Dynamics of two floating wind turbines with shared anchor and mooring lines
uploaded here on January 2023
Investigation of the floating IEA wind 15-MW RWT using vortex methods Part II: Wake impact on downstream turbines under turbulent inflow
uploaded here on January 2023
Verification of SIMPACK-MoorDyn coupling using 15 MW IEA-Wind reference models Activefloat and WindCrete
uploaded here on January 2023
Updated – COREWIND’s key achievements leaflet
September 2022
This updated version of the COREWIND leaflet provides a snapshot of the COREWIND project and its key achievements since the beginning of the project
COREWIND Deliverable D1.4 Methods For Multiple Floaters And Dynamic Cables
September 2021
This deliverable describes calculation methods for shared mooring lines and shared anchors. Shared mooring lines are implemented in the HAWC2 code and the dynamic modes of three coupled turbine configurations are examined through eigenvalue analysis. The methods are applicable for dynamic cables too. Shared anchors are analysed in Orcaflex for three configurations. The calculation method can be used for the dimensioning of shared anchors.
Floating Wind O&M Strategies Assessment
August 2021
This study investigates the effect of different O&M strategies and new requirements on the OPEX in the prospect of future floating offshore wind farms by providing a comprehensive O&M cost model analysis. Representative operational limits are generated for different maintenance activities – i.e. offshore major component exchange and tow-in operation – including the influence of workability, transportability and accessibility. The most promising scenarios with the most favourable strategy for major component exchange and crew transfer are summarised for each reference floater design and reference site.
Response of the IEA Wind 15 MW – WindCrete and Activefloat floating wind turbines to wind and second-order waves
February 2021
Comparison of loads from HAWC2 and OpenFAST for the IEA Wind 15 MW Reference Wind Turbine
General frame of the analysis and description of the new FOW assessment app
November 2020
This report shows the framework methodology to develop the Floating Offshore Wind Assessment app (FowApp)
Disclaimer: The document is the preprint version of the project Deliverable 6.1, which is still under review by the European Commission.
Identification of floating-wind-specific O&M requirements and monitoring technologies
August 2020
This document identifies floating-wind-specific requirements as well as state-of-the-art techniques and monitoring technologies in order to enable economic O&M operations for future commercial floating wind farms. The deliverable concludes with recommendations for advanced O&M strategies.
Design Basis
August 2020
The purpose of this document is to define the basis for the analysis and design of the FOWT configurations to be developed during this project. The basis defines the framework for covering the design of both floater types (spar and semi-submersible) and all their subsystems.
Public design and FAST models of the two 15MW floater-turbine concepts
April 2020
The report describes the two floating OpenFAST models for the WindCrete spar and the ActiveFloat semi-submersible. The floaters are designed for the IEA Wind 15MW reference wind turbine. Moreover, Ultimate Limit State (ULS) load cases are selected for the mooring and dynamic cable design in COREWIND.
Disclaimer: The document is the preprint version of the project Deliverable 1.3, which is still under review by the European Commission.
April 2020
The Corewind leaflet provides a snapshot of the Corewind project, its objectives and partners involved
Review of the state of the art of mooring and anchoring designs, technical challenges and identification of relevant DLCs
February 2020
This publication defines current mooring and anchoring state of the art for floating wind projects currently installed or in construction phase. The aim is to ensure specifications and requirements to be developed within mooring account for current industry status.
Review of the state of the art of dynamic cable system design
February 2020
This document defines the current dynamic cable state of the art for floating wind projects currently installed or being engineered which will ensure specifications and requirements to be developed account for current industry status.
Definition of the 15MW reference wind turbine
October 2019
This publication defines a 15 MW reference wind turbine, implemented in the aeroelastic HAWC2 model. The turbine feeds into the further activities in WP1 and the rest of COREWIND, and will form the basis for the floater designs of COBRA and UPC.
Report of initial Kick-off meeting (KoM)
September 2019
The Kick-off Meeting (KoM) is the first General Meeting with the main objective of launching a Project, coordinating how the work starts and defining the framework and steps for achieving the defined objectives.