In Elixir, it's possible to connect nodes together to form a cluster in which all the nodes are visible to each other. This feature can be used to inspect and debug production apps running on remote nodes. Let's see how we can connect to an Elixir node running inside a docker container remotely from a local iex shell and use Erlang's debugger tool to set breakpoints and debug the code running in t
When I wrote React.js: Server side rendering a few months back, I used react router v3.0.2. But ever since react router released v4, which is a total rewrite into a declarative format, the old blog post won't work with react router v4. So I decided to write a new blog as 2nd part of it which uses react router v4 along with redux. Since we already have a blog post explaining the initial setup, I wi
Of late, we have been porting one of our internal apps from Rails to Phoenix. We are using Capistrano for deploying Rails apps. We have Jenkins CI which listens to features merged into master, and uses Capistrano to deploy to production. For Elixir/Phoenix, we are looking for something similar. Merge features into master, let Jenkins CI run, and package Phoenix app which can be run on production.
Note: This Rails version targeted in the post is one before webpacker got added. The folder structure and procedure might differ if you're using a newer version of Rails. But the context does help. Deployment of a Rails app that uses Webpack to Heroku is tricky because it requires both Node.js and Ruby. After various unsuccessful attempts, I had a solution that worked without customizing Heroku bu
"Process linking and how processes send and handle exit signals" - a very important topic to understand in order to build robust apps in Erlang or Elixir, but also the source of a lot of confusions for beginners. In this post, we'll cover this topic and understand it well, once and for all. Note: Processes are the same in both Erlang and Elixir, so everything below is equally applicable to both la
We have been evaluating Elixir at Codemancers and today I was learning how to spin up a minimal HTTP API endpoint using Elixir. Like Rack in Ruby land, Elixir comes with Plug, a swiss army knife for dealing with HTTP connections. Using Plug to build an HTTP endpoint First, let's create a new Elixir project:
At Codemancers, we're building Rbkit, a fresh code profiler for the Ruby language with tonnes of cool features. I'm currently working on implementing a CPU profiler inside rbkit gem which would help rbkit UI to reconstruct the call graph of the profiled ruby process and draw useful visualizations on the screen. I learned a bunch of new things along the way and I'd love to share them with you in th
How rails reloads your source code in development mode? We all know Rails has this feature, which reloads source code in development mode everytime a request hits server. Starting from version 3.2.0, it introduced faster dev mode where it reloads application code when the code changes, and not on every request. This blog will talk about important parts of Rails source code which helps in achieving
Learning and setting up Emacs can be intimidating and while some folks find much use in using a pre-configured setup like - Emacs Prelude, I personally think it is better that someone new to Emacs installs each and every module himself and learns from it. I am assuming OSX as development environment here but the instructions should work well enough on Linux as well. Install Emacs : Install Emacs u
This is Part - 2 in series of articles we are writing on Dtrace. If you haven't already - do read Part 1. Running Dtrace scripts Before we delve deeper into guts of Dtrace, one of the questions which I often get asked is, How can I profile one off programs (i.e not a application running in background) with Dtrace. There are basically couple of ways you can fire Dtrace. One of them is obviously str
Here is a quick rundown on setting up tab completion in vim for RubyMotion. Configure ctags support Using ctags with vim can save us from typing really long class or method name by hand. RubyMotion already includes a rake task for generating ctags for a project, but first we need to ensure the proper ctags executable is installed in the system. ctags can be installed using a package manager. OSX u
This is a series of blog posts we are going to do in tutorial format, this is Part 1 of our tutorial on Dtrace. DTrace is awesome. If your operating system supports it, using DTrace can give incredible insight into processes that are running on your system. If you are still not convinced about its usefullness you should checkout - How Dtrace helped twitter identify bottlenecks, Profiling Rails sta