This work by RubyKaigi 2025 Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License.
Keynote Speakers Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto tomoya ishida Samuel Williams RubyKaigi 2024 is over. Thank you everyone who made it. See you at RubyKaigi 2025 in Matsuyama!
Live chat and captioning is available at https://takeout.rubykaigi.org/. We only serve English caption. Japanese sessions are transcribed based on English interpretation. Large Hall (#rubykaigiA) and Open Studio (#rubykaigiC) have a small screen to show live chat and caption. Small Hall (#rubykaigiB) doesn't, so use your laptop or mobile device and navigate to the above URL. Wi-Fi is available thr
Takashi Kokubun is a Staff Developer at Shopify, based in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a Ruby committer, he has worked on JIT compilers for Ruby for 5 years. He optimizes YJIT at work and RJIT in his spare time. YJIT delivered a significant speedup to various real-world applications. Have you wondered how a Just-In-Time compiler makes your application fast? Ruby 3.2 has a secret backdoor to hook
Yuji is a software developer based in Adelaide, South Australia. He is originally from Tokyo, Japan. He used to be a Windows desktop application developer until he discovered Ruby. Have you heard of Sega Mega Drive? It was a very popular video gaming platform back in the 80s and 90s, and now you can run programs on it written in Ruby! I have been working on porting mruby/c to Mega Drive. It now wo
9:15; 開場 10:00〜12:00 ただただし「Ruby anywhere 〜Ruby普及のためにアプリケーションができること」 スピーカー ただただし (tDiary.org) 時間 10:00〜10:30 セッション概要 tDiaryの開発と普及の経験を通して、Rubyやそれをとりまくプラットフォームの普及を進めるために、アプリケーションとしてどんなことができるのか考察します。 スピーカー・プロフィール フリーソフトウェアの Web 日記ツール「tDiary」のメイン開発者。 本業は OS/2、Windows 向けアプリケーション開発者を経て、現在は Web プロデューサ。 仕事と Ruby はぜんぜん関係なし。 講演資料 http://sho.tdiary.net/images/RubyKaigi2006.tadatadashi.pdf 関将俊 「dRubyをもう一度」 スピー
RubyKaigi 2022 is over. Thank you everyone who made it. See you at RubyKaigi 2023 in Matsumoto!
Masatoshi Seki is a Ruby committer and the author of several Ruby standard libraries including dRuby, ERB, and Rinda. He’s an expert in object-oriented programming, distributed systems, and eXtreme programming. He has been speaking at RubyKaigi every year since 2006 when the Kaigi first started. He is also Senior Engineer at Canon Medical Systems corp.
PRK Firmware is the world's first keyboard firmware framework in Ruby. You can write not only your own "keymap" in Ruby but also additional behavior by features of Ruby like open class system and Proc object. Plus, your keyboard itself interprets a Ruby script on the fly. Essentially, your keyboard can become Ruby. The ultimate goal is certainly not a small one --- let's make Ruby comparable to pr
'A full-time MRI committer at Cookpad Inc. He has been interested in testing, analyzing, abusing of Ruby. He is an advocate of "transcendental programming" that creates a useless program like this bio. (`_`)'.yield_self{|s|eval(t=%q(puts"'#{s.sub(?_,?_+?_)}'.yield_self{|s|eval(t=%q(#{t}))}"))} Chris is a Researcher (Senior Staff Engineer) at Shopify, where he works on the Ruby programming Language
RubyKaigi Takeout 2021 is ended, thank you for attending! Video archive is available and linked from schedule page. Stay tuned for next RubyKaigi and follow Twitter @RubyKaigi for latest updates. RubyKaigi goes online again We RubyKaigi 2021 team have booked the venue to make RubyKaigi 2021 happen in Mie Prefecture this July (with some hope). However, the COVID-19 situation is still unclear and un
Personal Dilemma: How to work with Ruby in Brazil? July 18, 2011 (Sub Hall) Abstract It was Ruby on Rails that called my attention back in 2005. There were not many people using Ruby in Brazil back then. There were no established community and no market to work with. So, I had a dilemma: I want to work full time with Ruby, but there was no market for me to work for. What to do? Move to the USA or
RubyKaigi Takeout 2020 has ended. See you at RubyKaigi 2021 in Mie! This work by RubyKaigi 2020 Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Don't Wait For Me! Scalable Concurrency for Ruby 3!
yarv2llvmはCRubyのVMの命令列をllvmに変換するトランスレータである。生成するllvmの実行効率を上げるために、型推論を用いるのが特徴である。 yarv2llvmはフィボナッチ級数プログラムでRuby1.9の約40倍の実行速度を得るなど、一定の成果が得られた。一方で、事前に予想していたことではあるが、すべてのRubyプログラムがうまくllvmに変換できるわけではないことも明らかになった。 この発表ではyarv2llvmではうまく変換できないRubyプログラム例とその解決案を説明する。さらに、フルセットRubyをサポートすることを目的に現在開発中の次世代トランスレータ(ytl)の概要を紹介する。
I have been doing software testing for more than 12 years. For the last 5 years, I help to improve the quality in Toptal, the largest fully distributed high-skilled workforce in the world. Contributor to Mozilla. A developer of Watir. Selenium committer and maintainer of selenium-webdriver gem. Tests are often slow and are a bottleneck in development. We build complex CI systems with heavy paralle
Koichi Sasada is a programmer, mainly developing Ruby interpreter (CRuby/MRI). He received Ph.D (Information Science and Technology) from the University of Tokyo, 2007. Now he is still working on MRI development at Cookpad Inc. He is also a director of Ruby Association. Ruby interpreter called MRI (Matz Ruby Interpreter) or CRuby is written in C language. Writing an interpreter in C has several ad
Genadi is a Ruby developer from Sofia, Bulgaria. Ruby on Rails contributor and the maintainer of the web-console gem. In this talk, we'll build a simple byebug-like debugger in plain Ruby. We'll try to go all the way, but also explain what we cannot do without some C or Java code. Let's imagine a Ruby future, where a debugger written in Ruby can be used in CRuby, JRuby and even TruffleRuby!
Founder & Software Architect at Treasure Data, Inc. "Sada" is an enthusiast for open-source software design that helps adoption of distributed systems in production. His software list includes MessagePack, Fluentd, Embulk, and Digdag. GitHub: https://github.com/frsyuki MessagePack is known as one of the world's fastest object serialization formats available with compatibility to JSON. MessagePack
Colin Fulton is a frontend developer and web accessibility specialist for Duo Security, a division of Cisco in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Colin is amazed and amused that it took significantly more character to write this simple bio than it did to implement Conway's "Game of Life" in Ruby. An 8-bit CPU running at 1 megahertz. Kilobytes of RAM. The Apple II was released in the 1970's and many people first
pixiv Inc. Tokyo office, GMO Pepabo, Inc. Fukuoka office
GraphQL Migration: A Proper Use Case for Metaprogramming?
GMO Pepabo, Inc. is a Tokyo and Fukuoka-based leading tech company that has strong advantages in technologies including Ruby-related ones such as Ruby, Rails, and mruby. We have contributed to the Ruby world for years; we employ a CRuby committer and many prominent Ruby hackers. The mission of ZOZO Technologies, Inc. is to operation services and to develop technology that will help improve the ent
Jeremy Evans is the lead developer of the Sequel database library, the Roda web toolkit, the Rodauth authentication framework, and many other Ruby libraries. He has contributed to CRuby and JRuby, as well as many popular Ruby libraries. He is the maintainer of Ruby ports for the OpenBSD operating system.
A Ruby committer, Director of Network Applied Communication Laboratory, and Secretary general of the Ruby Association Now FLOSS is so common that even Microsoft use it and develop it. But do you have control over your tools for daily use? Building your own tools is the best way to develop software, and Ruby is the best language for such use. In this talk, I introduce my own tools and my developmen
This work by RubyKaigi 2019 Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Julian is a Production Engineer at Shopify working on developer productivity and experience. Working on the Shopify application, one of the larger Ruby apps out there, has provided a good look into performance related topics in the Ruby ecosystem that he is anxious to share. As Ruby organizations scale, more developers join the team. More developers makes it increasingly difficult to enforce code
Keynote speakers Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Alan Wu Soutaro Matsumoto
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