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CHI 2004: Vienna, Austria
- Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson, Manfred Tscheligi:
Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2004, Vienna, Austria, April 24 - 29, 2004. ACM 2004, ISBN 1-58113-702-8 - Stephen S. Intille, Ling Bao, Emmanuel Munguia Tapia, John Rondoni:
Acquiring in situ training data for context-aware ubiquitous computing applications. 1-8 - Effie Lai-Chong Law, Ebba Thora Hvannberg:
Analysis of combinatorial user effect in international usability tests. 9-16 - Perttu Hämäläinen, Mikko Lindholm, Ari Nykänen, Johanna Höysniemi:
Animaatiokone: an installation for creating clay animation. 17-24 - Monica M. C. Schraefel, Gareth V. Hughes, Hugo R. Mills, Graham Smith, Terry R. Payne
, Jeremy G. Frey:
Breaking the book: translating the chemistry lab book into a pervasive computing lab environment. 25-32 - Anind K. Dey, Raffay Hamid, Chris Beckmann, Ian Li, Daniel Hsu:
a CAPpella: programming by demonstration of context-aware applications. 33-40 - Masanori Sugimoto, Kazuhiro Hosoi, Hiromichi Hashizume:
Caretta: a system for supporting face-to-face collaboration by integrating personal and shared spaces. 41-48 - Diane J. Schiano, Sheryl M. Ehrlich, Kyle Sheridan:
Categorical imperative NOT: facial affect is perceived continuously. 49-56 - Robert C. Miller, Alisa M. Marshall:
Cluster-based find and replace. 57-64 - John D. Lee, Joshua D. Hoffman, Elizabeth Hayes:
Collision warning design to mitigate driver distraction. 65-72 - Melanie Tory
, Torsten Möller, M. Stella Atkins, Arthur E. Kirkpatrick:
Combining 2D and 3D views for orientation and relative position tasks. 73-80 - Daniel Wigdor, Ravin Balakrishnan:
A comparison of consecutive and concurrent input text entry techniques for mobile phones. 81-88 - Leah Findlater, Joanna McGrenere:
A comparison of static, adaptive, and adaptable menus. 89-96 - David E. Kieras
, Thomas P. Santoro:
Computational GOMS modeling of a complex team task: lessons learned. 97-104 - Ragnar Bade, Stefan Schlechtweg, Silvia Miksch:
Connecting time-oriented data and information to a coherent interactive visualization. 105-112 - Víctor M. González
, Gloria Mark:
"Constant, constant, multi-tasking craziness": managing multiple working spheres. 113-120 - Alonso H. Vera, Andrew Howes, Michael McCurdy, Richard L. Lewis:
A constraint satisfaction approach to predicting skilled interactive cognition. 121-128 - Jeffrey T. Hancock, Jennifer Thom-Santelli, Thompson Ritchie:
Deception and design: the impact of communication technology on lying behavior. 129-134 - Kathleen Luchini, Chris Quintana, Elliot Soloway:
Design guidelines for learner-centered handheld tools. 135-142 - David Vronay, Shuo Wang:
Designing a compelling user interface for morphing. 143-149 - Amy J. Ko, Brad A. Myers:
Designing the whyline: a debugging interface for asking questions about program behavior. 151-158 - Rachid Hourizi, Peter Johnson:
Designing to support awareness: a predictive, composite model. 159-166 - Chia Shen, Frédéric Vernier, Clifton Forlines, Meredith Ringel:
DiamondSpin: an extensible toolkit for around-the-table interaction. 167-174 - Mary Czerwinski, Eric Horvitz, Susan Wilhite:
A diary study of task switching and interruptions. 175-182 - Hideaki Kuzuoka, Keiichi Yamazaki, Akiko Yamazaki, Jun'ichi Kosaka, Yasuko Suga, Christian Heath:
Dual ecologies of robot as communication media: thoughts on coordinating orientations and projectability. 183-190 - Susan R. Fussell
, Sara B. Kiesler, Leslie D. Setlock, Peter Scupelli
Effects of instant messaging on the management of multiple project trajectories. 191-198 - Tim Harter, Sander Vroegindeweij, Erik Geelhoed, Meera Manahan, Parthasarathy Ranganathan:
Energy-aware user interfaces: an evaluation of user acceptance. 199-206 - James Fogarty, Scott E. Hudson, Jennifer C. Lai:
Examining the robustness of sensor-based statistical models of human interruptibility. 207-214 - Jonathan J. Cadiz, Attila Narin, Gavin Jancke, Anoop Gupta, Michael Boyle:
Exploring PC-telephone convergence with the enhanced telephony prototype. 215-222 - Eric Paulos, Elizabeth Goodman:
The familiar stranger: anxiety, comfort, and play in public places. 223-230 - Dan R. Olsen, Stephen Bart Wood:
Fan-out: measuring human control of multiple robots. 231-238 - Anatole Lécuyer, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Laurent Étienne:
Feeling bumps and holes without a haptic interface: the perception of pseudo-haptic textures. 239-246 - Antti Oulasvirta:
Finding meaningful uses for context-aware technologies: the humanistic research strategy. 247-254 - Patrick Baudisch, John Pruitt, Steve Ball:
Flat volume control: improving usability by hiding the volume control hierarchy in the user interface. 255-262 - Carsten Schwesig, Ivan Poupyrev, Eijiro Mori:
Gummi: a bendable computer. 263-270 - Piotr D. Adamczyk, Brian P. Bailey:
If not now, when?: the effects of interruption at different moments within task execution. 271-278 - Elaine M. Huang, Daniel M. Russell, Alison E. Sue:
IM here: public instant messaging on large, shared displays for workgroup interactions. 279-286 - T. J. Robertson, Shrinu Prabhakararao, Margaret M. Burnett, Curtis R. Cook, Joseph R. Ruthruff, Laura Beckwith, Amit Phalgune:
Impact of interruption style on end-user debugging. 287-294 - Sunil Vemuri, Philip DeCamp, Walter Bender, Chris Schmandt:
Improving speech playback using time-compression and speech recognition. 295-302 - Kimiko Ryokai, Stefan Marti, Hiroshi Ishii:
I/O brush: drawing with everyday objects as ink. 303-310 - Julie A. Jacko
, Leon Barnard, Thitima Kongnakorn, Kevin P. Moloney, Paula J. Edwards, V. Kathlene Emery, François Sainfort:
Isolating the effects of visual impairment: exploring the effect of AMD on the utility of multimodal feedback. 311-318 - Luis von Ahn, Laura Dabbish
Labeling images with a computer game. 319-326 - Tim Beamish, Karon E. MacLean, Sidney S. Fels:
Manipulating music: multimodal interaction for DJs. 327-334 - Mick McGee:
Master usability scaling: magnitude estimation and master scaling applied to usability measurement. 335-342 - Robert St. Amant, Thomas E. Horton, Frank E. Ritter:
Model-based evaluation of cell phone menu interaction. 343-350 - Andriy Pavlovych, Wolfgang Stürzlinger
Model for non-expert text entry speed on 12-button phone keypads. 351-358 - Barry A. Po, Brian D. Fisher
, Kellogg S. Booth:
Mouse and touchscreen selection in the upper and lower visual fields. 359-366 - Patrick Baudisch, Carl Gutwin:
Multiblending: displaying overlapping windows simultaneously without the drawbacks of alpha blending. 367-374 - Michael J. Muller, Werner Geyer, Beth Brownholtz, Eric Wilcox, David R. Millen:
One-hundred days in an activity-centric collaboration environment based on shared objects. 375-382 - Ryan Shaun Baker, Albert T. Corbett, Kenneth R. Koedinger, Angela Z. Wagner:
Off-task behavior in the cognitive tutor classroom: when students "game the system". 383-390 - Andy Crabtree, Steve Benford
, Tom Rodden, Chris Greenhalgh, Martin Flintham
, Rob Anastasi, Adam Drozd, Matt Adams, Ju Row-Farr, Nick Tandavanitj, Anthony Steed
Orchestrating a mixed reality game 'on the ground'. 391-398 - Scott R. Klemmer, Jack Li, James Lin, James A. Landay:
Papier-Mache: toolkit support for tangible input. 399-406 - Karyn Moffatt
, Joanna McGrenere, Barbara Purves, Maria M. Klawe:
The participatory design of a sound and image enhanced daily planner for people with aphasia. 407-414 - Jaime Teevan, Christine Alvarado, Mark S. Ackerman, David R. Karger:
The perfect search engine is not enough: a study of orienteering behavior in directed search. 415-422 - Poika Isokoski:
Performance of menu-augmented soft keyboards. 423-430 - Darren Gergle
, David R. Millen, Robert E. Kraut, Susan R. Fussell
Persistence matters: making the most of chat in tightly-coupled work. 431-438 - Desney S. Tan, Darren Gergle
, Peter Scupelli
, Randy Pausch:
Physically large displays improve path integration in 3D virtual navigation tasks. 439-446 - Tovi Grossman, Ravin Balakrishnan:
Pointing at trivariate targets in 3D environments. 447-454 - Bonnie E. John, Konstantine C. Prevas, Dario D. Salvucci, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
Predictive human performance modeling made easy. 455-462 - Jeffrey Heer, Nathaniel Good, Ana Ramirez, Marc Davis, Jennifer Mankoff:
Presiding over accidents: system direction of human action. 463-470 - Carlos Jensen, Colin Potts:
Privacy policies as decision-making tools: an evaluation of online privacy notices. 471-478 - Dag Svanaes, Gry Seland:
Putting the users center stage: role playing and low-fi prototyping enable end users to design mobile systems. 479-486 - Gonzalo A. Ramos, Matthew Boulos, Ravin Balakrishnan:
Pressure widgets. 487-494 - Joëlle Bitton, Stefan Agamanolis, Matthew Karau:
RAW: conveying minimally-mediated impressions of everyday life with an audio-photographic tool. 495-502 - Carl Gutwin, Steve Benford
, Jeff Dyck, Mike Fraser, Ivan Vaghi, Chris Greenhalgh:
Revealing delay in collaborative environments. 503-510 - Stephen B. Hughes, Michael Lewis:
Robotic camera control for remote exploration. 511-517 - Renaud Blanch, Yves Guiard, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon:
Semantic pointing: improving target acquisition with control-display ratio adaptation. 519-526 - Steve Whittaker, Brian Amento:
Semantic speech editing. 527-534 - John D. McCarthy, Martina Angela Sasse, Dimitrios Miras:
Sharp or smooth?: comparing the effects of quantization vs. frame rate for streamed video. 535-542 - Cliff Lampe, Paul Resnick:
Slash(dot) and burn: distributed moderation in a large online conversation space. 543-550 - Danyel Fisher
, Paul Dourish:
Social and temporal structures in everyday collaboration. 551-558 - Thomas Erickson, Wei Huang, Catalina Danis, Wendy A. Kellogg:
A social proxy for distributed tasks: design and evaluation of a working prototype. 559-566 - Richard J. Anderson, Crystal Hoyer, Steven A. Wolfman, Ruth E. Anderson:
A study of digital ink in lecture presentation. 567-574 - Fernanda B. Viégas, Martin Wattenberg, Kushal Dave:
Studying cooperation and conflict between authors with history flow visualizations. 575-582 - Richard Boardman, Martina Angela Sasse:
"Stuff goes into the computer and doesn't come out": a cross-tool study of personal information management. 583-590 - Steve Tsang, Ravin Balakrishnan, Karan Singh, Abhishek Ranjan:
A suggestive interface for image guided 3D sketching. 591-598 - Scott Counts, Eric Fellheimer:
Supporting social presence through lightweight photo sharing on and off the desktop. 599-606 - Sachi Mizobuchi
, Michiaki Yasumura:
Tapping vs. circling selections on pen-based devices: evidence for different performance-shaping factors. 607-614 - Karrie Karahalios, Judith S. Donath:
Telemurals: linking remote spaces with social catalysts. 615-622 - S. M. Goza, Robert O. Ambrose, Myron A. Diftler, Ivan M. Spain:
Telepresence control of the NASA/DARPA robonaut on a mobility platform. 623-629 - Pamela J. Ludford, Dan Cosley, Dan Frankowski, Loren G. Terveen:
Think different: increasing online community participation using uniqueness and group dissimilarity. 631-638 - Magnus Ingmarsson, David Dinka, Shumin Zhai:
TNT: a numeric keypad based text input method. 639-646 - Hayes Raffle, Amanda J. Parkes, Hiroshi Ishii:
Topobo: a constructive assembly system with kinetic memory. 647-654 - Hideyuki Nakanishi, Satoshi Koizumi, Toru Ishida, Hideaki Ito:
Transcendent communication: location-based guidance for large-scale public spaces. 655-662 - Elizabeth Sillence, Pamela Briggs
, Lesley Fishwick, Peter R. Harris
Trust and mistrust of online health sites. 663-670 - Kent Lyons, Thad Starner, Daniel Plaisted, James Fusia, Amanda Lyons, Aaron Drew, E. W. Looney:
Twiddler typing: one-handed chording text entry for mobile phones. 671-678 - Xiaodong Jiang, Jason I. Hong, Leila Takayama, James A. Landay:
Ubiquitous computing for firefighters: field studies and prototypes of large displays for incident command. 679-686 - Min Lin, Wayne G. Lutters, Tina S. Kim:
Understanding the micronote lifecycle: improving mobile support for informal note taking. 687-694 - Sarah P. Everett, Michael D. Byrne:
Unintended effects: varying icon spacing changes users' visual search strategy. 695-702 - Steve Cornett:
The usability of massively multiplayer online roleplaying games: designing for new users. 703-710 - Michael A. Terry, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Yasuhiro Yamamoto:
Variation in element and action: supporting simultaneous development of alternative solutions. 711-718 - James Jeng-Weei Lin, Habib Abi-Rached, Michal Lahav:
Virtual guiding avatar: an effective procedure to reduce simulator sickness in virtual environments. 719-726 - Tim Paek, Susan T. Dumais, Ron Logan:
WaveLens: a new view onto Internet search results. 727-734 - Victoria Bellotti, Brinda Dalal, Nathaniel Good, Peter Flynn, Daniel G. Bobrow, Nicolas Ducheneaut:
What a to-do: studies of task management towards the design of a personal task list manager. 735-742

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