We investigated the effect of spatial memory capacity and content maps on readers' memory for hyp... more We investigated the effect of spatial memory capacity and content maps on readers' memory for hypertext structure. Simple hierarchical hypertexts were built on four topics. For each topic there was a 6-node and a 9-node version. Each version came with or without a content map. Young adult participants were asked to read each hypertext with the purpose of learning the contents and structure. Then, they had to recall the layout of nodes and links. Memory for links varied as a function of spatial memory and the presence or absence of a map. When no map was available, high spatial memory participants drew more accurate maps than low memory participants. When a map was available the two groups had better results and did not differ from each other. The benefit of the map was larger for 9-node than for 6-node items. The results indicate that mentally representing hypertext structure relies on spatial working memory. Global content representations act as scaffolds for low spatial memory users.
Abstract: Williams-syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by a specific developmental ... more Abstract: Williams-syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by a specific developmental profile following damage to a sequence on chromosome 7. A basic feature of the WS cognitive profile is assumed to be a dissociation between verbal and spatial ...
Nem valami szellemrõl vagy kizárólag a filozófiatörténészek számára releváns dologról beszélek, a... more Nem valami szellemrõl vagy kizárólag a filozófiatörténészek számára releváns dologról beszélek, amikor a mai kognitív kutatás és ezen belül a pszichológia és Wittgenstein viszonyát keresem. Az 1. ábra mutatja, hogy a mi szakmánk egyik alapvetõ integratív folyóirata, a Cognitive Science hasábjain negyedszázad alatt a kortárs filozófusok közül -Quine és Kuhn mellett -Wittgenstein volt a leghivatkozottabb.
Researchers have wondered how the brain creates emotions since the early days of psychological sc... more Researchers have wondered how the brain creates emotions since the early days of psychological science. With a surge of studies in affective neuroscience in recent decades, scientists are poised to answer this question. In this target article, we present a meta-analytic summary of the neuroimaging literature on human emotion. We compare the locationist approach (i.e., the hypothesis that discrete emotion categories consistently and specifically correspond to distinct brain regions) with the psychological constructionist approach (i.e., the hypothesis that discrete emotion categories are constructed of more general brain networks not specific to those categories) to better understand the brain basis of emotion. We review both locationist and psychological constructionist hypotheses of brain-emotion correspondence and report meta-analytic findings bearing on these hypotheses. Overall, we found little evidence that discrete emotion categories can be consistently and specifically localized to distinct brain regions. Instead, we found evidence that is consistent with a psychological constructionist approach to the mind: A set of interacting brain regions commonly involved in basic psychological operations of both an emotional and non-emotional nature are active during emotion experience and perception across a range of discrete emotion categories.
08. 1. táblázat. Három felfogás a gépek szerepéről (PLÉH, 1998 nyomán) KONCEPCIÓ DETERMINÁCIÓ IRÁ... more 08. 1. táblázat. Három felfogás a gépek szerepéről (PLÉH, 1998 nyomán) KONCEPCIÓ DETERMINÁCIÓ IRÁNYA P É L D A Metaforikus A számítógép átalakítja metaforáinkat. Idegrendszer és elme mint komputer. Pontok vagyunk egy hálózatban. Gépi determinista A számítógép átalakítja életünket. A komputer magát a gondolkodást képviseli. CT, számlák, helyfoglalás, erős mesterséges intelligencia. Instrumentális A gép és a hálózat új kutatási eszközöket teremt. Használati statisztikák. Kísérletek a WEB-en. Az utóbbi fél évszázadban, a számítógépek hatására kétségtelenül megváltozott az ember önképe. Az információfeldolgozó kép metaforája átalakította azt, ahogyan magunkról beszélünk és gondolkodunk. Mindannyiunk által láthatóan megválto-A lélek a WEB világában: Kapcsolatok és tanulás az új IKT közegében 681
The description of the heterogeneous phenomenological, pathophysiological, and etiological nature... more The description of the heterogeneous phenomenological, pathophysiological, and etiological nature of schizophrenia is under way; however, the relationships between heterogeneity levels are still unclear. We performed a robust cross-sectional study, including a systematic neuropsychological battery, assessment of clinical symptoms, neurological soft signs, morphogenetic anomalies and smell identification, and measurement of eventrelated potentials on 50 outpatients with schizophrenia in their compensated states. An explorative fuzzy cluster analysis revealed two subgroups in this sample that could be distinguished from each other on symptomatological, cognitive and neurological levels. The patterns of cognitive dysfunctions and neurological developmental anomalies equally indicate that there may be hemispherical differences between the patients belonging to the different clusters.
Picture naming is a widely used technique in psycholinguistic studies. Here, we describe new on-l... more Picture naming is a widely used technique in psycholinguistic studies. Here, we describe new on-line resources that our project has compiled and made available to researchers on the world wide web at http://crl.ucsd.edu/~aszekely/ipnp/. The website provides access to a wide range of picture stimuli and related norms in seven languages. Picture naming norms, including indices of name agreement and latency, for 520 black-and-white drawings of common objects and 275 concrete transitive and intransitive actions are presented. Norms for age-of-acquisition, word-frequency, familiarity, goodness-of-depiction, and visual complexity are included. An on-line database query system can be used to select a specific range of stimuli, based on parameters of interest for a wide range of studies on healthy and clinical populations, as well as studies of language development.
This chapter summarizes the extensive discussions that took place during the Forum as well as in ... more This chapter summarizes the extensive discussions that took place during the Forum as well as in the subsequent months thereafter. It assesses current understanding of the neuronal mechanisms that underlie syntactic structure and processing…. It is posited that to understand the neurobiology of syntax, it might be worthwhile to shift the balance from comprehension to syntactic encoding in language production
We investigated the impact of readers' visuo-spatial (VS) capacity on their incidental learning o... more We investigated the impact of readers' visuo-spatial (VS) capacity on their incidental learning of page links during the exploration of simple hierarchical hypertextual documents. Forty-three university students were asked to explore a series of hypertexts for a limited period of time. Then the participants were asked to recall the layout and the contents of the pages. We found that low VS capacity readers had more difficulty recalling the links located at a deeper level in the page hierarchy. A content map included in half the trials had a limited effect on recall accuracy. We conclude that reading networked digital documents taps VS working memory, possibly due to readers' attempts to construct a topological representation of the network that coexists with the semantic representation of the contents.
Our paper is an attempt to indicate the relevance of information theoretical accounts to understa... more Our paper is an attempt to indicate the relevance of information theoretical accounts to understand word recognition and morphological processing in Hungarian, along with other studies using more traditional predictors like linear position and morphological composition. The first two experiments were gating studies. The effect of the decision points was only evident in frequent words. The correct recognition means for the recognition points differ from the means for one-before-recognition points, indicating that the recognition point follows a sudden drop of the entropy value. This shows how entropy measures can be used to predict word recognition in actual language performance. The next two experiments examined the word reconstruction effect. A clear bathtub effect was obtained: reconstruction was highest in the cases where both the beginning and the end were correct. The last, lexical decision based study used four basic morphological types of markers (plural, second and first possessive) and three types of case (-nak,-ban-,-ra 'DAT, INSIDE, ONTO). The main effect of the frequency and the error type was significant. Frequent words were judged faster but less accurately, suggesting a trade-off. The later the mistake is, the faster and easier its rejection was.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2009
Purpose-Hungarian is a null-subject language with both agglutinating and fusional elements in its... more Purpose-Hungarian is a null-subject language with both agglutinating and fusional elements in its verb inflection system, and agreement between the verb and object as well as between the verb and subject. These characteristics make this language a good test case for alternative accounts of the grammatical deficits of children with language impairment (LI).
We investigated the effect of spatial memory capacity and content maps on readers' memory for hyp... more We investigated the effect of spatial memory capacity and content maps on readers' memory for hypertext structure. Simple hierarchical hypertexts were built on four topics. For each topic there was a 6-node and a 9-node version. Each version came with or without a content map. Young adult participants were asked to read each hypertext with the purpose of learning the contents and structure. Then, they had to recall the layout of nodes and links. Memory for links varied as a function of spatial memory and the presence or absence of a map. When no map was available, high spatial memory participants drew more accurate maps than low memory participants. When a map was available the two groups had better results and did not differ from each other. The benefit of the map was larger for 9-node than for 6-node items. The results indicate that mentally representing hypertext structure relies on spatial working memory. Global content representations act as scaffolds for low spatial memory users.
Abstract: Williams-syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by a specific developmental ... more Abstract: Williams-syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by a specific developmental profile following damage to a sequence on chromosome 7. A basic feature of the WS cognitive profile is assumed to be a dissociation between verbal and spatial ...
Nem valami szellemrõl vagy kizárólag a filozófiatörténészek számára releváns dologról beszélek, a... more Nem valami szellemrõl vagy kizárólag a filozófiatörténészek számára releváns dologról beszélek, amikor a mai kognitív kutatás és ezen belül a pszichológia és Wittgenstein viszonyát keresem. Az 1. ábra mutatja, hogy a mi szakmánk egyik alapvetõ integratív folyóirata, a Cognitive Science hasábjain negyedszázad alatt a kortárs filozófusok közül -Quine és Kuhn mellett -Wittgenstein volt a leghivatkozottabb.
Researchers have wondered how the brain creates emotions since the early days of psychological sc... more Researchers have wondered how the brain creates emotions since the early days of psychological science. With a surge of studies in affective neuroscience in recent decades, scientists are poised to answer this question. In this target article, we present a meta-analytic summary of the neuroimaging literature on human emotion. We compare the locationist approach (i.e., the hypothesis that discrete emotion categories consistently and specifically correspond to distinct brain regions) with the psychological constructionist approach (i.e., the hypothesis that discrete emotion categories are constructed of more general brain networks not specific to those categories) to better understand the brain basis of emotion. We review both locationist and psychological constructionist hypotheses of brain-emotion correspondence and report meta-analytic findings bearing on these hypotheses. Overall, we found little evidence that discrete emotion categories can be consistently and specifically localized to distinct brain regions. Instead, we found evidence that is consistent with a psychological constructionist approach to the mind: A set of interacting brain regions commonly involved in basic psychological operations of both an emotional and non-emotional nature are active during emotion experience and perception across a range of discrete emotion categories.
08. 1. táblázat. Három felfogás a gépek szerepéről (PLÉH, 1998 nyomán) KONCEPCIÓ DETERMINÁCIÓ IRÁ... more 08. 1. táblázat. Három felfogás a gépek szerepéről (PLÉH, 1998 nyomán) KONCEPCIÓ DETERMINÁCIÓ IRÁNYA P É L D A Metaforikus A számítógép átalakítja metaforáinkat. Idegrendszer és elme mint komputer. Pontok vagyunk egy hálózatban. Gépi determinista A számítógép átalakítja életünket. A komputer magát a gondolkodást képviseli. CT, számlák, helyfoglalás, erős mesterséges intelligencia. Instrumentális A gép és a hálózat új kutatási eszközöket teremt. Használati statisztikák. Kísérletek a WEB-en. Az utóbbi fél évszázadban, a számítógépek hatására kétségtelenül megváltozott az ember önképe. Az információfeldolgozó kép metaforája átalakította azt, ahogyan magunkról beszélünk és gondolkodunk. Mindannyiunk által láthatóan megválto-A lélek a WEB világában: Kapcsolatok és tanulás az új IKT közegében 681
The description of the heterogeneous phenomenological, pathophysiological, and etiological nature... more The description of the heterogeneous phenomenological, pathophysiological, and etiological nature of schizophrenia is under way; however, the relationships between heterogeneity levels are still unclear. We performed a robust cross-sectional study, including a systematic neuropsychological battery, assessment of clinical symptoms, neurological soft signs, morphogenetic anomalies and smell identification, and measurement of eventrelated potentials on 50 outpatients with schizophrenia in their compensated states. An explorative fuzzy cluster analysis revealed two subgroups in this sample that could be distinguished from each other on symptomatological, cognitive and neurological levels. The patterns of cognitive dysfunctions and neurological developmental anomalies equally indicate that there may be hemispherical differences between the patients belonging to the different clusters.
Picture naming is a widely used technique in psycholinguistic studies. Here, we describe new on-l... more Picture naming is a widely used technique in psycholinguistic studies. Here, we describe new on-line resources that our project has compiled and made available to researchers on the world wide web at http://crl.ucsd.edu/~aszekely/ipnp/. The website provides access to a wide range of picture stimuli and related norms in seven languages. Picture naming norms, including indices of name agreement and latency, for 520 black-and-white drawings of common objects and 275 concrete transitive and intransitive actions are presented. Norms for age-of-acquisition, word-frequency, familiarity, goodness-of-depiction, and visual complexity are included. An on-line database query system can be used to select a specific range of stimuli, based on parameters of interest for a wide range of studies on healthy and clinical populations, as well as studies of language development.
This chapter summarizes the extensive discussions that took place during the Forum as well as in ... more This chapter summarizes the extensive discussions that took place during the Forum as well as in the subsequent months thereafter. It assesses current understanding of the neuronal mechanisms that underlie syntactic structure and processing…. It is posited that to understand the neurobiology of syntax, it might be worthwhile to shift the balance from comprehension to syntactic encoding in language production
We investigated the impact of readers' visuo-spatial (VS) capacity on their incidental learning o... more We investigated the impact of readers' visuo-spatial (VS) capacity on their incidental learning of page links during the exploration of simple hierarchical hypertextual documents. Forty-three university students were asked to explore a series of hypertexts for a limited period of time. Then the participants were asked to recall the layout and the contents of the pages. We found that low VS capacity readers had more difficulty recalling the links located at a deeper level in the page hierarchy. A content map included in half the trials had a limited effect on recall accuracy. We conclude that reading networked digital documents taps VS working memory, possibly due to readers' attempts to construct a topological representation of the network that coexists with the semantic representation of the contents.
Our paper is an attempt to indicate the relevance of information theoretical accounts to understa... more Our paper is an attempt to indicate the relevance of information theoretical accounts to understand word recognition and morphological processing in Hungarian, along with other studies using more traditional predictors like linear position and morphological composition. The first two experiments were gating studies. The effect of the decision points was only evident in frequent words. The correct recognition means for the recognition points differ from the means for one-before-recognition points, indicating that the recognition point follows a sudden drop of the entropy value. This shows how entropy measures can be used to predict word recognition in actual language performance. The next two experiments examined the word reconstruction effect. A clear bathtub effect was obtained: reconstruction was highest in the cases where both the beginning and the end were correct. The last, lexical decision based study used four basic morphological types of markers (plural, second and first possessive) and three types of case (-nak,-ban-,-ra 'DAT, INSIDE, ONTO). The main effect of the frequency and the error type was significant. Frequent words were judged faster but less accurately, suggesting a trade-off. The later the mistake is, the faster and easier its rejection was.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2009
Purpose-Hungarian is a null-subject language with both agglutinating and fusional elements in its... more Purpose-Hungarian is a null-subject language with both agglutinating and fusional elements in its verb inflection system, and agreement between the verb and object as well as between the verb and subject. These characteristics make this language a good test case for alternative accounts of the grammatical deficits of children with language impairment (LI).
Papers by C. Pleh