyici merkeziyetçiliğe geçiş temel düstur olarak kabul edilmiştir. (3) Strateji belirleyen, politika yapan ve koordine eden yeni kurumun ve kurumsal zihniyetin inşası esas olmuştur. (4) Sadeleşme sağlanmıştır. (5) Kamu personel rejiminde reformun kurumsal yapısı oluşturulmuştur. (6) Oluşturulan modelde, yeni bir kurumun kurulması önerilmiştir.
Organization of EU Accession Process: Turkey, Hungary, and Poland (English and Turkish)
""Bu çalışmada iki temel varsayım mevcuttur. AB’ye katılım süreci bağlamında bir aday ülke için 1... more ""Bu çalışmada iki temel varsayım mevcuttur. AB’ye katılım süreci bağlamında bir aday ülke için 1. kamu harcamaları düzeyini azaltmak, 2. yeni kamu işletmeciliği ilkelerini uygulamak zorunlu değildir. Bu varsayımları desteklemek için Macaristan örneği göz önüne alınacaktır. Bu çalışmanın tamamlayıcı varsayımları şunlardır: 1. AB genişleme süreci, neo-liberalizmi gerektirmeyen “sosyal-liberal” senteze dayalı normatif bir çerçeve sunmaktadır. 2. AB’de tek bir kamu yönetimi modeli yoktur. 3. AB’de idari reform anlayışı, esnek idare hukuku ilkelerine dayanmaktadır. Türkiye hakkındaki varsayımlar şunlardır: 1. AB katılım sürecinde Yeni Kamu İşletmeciliği (YKİ) yönelimli politikalar uygulanmaktadır. 2. Ekonomik krizlerin tetiklediği devletin rolü ve AB, AB katılım sürecinde örtüşmektedir. 3. İdari reform AB katılımına eşitlenmiştir.
There are two main assumptions in this study. In the context of the EU accession process, it is not compulsory for a candidate country 1. to reduce its public expenditure level, 2. to implement the principles of new public management. In order to support these assumptions, the case of Hungary will be taken into account. Complementary assumptions of this study are as follows: 1. The EU enlargement presents a normative framework that is based on “social-liberal” synthesis which does not necessitate neo-liberalism. 2. There is no single public administration model in the EU. 3. Administrative reform comprehension in the EU relies on the loose administrative law principles. Assumptions about Turkey are as follows: 1. NPM-oriented policies have been implemented in the EU accession process. 2. The EU and the role of the state triggered by economic crises overlaps in the EU accession process. 3. Administrative reform is equal to EU accession.""
Papers by Hasan Engin Sener
The aim of this study is to test the mediating role of the toxic leader behaviors of school manag... more The aim of this study is to test the mediating role of the toxic leader behaviors of school managers in the effect of the core self-evaluations of teachers on job satisfaction, organizational cynicism and burnout. The data in the study have been collected via survey method from 437 teachers working in various schools in different regions of Turkey. Confirmatory factor analyses have been conducted to test the construct validity of the scales used in this study. Correlation and regression analyses have been conducted to detect the relationships among variables and the mediation effects. As a result of the analyses; partial mediating role of the toxic leader behaviors of the school managers has been found in the relationship between the core self-evaluation of teachers and organizational cynicism, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. And in addition, it has been found that toxic leadership does not have any mediator effect on the relationships between core selfevaluation and job satisfaction and between core self-evaluation and reduced personal accomplishment. These obtained results indicate that the teachers with high core self-evaluation will be less exposed to the toxic behaviors of managers and they will also experience less cynicism and burnout due to their positive evaluations towards themselves.
Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020
Bu araştırmanın amacı, çalışma evrenimizi teşkil eden ve kamuya güvenlik hizmeti sunan bir kamu k... more Bu araştırmanın amacı, çalışma evrenimizi teşkil eden ve kamuya güvenlik hizmeti sunan bir kamu kurumunda istihdam edilen, orta ve üst düzey yöneticilerin sahip olduğu kişisel özelliklerinin davranışlarına etkisi konusunda oluşturulan hipotezleri sınamaktır. Hazırlanan anket soruları, astlara sorularak onların algı durumuna göre çalışma şekillendirilmiştir. Literatür incelendiğinde; kamudaki liderlerin kişilik özellikleri, sergiledikleri davranışlar, karşılaştıkları farklı durumlara yaklaşımları ve çağdaş liderlik yaklaşımları boyutunda sergilenen liderlik özelliklerinin ortaya konulduğu birçok çalışma görülmektedir. Ancak, bu çalışmada diğerlerinden farklı olarak, yöneticinin kişilik özelliklerini ve buna bağlı olarak ortaya koydukları davranışların takipçilerin gözünden nasıl algılandıkları üzerine odaklanmasıdır. Bu çerçevede, kişilik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi için beş faktör kişilik özellikleri ölçeği, davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi için ise Ohio Üniversitesi yönetici davranışları çalışmalarından istifade edilmiştir. Çalışmada; yöneticinin kişilik özellikleri ile davranışları arasında anlamlı bir ilişkiye rastlanmamıştır. Ancak gerek ast personelin gerekse yöneticilerin mesleki tecrübelerinin söz konusu tutumlara etki ettiği tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma, kavramsal çerçeve, kullanılan ölçeğin genel değerlendirmesi, elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesi, hipotezlerin test sonuçları ve çalışmanın genel değerlendirmesi konularını içermektedir.
The purpose of this research is to test the constituted hypotheses about the influence of the personality traits of middle and high-level managers (employed at a public institution, which forms the universe of this research study and also provides the security service for public) over their behaviours. A survey was prepared and the questions were directed to the subordinate personnel of the institution, and then the research was formed in accordance with their answers. When the literature has been reviewed, it has seen that a great number of studies had been made about the personality traits of public managers, their presented behaviours and reactions to different situations encountered, and the leadership traits presented in the dimension of the contemporary leadership approach. Nevertheless, the difference of this study from others is to focus on the perception of the manager’s personal traits and the behaviours correspondingly according to his/her subordinates. Within this framework, five-factor personality scale was used to assess the personality traits. As for the assessment of behaviours of the managers, the Ohio State University Leadership Study was used. In this article, no significant correlations were found between the personality traits and the behaviours of the manager. However, it was determined that the professional experience of both subordinate personnel and the managers influenced the behaviours concerned.
Memleket Siyaset Yönetim, 2020
Bu çalışmada Kafka'nın Dava ve Şato adlı romanlarındaki bürokrasi inşası betimlenmekte ve bu inşa... more Bu çalışmada Kafka'nın Dava ve Şato adlı romanlarındaki bürokrasi inşası betimlenmekte ve bu inşa kamu yönetimi literatürü açısından bürokrasi ve kamu görevlileri bağlamında yorumlanıp sınıflandırılmaktadır. Bu sınıflandırmada Fritz Morstein Marx'ın bürokrasi kavramsallaştırması kullanılacaktır. Kafka'nın bürokrasi anlayışı literatürde çoğunlukla bir hastalık veya disfonksiyon olarak tanımlanmıştır, bununla birlikte bu çalışmada yargılayan, cezaladıran ve öldüren bir idari aygıt olarak Kafkaesk bürokrasi, aklın trajedisinin bir ürünü olarak tanımlanacak ve itham edilecektir. Ayrıca, bu idari aygıtın memurlarının insan hayatını etkileme gücü de sokak bürokrasisi kavramı ile tartışmaya açılacaktır. Son olarak bu çalışmada, umutsuzluğun kesinliğinde umudu yeşerten, idari aygıta rağmen ona karşı hâlâ bilmeye cüret eden başkarakterler de analiz edilerek bu iki romanın, itham edilen bürokratik aygıta karşı bir direniş çağrısı olarak görülebileceği savunulacaktır. In this study, conceptual construction of bureaucracy in Kafka’s novels, the
Trial and the Castle, will be described and this construction will be interpreted and classified in terms of public administration literature in the context of bureaucracy and public servants. Fritz Morstein Marx’s conceptualization of bureaucracy will be employed in this classification. Kafka’s bureaucracy comprehension in the literature has been mostly defined as either an ailment or a dysfunction, however, in this study, Kafkaesque bureaucracy as an administrative apparatus judging, punishing and killing will be defined and indicted as a product of the tragedy of reason. Moreover, public servants’ power to influence over the lives of humans will be opened to discussion with reference to the “street-level bureaucracy” concept. Finally, in this study, the main characters who grow hope in the certainty of despair and who still dare to know despite and against the administrative apparatus will be analysed and it will be argued that those two novels can be seen as a call for resistance against the bureaucratic device accused.
Memleket Siyaset Yönetim, 2017
Bu çalışmada, Sayıştay’ın performans denetimi yetkisi bağlamında 5018 sayılı kanun ile 5227 sayı... more Bu çalışmada, Sayıştay’ın performans denetimi yetkisi bağlamında 5018 sayılı kanun ile 5227 sayılı (kadük) kanun arasındaki farklar ortaya konacaktır. Performans denetimi bağlamında ana eksen devam etse de, içeriği farklılaşmaktadır. Ayrıca Sayıştay’ın performans denetimi yetkisinin, aslında performans bilgisinin denetimi olduğu savunulacaktır. Performans bilgisinin denetimi yerine performans denetimi kavramının yasa metinlerinde yanlış bir şekilde kullanılması, kavramsal esneme ve gerilme sorununa neden olmaktadır. Performans bilgisinin denetimi; aracı, amacı, kapsamı ve önemi açılarından performans denetiminden ayrılmaktadır. Performans bilgisinin denetimi; saydamlık ve hesap verilebilirliğin sağlanması, üretilen performans bilgisinin kalitesinin ve güvenilirliğinin artırılması açılarından avantajlara sahip olsa da hata bulmayı hedefleyen geleneksel denetim anlayışının bir devamıdır. Dolayısıyla, performans denetimi yerine ikame edilemez.
In this study, the difference between law no. 5018 and caduceus law no. 5227 will be explained in terms of the Turkish Court of Accounts performance audit function. Although the main axis is continuing in the context of performance audit, its content becomes different. Besides, it will be argued that performance audit function of the Turkish Court of Accounts is actually performance information audit. The wrongful use of the term performance audit, instead of performance information audit in the law texts paves the way for conceptual stretching and straining problem. Performance information audit is different from performance audit in the following respects: means, ends, scope and importance. Although performance information audit has multiple advantages like achieving transparency and accountability, increasing the quality and reliability of the performance information produced, it is a continuation of the traditional auditing understanding aiming at detecting errors. Hence, it cannot be substituted for performance audit.
This article investigates whether management techniques are universal or not, and whether capital... more This article investigates whether management techniques are universal or not, and whether capitalist means can be employed for socialist ends. Capitalist tools refer to Taylorism at the micro-level, and market at the macro-level. It will be discussed how the Soviet Union's use of Taylorism is legitimated with reference to V.I. Lenin, and how socialist use of markets is legitimated with reference to market socialists. According to this article, neither Taylorism nor market is universal and objective though they have been used for different purposes. In order to use these tools for a different aim, primarily the nature of these tools must be changed and adjusted to the relevant aim. Moreover, even at this point, their implementation would still be problematic.
Political Studies Review, 2015
Political Studies Review, 2014
Political Studies Review, 2014
Political Studies Review, 2012
Şener, H.E. & Özcan, K. (2015) Post-yapısalcılıktan Post-modernizme: Kamu Yönetiminde Yeni Perspe... more Şener, H.E. & Özcan, K. (2015) Post-yapısalcılıktan Post-modernizme: Kamu Yönetiminde Yeni Perspektifler [From Post-structuralism to Post-modernism: New Perspectives in Public Administration] (pp.11-46) in Ö. Köseoğlu & M.Z. Sobacı (Eds.) Kamu Yönetiminde Paradigma Arayışları: Yeni Kamu İşletmeciliği ve Ötesi, Bursa:Dora.
Şener, H.E. (2015) Kamu Yönetimi Eğitiminde Alternatif Stratejiler,[Alternative Strategies in Pub... more Şener, H.E. (2015) Kamu Yönetimi Eğitiminde Alternatif Stratejiler,[Alternative Strategies in Public Administration Education] in B.Parlak, M. Okçu & E. Akman (Eds.) Kamu Yönetimi Eğitimi: Geçmişten Geleceğe Küresel ve Ulusal Perspektifler, İstanbul: Ekin.
In this study, basic challenges of the EU’s enlargement will be discussed. It will be argued that... more In this study, basic challenges of the EU’s enlargement will be discussed. It will be argued that there are mainly three challenges. The first challenge, that is, building peace throughout Europe, is also one of the greatest visions of the founding fathers of the then EU. The second challenge is related to the lack of good performance related to the principles of “good” governance. Finally, the third challenge includes economic governance and the weak competitive power of the candidate and potentially candidate countries. All in all, in this study, the EU’s current motto will be presented as a key challenge of the EU’s future enlargement: “United in diversity.”
Makale üç temel sav üzerine kuruludur. İlk olarak, Türkiye’de her ne kadar liyakate dayalı model ... more Makale üç temel sav üzerine kuruludur. İlk olarak, Türkiye’de her ne kadar liyakate dayalı model mevzuatımızda yer alsa da, makalede, Türkiye’deki uygulamanın istisnalar dolayımıyla ganimet sistemini dışlamadığı savunulacaktır. Makalenin ikinci savı, kamu politikaları alanında işletmeciliğe doğru bir kayış olduğu tespitine dayanmaktadır. Bu eğilimin Türkiye’ye yansımasında Uluslararası Para Fonu (IMF), Dünya Bankası (DB) ve Avrupa Birliği (AB) gibi uluslararası kuruluşların etkisi olduğu açık olsa da, bu etkinin hükümetlerin iradeleri karşısında olmadığı, tam tersine hükümetlerin politikaları için bir “çıpa” ya da destek olarak kullanıldığı savunulacaktır. Son olarak makalede Türkiye’deki kamu personel politikalarının, krizlere veya geçmiş politikalara/hükümetlere bir “tepki” olarak oluşturulduğu, bu nedenle bütünlükten uzak ve “parçacıl” bir niteliğe sahip olduğu savunulacaktır. Türkiye’de kamu politikalarının bu özellikleri nedeniyle yol bağımlı (path dependent) bir özelliğe sahip olduğu ayrıca bu bağlamda belirtilecektir.
Şener, H. E. (2013) Taylorizm ve Piyasa Bağlamında Kapitalist Yönetim Tekniklerinin Evrenselliği ... more Şener, H. E. (2013) Taylorizm ve Piyasa Bağlamında Kapitalist Yönetim Tekniklerinin Evrenselliği ve Nesnelliği, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, Cilt: 46 Sayı: 4, 93-106.
Şener, H.E. (2013) Hungary's Anti-Crisis Policies and the “Goulash” Way, In: Jubileumi Kötet - Ju... more Şener, H.E. (2013) Hungary's Anti-Crisis Policies and the “Goulash” Way, In: Jubileumi Kötet - Jubilee Volume. Edited by Gábor Kecskés. Győr: Széchenyi István Egyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Doktori Iskola, pp. 225-239.
Özet: Makale, postmodern olarak değerlendirilen dönem içindeki en önemli duraklar dan biri olan Y... more Özet: Makale, postmodern olarak değerlendirilen dönem içindeki en önemli duraklar dan biri olan Yeni İşçi Partisi 'nin kamu hizmeti anlayışını irdelemektedir. Makalenin iki temel tezinden ilki, yeni sağa özgüymüş gibi görünen postmodern kamu yönetimi anlayı şının tam anlamıyla Yeni İşçi Partisi 'nde vücut bulduğudur. Bunun temel nedeni, yeni sağın "özel sektör değerlerinin kamu yönetimine uygulanması" olarak özetleyebilece ğimiz kamu hizmeti anlayışının eksik halkası olan katılım ilkesinin yeni sol tarafindan eklemlenmesidir. Makalenin ikinci tezi, Yeni İşçi Partisi 'nin "Devleti Modernleştirrnek" adlı beyaz kitabında belirtilen "kamu yönetiminin modernleştirilmesi" anlayışıyla ilgi lidir. Kanımca, burada "modernleşme "den kastedilen, modernliğin eskimiş ve katı ku rumlarını yeninden diriltmekten ziyade, "kamu yönetimin postmodern döneme uyarlan masıdır. " Sonuç olarak, makalede savunulan iki temel tezin ana ekseni, Yeni İşçi Parti si 'nin, Muhafazakar Parti ile başlayan dönüşüm sürecinin ikinci ve tamamlayıcı halkası olduğu düşüncesidir.
Books by Hasan Engin Sener
There are two main assumptions in this study. In the context of the EU accession process, it is not compulsory for a candidate country 1. to reduce its public expenditure level, 2. to implement the principles of new public management. In order to support these assumptions, the case of Hungary will be taken into account. Complementary assumptions of this study are as follows: 1. The EU enlargement presents a normative framework that is based on “social-liberal” synthesis which does not necessitate neo-liberalism. 2. There is no single public administration model in the EU. 3. Administrative reform comprehension in the EU relies on the loose administrative law principles. Assumptions about Turkey are as follows: 1. NPM-oriented policies have been implemented in the EU accession process. 2. The EU and the role of the state triggered by economic crises overlaps in the EU accession process. 3. Administrative reform is equal to EU accession.""
Papers by Hasan Engin Sener
The purpose of this research is to test the constituted hypotheses about the influence of the personality traits of middle and high-level managers (employed at a public institution, which forms the universe of this research study and also provides the security service for public) over their behaviours. A survey was prepared and the questions were directed to the subordinate personnel of the institution, and then the research was formed in accordance with their answers. When the literature has been reviewed, it has seen that a great number of studies had been made about the personality traits of public managers, their presented behaviours and reactions to different situations encountered, and the leadership traits presented in the dimension of the contemporary leadership approach. Nevertheless, the difference of this study from others is to focus on the perception of the manager’s personal traits and the behaviours correspondingly according to his/her subordinates. Within this framework, five-factor personality scale was used to assess the personality traits. As for the assessment of behaviours of the managers, the Ohio State University Leadership Study was used. In this article, no significant correlations were found between the personality traits and the behaviours of the manager. However, it was determined that the professional experience of both subordinate personnel and the managers influenced the behaviours concerned.
Trial and the Castle, will be described and this construction will be interpreted and classified in terms of public administration literature in the context of bureaucracy and public servants. Fritz Morstein Marx’s conceptualization of bureaucracy will be employed in this classification. Kafka’s bureaucracy comprehension in the literature has been mostly defined as either an ailment or a dysfunction, however, in this study, Kafkaesque bureaucracy as an administrative apparatus judging, punishing and killing will be defined and indicted as a product of the tragedy of reason. Moreover, public servants’ power to influence over the lives of humans will be opened to discussion with reference to the “street-level bureaucracy” concept. Finally, in this study, the main characters who grow hope in the certainty of despair and who still dare to know despite and against the administrative apparatus will be analysed and it will be argued that those two novels can be seen as a call for resistance against the bureaucratic device accused.
In this study, the difference between law no. 5018 and caduceus law no. 5227 will be explained in terms of the Turkish Court of Accounts performance audit function. Although the main axis is continuing in the context of performance audit, its content becomes different. Besides, it will be argued that performance audit function of the Turkish Court of Accounts is actually performance information audit. The wrongful use of the term performance audit, instead of performance information audit in the law texts paves the way for conceptual stretching and straining problem. Performance information audit is different from performance audit in the following respects: means, ends, scope and importance. Although performance information audit has multiple advantages like achieving transparency and accountability, increasing the quality and reliability of the performance information produced, it is a continuation of the traditional auditing understanding aiming at detecting errors. Hence, it cannot be substituted for performance audit.
There are two main assumptions in this study. In the context of the EU accession process, it is not compulsory for a candidate country 1. to reduce its public expenditure level, 2. to implement the principles of new public management. In order to support these assumptions, the case of Hungary will be taken into account. Complementary assumptions of this study are as follows: 1. The EU enlargement presents a normative framework that is based on “social-liberal” synthesis which does not necessitate neo-liberalism. 2. There is no single public administration model in the EU. 3. Administrative reform comprehension in the EU relies on the loose administrative law principles. Assumptions about Turkey are as follows: 1. NPM-oriented policies have been implemented in the EU accession process. 2. The EU and the role of the state triggered by economic crises overlaps in the EU accession process. 3. Administrative reform is equal to EU accession.""
The purpose of this research is to test the constituted hypotheses about the influence of the personality traits of middle and high-level managers (employed at a public institution, which forms the universe of this research study and also provides the security service for public) over their behaviours. A survey was prepared and the questions were directed to the subordinate personnel of the institution, and then the research was formed in accordance with their answers. When the literature has been reviewed, it has seen that a great number of studies had been made about the personality traits of public managers, their presented behaviours and reactions to different situations encountered, and the leadership traits presented in the dimension of the contemporary leadership approach. Nevertheless, the difference of this study from others is to focus on the perception of the manager’s personal traits and the behaviours correspondingly according to his/her subordinates. Within this framework, five-factor personality scale was used to assess the personality traits. As for the assessment of behaviours of the managers, the Ohio State University Leadership Study was used. In this article, no significant correlations were found between the personality traits and the behaviours of the manager. However, it was determined that the professional experience of both subordinate personnel and the managers influenced the behaviours concerned.
Trial and the Castle, will be described and this construction will be interpreted and classified in terms of public administration literature in the context of bureaucracy and public servants. Fritz Morstein Marx’s conceptualization of bureaucracy will be employed in this classification. Kafka’s bureaucracy comprehension in the literature has been mostly defined as either an ailment or a dysfunction, however, in this study, Kafkaesque bureaucracy as an administrative apparatus judging, punishing and killing will be defined and indicted as a product of the tragedy of reason. Moreover, public servants’ power to influence over the lives of humans will be opened to discussion with reference to the “street-level bureaucracy” concept. Finally, in this study, the main characters who grow hope in the certainty of despair and who still dare to know despite and against the administrative apparatus will be analysed and it will be argued that those two novels can be seen as a call for resistance against the bureaucratic device accused.
In this study, the difference between law no. 5018 and caduceus law no. 5227 will be explained in terms of the Turkish Court of Accounts performance audit function. Although the main axis is continuing in the context of performance audit, its content becomes different. Besides, it will be argued that performance audit function of the Turkish Court of Accounts is actually performance information audit. The wrongful use of the term performance audit, instead of performance information audit in the law texts paves the way for conceptual stretching and straining problem. Performance information audit is different from performance audit in the following respects: means, ends, scope and importance. Although performance information audit has multiple advantages like achieving transparency and accountability, increasing the quality and reliability of the performance information produced, it is a continuation of the traditional auditing understanding aiming at detecting errors. Hence, it cannot be substituted for performance audit.
Section 1
consequences. Uncertainty in business environment forces businesses to be more adaptable and to become
technology-oriented businesses. Organizations seek new ways to survive in this uncertain business
environment. The purpose of this recent study is to clarify the influence of strategic innovation management
practices on organizational performance and the moderating role of organizational agility. In our data collection
process, we collect data from top level executives from medical sectors in Ankara via online self-reported
questionnaires. After examination of our data, the result shows that strategic innovation management practices
have positively related to organizational performance in medical sector, Ankara. In addition, strategic
innovation management and organizational agility is interacted to affect organizational performance during
COVID-19 period. The relationship among variables investigated by correlation and regression analysis.
Theoretical and practical contributions, limitations and future research area were also discussed at the end.
Keywords: COVID-19, Strategic Innovation Management, Organizational Agility, Organizational Performance, Medical Sector